Remover is made for deleting trees, floating things and even small mountains or buildings. First thing to say is, that you should be careful with this plugin ! It is base on AntiTower plugin and many users stated they wanted an undo function - i implemented one. Feature list: remove trees, buildings, floating things or small mountains by right clicking right clicking again removes selection left clicking cancels the remove marks your selection (block for right / left click: purple wool - rest of selection: pink wool) has a block limit to protect the map (can be set in config - default: 2500 (blocks)) you can to define a tool which is then used for the selection (default: shears) OPs can use Remover Players with permission node remover.* can use Remover Installation: Download plugin Copy Remover.jar to your plugin folder Start server config file will be created (plugins/Remover/config.yml) Edit the config only: if you want higher (be careful as this might cause errors !) or lower block limit if you want another tool for selection if you edited the config.yml restart your server How to use: Be an op or have the remover.* permission grab some shears select a tree or something with right click when holding shears follow the plugin ingame instructions Download Remover v0.1 @ BukkitDev Planned features / To-Do: add additional command undo
you can remove floating trees with this easily however i have to update it to latest craftbukkit release as it might not work - is planned for this weekend