RepairLockdown - NBT Powered Repair Restrictions

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by blazstyn, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Please note: Although several plugins are available with this 'feature', the versions I have run/tested do not function as intended any longer. Perhaps changes to the enchanting/repair mechanics in Minecraft have broken them. As such, here is the request again.

    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Suggested name: RepairLockdown

    What I want:
    I am planning to feature redeemable 'coupons' that run through BC or DC on my website, and I would like a way to stop players from being able to repair items that have a certain string of customizable lore attached to their NBT (as issued by the coupon). The string the plugin looks for when denying a repair should be customizable.

    That's all!

    Ideas for commands: No commands necessary, can be controlled by config.yml

    Ideas for permissions: repairlockdown.bypass - allows staff to bypass the repair lockdown

    When I'd like it by: Whenever you can have it ready.

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