Plugin Archives
Plugin threads that have come to an end. They remain for research purposes.
Archived: Plugin Releases
Archive Only.
No new plugins will be added here. Use BukkitDev instead.- Discussions:
- 265
- Messages:
- 113,445
Latest: [MECH] ObsidianDestroyer v4.1 - Allow obsidian to be blown up! [1.6.4-R1.0] drtshock, Nov 9, 2014 -
Inactive/Unsupported Plugins
Inactive and unsupported plugins can be found here for reference sake and/or if anyone, including the author, wants to revive the plugin.
- Discussions:
- 4,910
- Messages:
- 450,893
Latest: [SEC] Lockette - Simple chest and door lock, no databases! [Moved to BukkitDev] MaliciousMan, Oct 19, 2014 -
Archived: Plugin Requests
When a plugin request has reached the point that it is no longer a current topic it is archived here for searching.
- Discussions:
- 40,507
- Messages:
- 257,017
Latest: CombatLog Region timtower, Dec 12, 2014
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