Votifier Webpage Display [Votifier, PHP, AJAX]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ndvenckus1, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Oh left something in it. 1 sec

    Fixed :3

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
  2. Offline


    Thank you!!!!

    Thanks to you, were finally gonna host voting events each month! :D
    http://pixelworld.info/vote/ - took a while till i got it all working and being sexy as hell.

    Again, THANK. YOU.

    btw, if someone is voting and doesnt insert his username, itll appear as a blank line on the table ):

    EDIT: did this
    if ($db_field['playername'] == '') {
    else {
    print "<td>" . $db_field['playername'] . "</td>";
    idk if that works, never handled php before. is that good?
  3. Offline


    I've never handled PHP before either, but assuming your code works, you can make it a lot simpler.
    if ($db_field['playername'] != '')
    print "<td>" . $db_field['playername'] . "</td>";
    Again, not sure that'll even work :p But assuming your code does, this'll just make it a lot easier.
  4. Offline


    Glad you guys like it :3 I might release it on BukkitDev.
    kahlilnc likes this.
  5. Offline


    Will the code I just posted work, btw?
  6. Offline


    Dunno :/ Kinda new to php
  7. Offline


    So you created this while being new to PHP? That's pretty impressive, lol.
  8. Offline


    i ended up using this cus if a player votes without inserting a name itll be coutnted as annonymous, also ignore the nigger xD there's been a user who keeps voting with that user >.<

    if ($db_field['playername'] == '') {
    }else if ($db_field['playername'] == 'Anonymous') {
    }else if($db_field['playername'] == 'NIGGER') {
    else {
    print "<tr>";
    print "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
    print "<td>" . $db_field['playername'] . "</td>";
    print "<td style='text-align:center'>" . $db_field['votes'] . "</td>";
    $value = $value + 1;
    print "</tr>";
  9. Offline


    This is a lot easier to set up using the HTTPListener...
  10. Offline


    I know it looks kinda self explanatory, but its kinda confusing for me :/
  11. Offline


    D: you noob I did all the PHP coding for the vote page you did none of it D:
    The plugin that you made gives items to people that vote I added the bit that adds the data or updates the data to the MySQL which you did none D: and your claiming you made it D:
    Show them your mining page you made that but the vote page was my first go at PHP and you steal it D:
    he did not D: I created it with my first go at PHP D: I created all the pages at pr3datorcraft.com/stats except mining.
  12. Offline



    Wait I didn't claim making it o-O

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  13. Offline


    I made a plugin that I use for my server to log votes to a MYSQL database then I made a php page to get the info :3 Want it?

    Thou who copy thereforths MCLUKES work shall face the punishment of never watching sasuke ever again D:

    You did say you made them both D:
  14. Offline


    Oh my fault ._.

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  15. Offline


    D: you just made it Give items I did all the MySQL all yu did with the MySQL was break it :p
  16. Offline


    Took my moment from me D:
  17. Offline


    While I was on holiday ;(
  18. Offline


    Jeez, you two seem depressed... D:
  19. Offline


    No I iz angry that he stole my php page and part of plugin and claimed as his own D:
  20. Offline


    Oh, I've just been skimming this page (haven't really read-read anything), and just saw a lot of D: 's
  21. Offline


    I didn't claim it as my own... I just reference "I" as 2 people like a noob :3
  22. Offline


    I tried to use this but it doesn't do anything. I got people to vote on one of the sites (tekkitserverlist) and when I go to http://cp.chillax-tech.com/vote.php it says no one has voted.
  23. Offline


    blame javoris767
  24. Offline


    I know your one of the makers of this. Could you help me out?
  25. Offline


    Well I'm the maker he didn't make it Mwhahaha

    Does the tekkitserverlist use voterfier? and is the member in game?

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  26. Offline


    yes it duse.
  27. Offline


    Yes and Yes
    When it starts up I get this
    2012-10-26 23:05:31 [INFO] [VoteSQL] Enabling VoteSQL v0.1
    2012-10-26 23:05:31 [INFO] VoteSQL v0.1 is now enabled
    2012-10-26 23:05:31 [SEVERE] Plugin VoteSQL is attempting to register event com/vexsoftware/votifier/model/VotifierEvent, which does not exist. Ignoring events registered in class me.javoris767.votesql.VoteSQL
    2012-10-26 23:05:31 [INFO] [VoteSQL v0.1] Votifier found!


    The Part where it makes tables and stuff in the MYSQL works
    Field    Type    Null    Default    Comments    MIME
    id    mediumint(9)    No                 
    playername    text    Yes      NULL           
    votes    mediumint(255)    Yes      NULL           
    Indexes: Documentation
    Keyname    Type    Unique    Packed    Field    Cardinality    Collation    Null    Comment
    PRIMARY    BTREE    Yes    No    id    0    A       
    Space usage:
    Type    Usage
    Data    0    B
    Index    1,024    B
    Total    1,024    B
              Row Statistics:
    Statements    Value
    Format    dynamic
    Rows    0
    Next Autoindex    1
    Creation    Oct 26, 2012 at 11:05 PM
    Last update    Oct 26, 2012 at 11:05 PM 
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
  28. Offline


    You have votefier installed right?
    And this problem is due to the event not the MySQL adding bit I did.
    javoris767 FIX IT NAWWW IT'S YOUR FAULT D:
  29. Offline


    Well, its saying that the events aren't registered so that could mean.
    1. Votifier updated and mine is outdated
    2. Your votifier isn't set up correctly
    o-o try downloading from here: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/votesql/
  30. Offline


    D: you replied fast, using the bukkit notify plugin for chrome thingy?

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