[TP] KonseptGate v0.6.2 - Stone telepads [1.5.1-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by DemmyDemon, Jul 12, 2011.

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    Version v0.6.2

    Simplified/stripped-down teleport/gating plugin using stone pressure pads as telepads.

    Why pressure pads?
    Because it's a very easy event to detect without spending any resources listening for them.
    Why stone?
    Because wooden ones don't look as cool. No, really, it's because an item placed on a stone one won't press it down.
    Why at all?
    Ever since my favorite teleport plugin ever, EpicGates, went into inactivity and disrepair, I have wanted to provide a relatively similar mode of transportation as simple as possible.
    I built it for my own server over at minecraft.webkonsept.com, hence the odd name. "Konsept" is Norwegian, and means "Concept". As I've seen people lamenting the inactivity of EpicGates I decided to release KonseptGate to the general public.

    • Simple, uncomplicated use.
    • Multiworld-capable (thanks to Bukkit being Multiworld-awesome!).
    • Each gate can have any number of sources, but just one target.
    • Relatively nice on the resources.
    • Origins and destinations easily recognizable as teleport pads, but do not take up a lot of room.
    • Automatically places a configurable block with a stone pressure pad on it for you.
    • Right-click the pressure pad to find out where it leads.
    • The telepad is protected against harm.
    Note that EpicGates does not, and probably never will, support gate "ownership" or restrictions.
    In stead, use something like SimpleChestLock to lock the origin pressure pad.

    /kg - Takes the selected action (see below) against the indicated gate(s)

    Actions with and their [required] and <optional> arguments. (open)

    create [name] <target gate name> <teleport command>
    Creates a KonseptGate with the name [name] that is optionally already linked to <target gate name>. The target gate does not have to exist yet.​
    Will create a glowstone block (unless otherwise configured) with a stone pressure plate on it.​
    It will also turn the two blocks directly ahead of you to air so that you won't suffocate when you emerge from the gate.​
    Be mindful of what way you are facing, as that is the way people will exit the gate when they arrive.​
    If the <target gate name> is not given, the gate will go to the default gate as set in the configuration file. If that configuration is blank, or that gate does not exist, the gate will inform any attempted user of this.​
    If you don't want a command to be executed by the player when he/she teleports, simply omit the <teleport command> part.​

    command [gate] [command]
    Executes that [command] as the teleporting user when he/she steps on [gate]​

    delete [name]
    Deletes the KonseptGate with the name [name], removes the pressure plate and tries to guess the correct block to have underneath.​

    move [name]
    Same as create in many ways, but the KonseptGate called [name] must already exist, and will be moved here.​
    Be mindful of what way you are facing, as that is the way people will exit the gate when they arrive.​

    link [origin] [destination]
    When people step on the gate at [origin] they will emerge at [destination]​
    Both gates must exist.​

    list <name piece|page>
    Shows a list of all the gates.​
    Give an additional argument to search for gates who's name contains that string.​
    For example "/kg list foo" will match the gates "food_room" and "kung_foo"​
    It matches against both source and destination.​
    If the argument is an integer, it will show the page of that number. For example, "/kg list 3" will show page 3.​

    Discards all the gates in memory, and loads a new set from gates.txt​
    This will also refresh all the teleport blocks (including the underblock and pressure pad), and clears out the emergence blocks, setting them to Air.​
    It will also reload the configuration.​
    This, of course, happens automagically when you start or reload the server.​

    jump [name]
    Jump to the KonseptGate called [name] right now.​
    Suggested use for this is for admins to quickly move around. It is not the intention of this plugin to become Yet Another Warping Plugin, so it's not intended for public use.​

    Tells KonseptGate to ignore you when you step on a pressure plate. This allow you to step onto a pressure plate and use /move to change the direction of that KG, for example.​
    Lasts until the server is restarted, reloaded or you issue the command again.​

    verbose: false
    underblockID: 89
    defaultTarget: 'warpzone'
    verbose decides whether or not the plugin nags at you to try and turn you insane.
    underblockID is the ID number of the block you want below the stone pressure pad.
    defaultTarget is the name of the KonseptGate you want newly created gates to be linked to unless another name is given. You can say '' if you want it blank. When listing and giving a page number, gatesPerPage decides how many gates per page.

    For simplicity, all the commands/actions use konseptgate.command.<commandname> permission.
    For example, if you want to /kg jump someGate you need the konseptgate.command.jump permission.
    To use a gate to teleport, you need the konseptgate.teleport permission.
    If you have the konseptgate.info permission, right-clicking a KG will tell you what it's called and where it leads (if linked). Note that if you lack the permission, it does nothing, so you can "hide" KonseptGates in between other blocks with stone plates on them...

    Download KonseptGate
    Source code

    Version 0.6.2
    • Fixed wonky list output when /kg list-ing gates with no command.
    • Updated the missed deprecated async tasks and reverted the one I made synced to be async again. Makes no sense to sync it.
    • Thanks a bunch to guyag again for the work put in. Even if I didn't end up using his actual commits, it's still his code, pretty much.
    Version 0.6.1
    • Merged guyag's pull request, fixing NPEs when giving silly command arguments.
    • Updated use non-deprecated tasks (synced) to track who's considered "in transit".
    Version 0.6.0
    • Correct "northness", so you come out facing the right way again.
    • Added COMMANDS to gates.
    • Made the source code jump through hoops to get rid of some odd encoding issues.
    • Some minor performance tweaks.
    Version 0.5.3
    (0.5.2 never made it past beta)
    • Fixes the "plates don't pop up" issue by not having them be pressed down in the first place.
      NOTE: This breaks any redstone currents you're expecting from the plate!
    Version 0.5.1
    • Fixed tiiiny little plugin.yml problem that was conflicting with 1.1-R6
    • Tested and found working with 1.1-R6
    Version 0.5
    • Moved to new and improved Bukkit Events system
    • Much improved /kg list, with support for paging.
    Older releases (open)

    Version 0.4.1
    • Tells you why a gate doesn't work when the target world is not loaded. NPE fix.
    • Creates the teleporter after registering it, so the stone plate doesn't plop if it's on a block that doesn't "vanilla" support it, like glass or glowstone.
    Version 0.4
    • Loading or creating a KonseptGate is no longer as destructive to it's vicinity. Non-hindering blocks such as signs, grass, ladders and torches will be ignored and not considered in the way of teleportation.
    Version 0.3
    • Much improved gate protection. Protection against, for example, pistons.
    • Threw out obsolete Permissions support and moved to the new configuration API
    • Allows the underblock to be pretty much anything, even air, and makes it "physics proof" so it doesn't pop.
    • Improved gate file reading, lessening the chance of the gate file being corrupted/emptied.
    Version 0.2
    • Fixed where multiworld-support would be purely theoretical if a gate was loaded before the world it was in.
    Version 0.1
    • First public release
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    That's great, thanks for the feedback.

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