This plugin is going to be really simple to code if you are first of all good with Java and second good at reading :3 this is a private warp plugin, hope this will be easy to code for you and thank you if you do code this for me. Cmd 1: /go Msg back: /go set [warpName] - Set a warp /go delete [warpName] - Delete a warp /go [warpName] - Warp /go list - List your warps Cmd 2: /go set Msg back: Usage: /go set [warpName] Cmd 3: /go delete Msg back: Usage: /go delete [warpName] Cmd 4: /go list Msg back: ***Warp List*** [Warps would be here] Cmd 5: /go set [warpName] Msg back: Warp 'test' has been set. Cmd 6: /go delete [warpName] Msg back: Warp 'test' has been deleted. Permissions: kgo.set kgo.set.[amount] kgo.delete kgo.list 1 More very important thing: When a player warps it is instant but when a player is within 10 blocks of a enemy they can not warp. Chat color: Gray for all messages Thanks if you code this plugin, i don't want this plugin to be private (Please release this to the public), this plugin idea is from and lots of people want this kind of plugin.
If you make this i would fucking love it and use it for my server to many off people would like this plugin and if its good i would consider donating
Now this guy knows what he is talking about, lol ikr this is a great plugin and should be made. And on top of that i basicly did everything for you bukkit dev's all you need to do is code it1! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
... What? You do understand that coding it isn't a one-minute job, correct? You did NOT do everything for us.
I agree! EDIT: just use this * Also just upload my first plugin! YAY
I know, i have coded my own simple plugins and they took me a long time i'm just trying to motivate the bukkit dev's This is not a private warp system EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
You should read the post before you say "private essentials" it's clearly nothing like essentials It's a private warping plugin -.-
Sushi was making a joke. Just in case you don't get it:
Well to be honest i'm all for some humor but everytime i ask for a plugin everyone just makes jokes and ignores me so idk if they are joking or if the staff are just this way all the time.
The reason people are ignoring you is because you were requesting someone to make a private plugin, eventhough many plugins already exist that do exactly the same thing.
I have looked on bukkit DEV bukkit google and youtube and i coulden't find a private warping plugin that does what i want -.-
Agree with sharp237. Taken from the DO NOT section of the [READ ME FIRST]: And there's the fact that there are numerous plugins that can do this.
if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("go")) { if (args.length == 1) { if (args[0].equals("set")) player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "'set' is not a valid warp name"); else Util.goWarp(player, args[0]); } else if (args.length == 2) { if (args[0].equals("delete")) { Util.removeWarp(player, args[1]); } else if (args[1].equals("set")) player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "'set' is not a valid warp name"); else Util.setWarp(player, args[1]); } else { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "/go set [warpname] to set a warp"); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "/go delete [warpname] to delete a warp"); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "/go [warpname] to go to a warp"); } (That is me trying to code this plugin. Still can't get it to work that's why i need you staff to do it. Your my only hope.) + That's not even half of the code. That plugin does not work unless i install Java 7 which on a mac OSx you can't. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Just use the search bar ( is quite a good one ) and you will find loads of warp plugins. MyWarp is NOT the only one.