[INFO] Ranks- Count your blocks and get ranks [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Kostronor, May 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Ok, sorry for the long run, after a whole reprogramming of the mixed-case-thing (which was the one bugging with 0,1 and 1,0) i found out i silly mistake with using overloaded methods >.<
    whatever, it works now for CraftBukkit 1000 and it should also work for lower ones! Thanks for all the help finding this error :D
  2. Offline


    soo its me again. the Plugin work. but some times when destroy or place blocks the Counter on the Sign doesnt work. i want to build an hall of fame building with this signs. ( an little idea for this the signs switch the name and numbers to an other sign when someone has more blocks placed/ destroyed. its an visual ranking )
  3. Offline


    This sign only actualities when you walk near by.
    and only on your two blocks and the one above and 6 blocks range.
    normally, it at least gets every fifth block you break.
    the plus of this is, no database to worry about and no silly commands to register every sign.
    the minus, it sometimes need a little punch to work, but in my opinion, having 250000 or 250010 blocks broken does not matter much :D
    the idea with ranking-boards is nice, but it will be more complicated, as i need to have a real ranking-table all the time.
    but with working on a /topten command i'm actually thinking of hitting this.
    If you want to help me with this idea of the signs, just add me on skype and we can test it on your server :)
    Glad it's working
  4. Offline


    For example, in config file i created 3 directions: miner, woodcutter, landmaker
    Player A all time works with stones and ores, sometimes with wood. Then he recieved over 9000 levels in 'miner', and he king of diamonds, also he could catch apple(2-3%) because he cut trees for pickaxe. But he absolutly cant work seeds, grass etc, because he has level 1 in 'landmaker'.

    I cant explain more clear, sorry
  5. Offline


    yeah, the point is, this is more the roleplay way not the statistic way, i don't want to change anything of the way minecraft works, just to keep track of what a player is doing.
    if you really need it, i could expand the statistic to see which block a player breaks...
  6. Offline


    I aprishiate it. Nvm, its not so important.
  7. Offline


    For what you want, i would try some plugins like mcmmo or jobs or something similar.
    there are tons of plugins with whom you could do the things you want much better, you just have to look :p
  8. Offline


    I'm thinking of addind MySQL-Support to my Plugin, what do you think, some Feedback? :D
  9. Offline


    Hello Kostronor, love the plugin so far, but I have a favour to ask of you.

    Can you possibly make a command that tells you the top 10 people in a list of 1-10. So basically on the chat in minecraft it would look like this.


    ~~~Top 10 Ranks~~~
    1. Player A has 10000 blocks destroyed and 10000 blocks placed. <-- (this message will be Gold coloured)

    2. Player B has 9000 blocks destroyed and 9000 blocks placed. <--- (this message will be Silver coloured)

    3. Player C has 8000 blocks destroyed and 8000 blocks placed. <--- (this message will be Bronze coloured)

    4. Player D has 7000 blocks destroyed and 7000 blocks placed. <-- (the rest from 4-10 ranks can be any colour)

    5. Player E has 6000 blocks destroyed and 6000 blocks placed.

    6. Player F has 5000 blocks destroyed and 5000 blocks placed.

    7. Player G has 4000 blocks destroyed and 4000 blocks placed.

    8.Player H has 3000 blocks destroyed and 3000 blocks placed.

    9. Player I has 2000 blocks destroyed and 2000 blocks placed.

    10. Player J has 1000 blocks destroyed and 1000 blocks placed.

    Now for the command to see the top 10 ranks, I was hoping for a command like this:

    Command: /top10ranks

    I hope you can implement this idea, would make the plugin so much more nicer for me, and I'm pretty sure for others also.

  10. Offline


    Hey @Magiq
    You've read the first post? :D

    If you help me testing it, the this will be released very soon :)
  11. Offline


    How exactly do I help you test it?

    Also, I'm not experienced with making plugins or such =/
  12. Offline


    just use the version and try, if the command works on your server.
  13. Offline


    Alright, so I went on my server, I put in the ranks plugin in my plugins folder, and then proceeded to try the command

    the command I typed was "/ranks top10" without the quotations, and this is what I got after I entered the command.


    So in the end, it doesn't work.. I hope we can fix this together =/ I'm happy to keep testing for you.

  14. Offline


    sorry, you have to use /ranks topten :D
  15. Offline


    OMG finally it works! awesome! oh btw can you make 1st place into Gold coloured chat, and then 2nd place with Silver coloured chat and 3rd place with Bronze coloured chat? if thats possible :p but everything else is awesome thanks!
  16. Offline



    Im using this plugin on our server and works fine, except after new bukkit updates signs not showing new values anymore (plugin counting in dat file, and when i type /ranks it works, but simply not showing anymore on signs). It just stops on old data and not counting up. I assume its problem with new bukkit release. So, i wonder is will it be any update to this plugin regarding new MC updates?

    Must say that this plugin is nice and simple, and everyone on server like it.

    Many thnx anyways
  17. Offline


    will get on it this weekend for sure!

    hopefully fixed, please try the new version

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  18. Offline



    we tried new version. And it works. Now we have another problem. We have wall with all players stats on 2 places (possible more walls in future) and only one is counting data. The first one we created; others not counting. I even destroyed signs and re-created them but nothing - not counting.
  19. Offline


    Can you write me a pm with infos regarding your server (adding Kostronor to your whitelist), so i can test it out?
  20. Offline


    world edit support would be splended
  21. Offline


    well, can you tell me what you imagine a "world edit support" to do?
    not counting in worldedit-regions?
  22. Offline


    Anyone still interested in me updating this plugin with new features?
    will wait 3 days till i think about dropping it for not being needed...
  23. Offline



    i was waiting for your update for quite long. i was wondering will you update it to MC1.2. I hope were not too late. If you have time, will and patience please save 15ish ppls on mine server. Were using this plugin since very start i think.

    Anyways if you send it to oblivion, we will be sad, but you must know its good work anyways :)

    Adrenaline likes this.
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    You dont read my post.. -_-, this is version for R5 not R4
  27. Offline


    OOps, mine fault, sorry :)
  28. Offline


  29. Offline



    i was trying to start plugin but isnt working, heres error log http://pastebin.com/yk54Q7fR

    P.s. [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.1-R6-31-g0545c46-b2032jnks (MC: 1.2.3) (Implementing API version 1.2.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

    Will it be updated, or we just forget about it?

    Thnx inadvance :)
  30. Offline


    should be fixed.
    ha11oga11o likes this.

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