Filled Lock-picking Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MrMe1003, May 23, 2013.

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    Plugin category: Role-play/PVP

    Suggested name: Picks, Security, Unlocked, Unlatched, LooseLatch

    What I want: I'd like a plugin that used a GUI interface (The server would be using Spoutcraft) that allowed for a lock-picking system that required skill, rather than blind luck, like most current lock-picking plugins do. It would have a small puzzle to be solved (The things that come to mind are either the system from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, or Skyrim).

    It would function with, at the very least, lwc; if not have its very own system for creating locks (preferably) in which you could have one of several custom items (This is using Spout, after all) which represented locks of differing difficulty to pick. They may or may not include crafting recipes. The more difficult locks, if craftable, would obviously be made out of harder to find materials. They could be sold using other plugins for higher price, after being spawned in by admins if not craftable. To lock a door, one would right click the door with the acquired lock, and be given a 'key' that would only work for that lock. One lock could lock two doors if they were side-by-side to make a double door.

    To open a locked door, you would need to acquire a pick. These may or may not be craftable. The picks would come in varying degrees of effectiveness; the better the pick, the easier the lock is to open. If you fail to pick a lock, your pick would be broken; or, if possible, they would have their own durability, and failing to pick a lock would damage the pick, based on the type of pick, and the type of lock. Some locks could be spawned in, or crafted with a recipe involving bedrock or something, that would be unpickable, and require a key to be opened.

    If possible, I would also like a skill-based system, either using EXP or perm groups (Like those in Pex). If a player picks more locks, they get more EXP, and are able to pick locks easier; or, if a player is assigned to a certain group, they would be able to pick locks easier, like the ranks of a Thieve's Guild.
    Ideas for commands: Just a simple reload command for in-game tweaking. (/pluginname reload)

    Ideas for permissions:
    LooseLatch.canpick <Allows picking>
    LooseLatch.cancraft.lock.[LockType] <Allows certain players to be able to craft certain locks>
    LooseLatch.cancraft.pick.[PickType] <Allows certain players to be able to craft certain picks>

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible, but no real specific date. The server I plan on using this for is under development and will probably be open sometime mid-summer.
  2. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    MrMe1003 Reported for the spout part, you need to request this on the spout forums
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    It is a bukkit plugin that would rely on the Spoutcraft plugin to function properly; but is still a bukkit plugin.
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    timtower ^ he does have a point
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    Report it and move on, no need to be an annoying tattle tale about it.
  6. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    MrMe1003 jacklin213 I think that most of the developers here don't know how to create an spout interface, don't think that it is useful to ask for it here,
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    All annoying reporting issues aside; I'd like some feedback from anyone willing to take this on, or anyone with ideas to tweak what I've put out. Just to be safe, and to make everyone happy, I'll post this on the Spout forums as well.
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  9. Offline


    LoreLocks seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, thanks. I can't believe I hadn't seen it already ^_^;
    Only problem with it is it doesn't lock doors... =/
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    Contact the developer I guess

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