Inactive [SEC][1.0.0] Rakamak v3.6 - a plugin authentication [1500+]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Dorpaxio, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    someguy817 and AS1LV3RN1NJA like this.
  2. Offline


    Now I start the development of the plugin. I found some interesting flaws. So I'll fix the bug with WorldEdit and a super dangerous fault :) !
  3. Offline


    if u have essentials. u can use powertools without logging in


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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    WorldEdit irritates me x) ! I have not found the solution yet :p ! But, I fixed other fails...
  5. Offline


    Plugin UpDated !!!! :D ! 3.4.2

    Change :
    Todo :

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  6. Offline


    Could you post previous versions too please? I'd LOVE to use this plugin for my CB1060 server
  7. Offline


    Yes, i can. I search the link and i call you ;)

    You can test it

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  8. Offline


    This protects against name spoofing, right?

    What are most 1.8.1 offline servers are currently using to auth users?
    I'll have to give this one a shot. Thanks for updating it Dorpaxio! :D
  9. Offline


    its not going to be french ONLY right. i am an ignorant american :)

    also THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

    auth me over omplicated. but encrytped pass would be nice though

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  10. Just a question, how old are you? Is english your first language?
  11. Offline


    After is used this plugin, my admins wasn´t in creative mode, so i deleted it.
    but nothing changes, what can i do ??
  12. Offline


    old enough and yes but at 2 am im to lazy to spellcheck or backspace :p


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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  13. Offline


    I work on The MySQL support :) ! The database will be optional ;)
  14. works perfectly. Thank you!
  15. Offline


    This is a pleasure ;) !
  16. Actually i have 1 questions though, I cant configure the messages? like what it says when logged in etc.
  17. Offline


    I work on this ;) ! My priority is the Mysql support :p.
  18. Offline


    i did fined a bug thow its case sensative if i login as OTHER and other i can set 2 passwords for 1 account

    insanely usefull plugin been looking for this for years you "ARE THE MAN" now i was
    wondering if it would be possible to add message editing to like a config file if not it dont matter
    its getting used by me every day eather way ;D
  19. Offline


    In version 3.4.2 This bug is fix...
  20. Offline


    newest recommended build is 1185, just saying. if u need to update
  21. Offline


    Yes, I update title.

    Ps : In next version, if player isn't register, it spawn to WorldSpawnPoint :).
  22. Offline


    Hello I found a problem/glitch. Users of a server can use world edit before they are logged in (they can't move but they can still set the area around them to lava etc.
  23. Offline


    Yes, I know. I repair this fail.

    Ps : In next version, if player isn't login, it isn't op. But after login, if it was op, it becomes op x).

    Ps bis : tomorrow The french version comes :) !
  24. Offline


    Hi !
    J'ai vu que tu était Français. J'utilise ce plugin depuis longtemps il m'est très utile :) Merci a toi.
    Serait-il possible dans une prochaine version d'interdire la parole (le Chat) Avant que le joueur se log ?

    In a next version can you disable the chat for logged out people ? Thanks / Merci ;)
  25. Offline


    Oui je suis français :p ! Et oui c'est possible mais ce sera optionnel ;)
  26. Offline


    Super ! Merci :)
  27. Offline


    In the future maybe you make register one player per ip. :rolleyes:
  28. Offline


    Yes, I can. But, my priority is WorldEdit fail
  29. Offline


    Plugin updated in 3.5 ! :D
  30. Offline


    i dont know if its to hard but please add so Player's cant move annyblock's ppl complain that its laggy for them :(, and a config with minimun name lenght and name lenght, and this is a mini anti hack/spam ting you think you can add so the palyer can only make 1 account from his LAN ip :)? please answer back :)?
  31. Offline


    both files are in French and is not a config to change the messages
    can you show me how to change the messages, I'm from Brazil
    wanted to put in Portuguese

    sorry for my English '-'

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