Inactive [SEC] CreeperHeal v4.13 - Repair Creeper damage, the natural way! [1.2.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Nitnelave, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. Offline



    The project in now on BukkitDev! Go there to find all the news, downloads, error reporting, and everything else!
  2. Offline


    This is my config file. Currently when TNT or a Creeper explodes it won't drop any items. Can I get any help?

    chest-protection: 'yes'
    overwrite-blocks: false
    teleport-when-buried: true
    drop-overwritten-blocks: true
    op-have-all-permissions: true
    verbose-level: 1
    wait-before-heal-explosions: 60
    block-per-block-interval: 20
    wait-before-heal-fire: 45
    crack-destroyed-bricks: false
    drop-destroyed-blocks: true
    drop-destroyed-blocks-chance: 100
    replacement-method: block-per-block
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
  3. Offline


    Of course it won't drop items! that's the whole point of the plugin. the plugin replaces the blocks destroyed, but it doesn't also drop the items! Otherwise you would have some item duping. So the Creeper blows up, there's a hole in the ground, and after one minute, it starts replacing 1 block per second.
  4. Offline


    Here's a freshly generated config file (with some true/false/# edited from default values) versus your readme.

    Show Spoiler
    wait-before-heal: 30
    drop-replaced-block: true
    teleport-on-suffocate: true
    wait-after-fire: 45
        Magical: false
        replace-tnt: false
        TNT: false
        Fire: false
        Creepers: flase
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 50
        restrict-list: '0'
        replace-above-only: false
        block-enderman: false
        Ghast: flase
    overwrite-blocks: true
    drop-overwritten-blocks: false
    replace-all-tnt: false
    drop-chance: 100
    refresh-frequency: 20
    block-per-block-interval: 20
    drop-not-replaced-block: true
    crack-bricks: true
    log-level: 1
    op-permissions: true
        Magical: true
        replace-tnt: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: false
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        replace-above-only: false
        block-enderman: true
        Ghast: true
    replacement-method: block-per-block

    Show Spoiler
    wait-before-heal-explosions :
    (in seconds) Delay after the explosion before the damage gets repaired (or starts getting repaired for block per block).
    wait-before-heal-fire :
    (in seconds) Delay after a block is destroyed by fire (burnt), before it gets replaced.
    replacement-method :
    (block-per-block or all-at-once) Whether the blocks destroyed by the explosions should all pop back at once, or one at a time.
    Cannot be changed on the go, you have to reload or restart the server to take the changes in account.
    block-per-block-interval :
    (in ticks (1/20th of a second)) Delay between each block replacement (ie. set it to 10 for 2 blocks per second)
    overwrite-blocks :
    (true or false) Whether block replacement overwrites existing terrain.
    drop-overwritten-blocks :
    (true or false) If overwrite-blocks is set to true, whether to drop the overwritten blocks' resources.
    If it is set to false, whether to drop the block-to-be-replaced resource.
    drop-destroyed-blocks :
    (true or false) Whether blacklisted blocks should drop items as with a normal explosion, configurable with a chance.
    drop-destroyed-blocks-chance :
    (0 - 100) If setting above is true, chance that the block resource drops.
    teleport-when-buried :
    (true or false) If a player is caught in an explosion being healed and is suffocating, teleport him above to safety.
    verbose-level :
    (0 - 5) Amount of plugin messages shown. 1 is recommended, higher is for dubugging purposes.
    op-have-all-permissions :
    (true or false) OP are treated as admins by the plugin.
    crack-destroyed-bricks :
    (true or false) Whether bricks destroyed should be replaced as cracked ones.

    Show Spoiler
    yml  ----  README
    wait-before-heal:  ------ wait-before-heal-explosions :
    drop-replaced-block:   -------  ????? no idea couldn't figure out which one in readme
    teleport-on-suffocate:  -------   teleport-when-buried :
    wait-after-fire: ------  wait-before-heal-fire :
    replace-all-tnt:  -----   in the per world section which is not where it generates
    drop-chance: ------- drop-destroyed-blocks-chance :
    refresh-frequency:  -------------  ????????
    drop-not-replaced-block: ---- ??????
    crack-bricks:   ------- crack-destroyed-bricks :
    log-level: ------- verbose-level :
    op-permissions: --------  op-have-all-permissions :
    ??????   ------  drop-destroyed-blocks :
    replace-limit: ------   replace-above-limit-only :
    block-enderman: -----  block-enderman-pickup :

    Show Spoiler
  5. Offline


    So if a creeper blows up some grass in my world, and I only want world created blocks to be replaced, it will heal slowly over time? What happens if someone decides to build in the hole? Is there an option to make it so the hole won't be healed? Or is that what the overwriting option is for?
  6. Offline


    Overwrite-blocks: true = plugin will heal over any player placed blocks in the hole.
    drop-replaced-block: true = Any player placed blocks will be dropped as a pickup if the plugin heals over it.
  7. Offline


    The plugin will heal explosions over time. If you want only 'natural' blocks to be healed, you have to set up your own restrict-list of block IDs and set restrict-blocks to whitelist. If someone builds in the hole, the blocks built will be overwrittent and dropped (unless you set overwrite-blocks to false).

    The problem is, you didn't update... These are the old values of the config. You can get the description in the README included in your old version of CreeperHeal.jar, but the newest version has the right settings. I did make sure the settings matched the readme. But thanks for pointing it out, it proves that the readme wasn't useless!
  8. Offline


    Lol, I see. When I posted my first post saying things didn't match up. the version I had WAS the most up to date. I must have been posting while you were updating.
  9. Offline


    Ah thank you. I've been using it for a day and It's great. Kinda wish the interval was in seconds and not ticks, can be a little confusing. Overall though, it's great and will help keep my world looking attractive while not feeling cheap.
  10. Offline


    Unfortunately the creeperheal will not play nice with NoLagg plugin. Would be awesome, considering having tons of tnt exploding and then after a certian amount of time the world comes back lol. They both dont play nice together causing the server to lock up and crash every client. Wonder if there is a way to fix it.
  11. Offline


    Would be awesome if it put trees back together correctly after a fire or something. I mean, when leaf blocks regenerate before the wood blocks do in a tree, they decay before the wood regenerates, leaving the tree looking odd and incomplete afters its regenerated. Its a bit frustrating at times
  12. Offline


    We're working on a fix with noLagg's dev.
    I can see an easy way to do this... I'll work it out and add it soon.
    EDIT: ok, it's fixed, along with vines dropping. Will be in the next update, as soon as I have figured out a solution for nolagg's compatibility.
    I have to put it in ticks to allow for higher speed than one per second.
  13. Offline


    Thank you so much, and thank you for being so swift about it :D
  14. Offline


    I'm using the latest version and I noticed it doesn't automatically heal anymore, I have to use /ch heal to get it to heal. Is this just me or something? or could a conflict with my other plugins is happening? I turned on verbose-level to level 5 to see if anything was happening. It just said this.

    03:10 PM [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] WarboyX: /spawnmob creeper 1
    03:10 PM [INFO] [CreeperHeal] EXPLOSION!
    03:11 PM [INFO] [CreeperHeal] Blocks replaced!  <-this happened when I did /ch heal.
    03:11 PM [INFO] [CreeperHeal] Writing config...
  15. Offline


    Here you go! version 4.2 also handles vines, as well as leaves.
    I can't reproduce the error. Make sure you have the latest version, and that you're an OP or have permission. Try from the console (ch heal world). Make sure TNT is set to true in the world you're in.
    Edit : misread your question. Can you pastie your config then?
  16. Offline


    The first picture shows a normally generated tree, completely untouched. the second shows the tree mostly burnt after i lit the corner with a lighter. the third frame shows the tree about 20 to 30 minutes after the fire stopped. is this supposed to happen? 2011-11-13_17.11.32.png 2011-11-13_17.12.54.png 2011-11-13_17.29.30.png
  17. Offline


    chest-protection: 'no'
    overwrite-blocks: true
    teleport-when-buried: true
    drop-overwritten-blocks: false
    op-have-all-permissions: true
    drop-destroyed-blocks-chance: 100
    verbose-level: 5
    wait-before-heal-explosions: 15
    block-per-block-interval: 20
    wait-before-heal-fire: 45
    crack-destroyed-bricks: false
    drop-destroyed-blocks: true
    replacement-method: block-per-block
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: true
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 128
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
        Magical: false
        replace-all-tnt: false
        replace-above-limit-only: false
        TNT: true
        Fire: true
        Creepers: true
        restrict-blocks: 'false'
        replace-limit: 64
        restrict-list: '0'
        block-enderman-pickup: false
        Ghast: true
    I have the correct permissions and everything.
    Active Plugins are....

    Essentials Base
    Essentials Chat
    Essentials Spawn
    Spout Essentials
    Visual permissions
  18. Offline


    Ok, here's a fix... I did it only for the explosions, at first, but now I added it to the fire too. Version 4.2.1!
    @WarboyX I don't see a problem here. Try in a vanilla bukkit server (with just minecraft) and if the problem doesn't go away, post a ticket in the devbukkit topic (see my signature) with all of the info, along with the steps you did to reproduce the error, in what world you tested this, etc... If it's a conflict, post the plugin it is conflicting with.

    By the way, @cybernetamd the problem with nolagg (which was only a CH problem) should be fixed now.
  19. Offline


    oh ok, ill give it a shot mate, thanks for the heads up. Will let you know if it works or not.

    Works perfectly now, had to re-add the softpend multiverse to the plugin.yml but no big deal there. Other then that Everything is flawless, my users can now blow up the world without fear of crashing lol. Thanks again bud. Also noticed your other change, the wood of the trees regen before the leaves, good call on that.
    Cheers mate.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  20. Offline


    Really? you had to re-add the soft-depend line? that's weird, it should automatically load... try without it, now that all of the worlds are loaded? Oh, and by the way, it's not that the wood is replaced before, it's that I prevent the leaves from falling if something near them burnt not too long ago (or exploded).
  21. Offline


    it works without bud, I just gotten so used to adding it I just thought I had too all along lol. Also do you know a way to put the sand and gravel back to original position after an explosion like dirt stone etc? So it doesn't fall above ground?, Lots of sand above ground with missing blocks underneath right now lol. Other then that, everything is working perfectly. Just tried a TNT stack of 460,000, and not one player blinked an eye ;-). Not to mention my Xeon laughed at the work load and wanted more, next up is a 800,000 TNT stack lol

    Also yes, all 9 worlds loaded just fine, made sure the tnt worked fine in those as well. So far no problems with the users of each world.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  22. Offline


    Oh alright, thanks again!
  23. Offline


    Found one glitch, it happens when players switch worlds going from one to another using multiverse portals during the explosions happening.

    19:21:47 [SEVERE] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
    19:21:47 [SEVERE] at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(Unknown Sour
    19:21:47 [SEVERE] at java.util.HashMap$ Source)
    19:21:47 [SEVERE] at com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.CreeperHeal.cleanMaps(Creep
    19:21:47 [SEVERE] at com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.CreeperHeal$
    19:21:47 [SEVERE] at
    19:21:47 [SEVERE] at Source)
    19:24:58 [SEVERE] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
    19:24:58 [SEVERE] at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(Unknown Sour
    19:24:58 [SEVERE] at java.util.HashMap$ Source)
    19:24:58 [SEVERE] at com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.CreeperHeal.cleanMaps(Creep
    19:24:58 [SEVERE] at com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.CreeperHeal$
    19:24:58 [SEVERE] at
    19:24:58 [SEVERE] at Source)

    Hope this helps. So far when this happens the explosions keep happening and no one is kicked, which is good, wonder what is causing this error. Cheers
  24. Offline


    Sounds good,but if i want to download it it says Will u let it open? And not Open map.. :(
  25. Offline


    I'll have a look when I have a moment.

    You have to put the CreeperHeal.jar file in your server's plugin folder. It is a server mod, meaning that it affects how the server runs.

    @KevinToday you're welcome!
  26. Offline


    I think it was ItemVoid, anybody know of a good replacement? Because after I started checking plugins, it seems itemvoid was doing it. So I removed it and it worked fine.
  27. Offline


    Scavenger may be what you're looking for.
  28. Offline


    iknow,but when i download it doesnt open and i cant open the map to place the .jar
  29. Offline


    When you download the CreeperHeal.jar file, you shouldn't open it, just save to your drive. Once you have it on your computer, move it to the folder YourServer/plugins. You don't have anything to do with a map.
  30. Offline


    Yeh,but i can't find it,and i everytime click on Open the map but now it close before i can say I
  31. Offline


    You should check out bukkit's tutorial on setting up a server . Once you managed to get your server up and running, you have a folder called "plugins" in the same folder as your craftBukkit.jar is in. As a general help page on onstalling plugins, you can check out

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