[INACTIVE][SEC] OwnBlocks v10.0 - Players may not break blocks placed by others [860]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by cvenomz, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: v10.0

    (7-10-2011) - Please see the latest branch of OwnBlocks, called OwnBlocksX. It is recommended you use OwnBlocksX now.

    OwnBlocks keeps track of placed blocks, and who placed them. Players are not allowed to break blocks placed by other players. Note however, that indirect breaking may still occur (i.e. fire, tnt).

    • Blocks you place cannot be broken by others
    • Persistence; Server remembers who owns what blocks after a restart or "reload"
    • Toggleability! Use /ownblocks or /ob to toggle OwnBlocks on and off
    • Ability to exclude certain blocks from being protected
    • Support for Permissions AND non-Permissions servers
    • Auto-saving intervals for database protection
    • Add (pre-placed) blocks to the database manually
    Download OwnBlocks v10.0

    please note - If you are using iConomy, only version 4.6 is currently supported.

    Source Code
    OwnBlocks is released under the WTFPL License.

    Config File Options:
    Please note that at any time you may move/rename/delete you config file, and restart your server to produce the example/default config file with these options pre-filled along with descriptions. Also remember that lines preceded by a '#' are comments, and are ignored.
    exclude - enter comma separated integers of block-ids you wish to exclude from being protected and entered into the database. An example would be to enter the block-id for saplings, so planted trees do not have a single log at the bottom that is protected when a tree is harvested by another player.
    iConomy - enter an integer greater than '0' (zero) to enable. The number entered becomes the 'Basic Rate' at which players are charged to place protected blocks. Players will not be able to place blocks if they have insufficient funds.
    debug - If you are experiencing errors, and want to post them here to resolve them, or just want to spam your server log with information, set debug equal to 'true'
    status-message - Set this to 'disable' to not receive the message "[Username] - OwnBlocks is now activated for you....". Set this to 'simple' to receive a simple "OwnBlocks activated/deactivated" instead. Lastly, set this to 'disable' to disable messages entirely. Now that I think of it, disabling status-messages seems like a really bad idea......but the choice is yours.
    save-interval - Enter the number of seconds specifying the interval between database saves. The default is 60 seconds. Increase this number if you have an obscenely large database that takes a long time to write to disk. Decrease this number if you are paranoid and/or have very fast disk IO.
    info-id - Enter the integer representing the ID of the material or tool you would like to use as your "information tool" which will display the Owner of a block you right click with specified tool. Default is 269, which is the wooden shovel.
    add-id - Enter the integer representing the ID of the material or tool you would like to use as your "add tool" which will add the block you left click with the tool to the database. Default is 268, which is the wooden sword.
    enabled-on-login - True means that OwnBlocks is automatically activated for every player as soon as they log in. False means that OwnBlocks must be activated manually by each player when they want to start building protected blocks.

    Permissions Nodes:
    You will need to add these nodes to your Permissions configurations if your server uses Permissions:
    'OwnBlocks.ignoreOwnership' - Allows player to break blocks placed by others. This node is typically given to admins.
    'OwnBlocks.use' - Allows a player to even use OwnBlocks. If you want everyone to be able to protect blocks with OwnBlocks, and assuming you have a "normal" Permissions configuration, then add this node to your "default" class.
    'OwnBlocks.info' - Allows a player to use the info-tool to display who owns a protected block.
    'OwnBlocks.add' - Allows a player to use the add-tool to add blocks to the database for protection.

    • Version 10.0 (5-20-2011)
      • Added configuration to set whether OwnBlocks is activated for players upon login
      • Added tool to add pre-built blocks to the protection database
      • Improved process of saving database
      • Fixed status-message configuration options (inconsistent verb tense)
      • Default to protecting all blocks when Permissions is not detected
    • Version 9.0 (5-5-2011)
      • Added support for Servers without the Permissions plugin
      • Added 'OwnBlocks.use' and 'OwnBlocks.info' nodes
    • Version 8.2 (5-4-2011)
      • Fixed NullPointerException when right clicking with empty hand
    • Version 8.1 (5-4-2011)
      • Added ability to use tool to display who a block belongs to. use info-id in your config file
    • Version 7.0 (5-3-2011)
      • Added database auto-saving intervals
      • Added ability to enable/disable 'status message'
    • Version 6.5 (4-29-2011)
      • Added iConomy support for charging a basic rate for each block placed
      • Added config option for debug mode
    • Version 5.0 (4-23-2011)
      • Added Permissions Integration :)
      • I think I fixed a bug that occurred when the 'reload' command is issued
    • Version 4.0 (4-23-2011)
      • Added properties file (/plugins/Ownblocks/OwnBlocks.properties)
      • 'exclude'
      • Blocks are now removed from database when broken by their owners
    • Version 3.0 (4-22-2011)
      • Added the ability to toggle OwnBlocks on and off
      • Added commands: /ownblocks or /ob
    • Version 2.0 (4-21-2011)
      • Moved data directory from main folder to the plugins folder
      • Added/fixed serialization (Persistence)
      • Made database searching more efficient
    • Version 1.0 (4-20-2011)
      • Initial Testing Release
    ToDo: Should there be continued interest in this plugin, I will consider looking into:

    • MySQL support
    • Support for group projects
    • Add configuration option to prevent "adjacent construction", where a player builds blocks on blocks owned by another player
    • Add support for Metadata values
    • Area Selection
    • Update this iConomy shenanigans.
    • Look into solution for chest protection
    • Add command to check the database for blocks that have become air because they were deleted externally by something like WorldEdit
  2. Offline


    Great! Glad to hear it has been resolved and not another problem I have to fix :p
  3. Offline


    @cvenomz I have a request for your plugin:
    I would like to select a region and own all of the blocks inside that region. Would that be possible? :)
  4. Offline


    It is a planned future feature, your vote will be counted
  5. Offline


    Cool! When do you think you will release it? ;)
  6. Offline


    Unfortunately, not too soon. I am also working on some other features as well, like MySQL. I hope it wont take too long to get to it
  7. Offline


    Ok, because i kinda need it now. :p
  8. Offline


    Not sure if this is possible. However I wanted to know. Does this work with multiple worlds?

    Nevermind Got things together and it works great on multiple worlds.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  9. Offline


    can I ask when will iConomy 5.x be supported? because I need to use iConomy 5.x now because of other plugins and I really need OwnBlocks to stop people from griefing too.
  10. Offline


    Hmm, interesting. I wouldnt have thought OwnBlocks had multiworld support.

    Probably not for a little while. Hopefully sometime in the near future
  11. Offline


    I already use it with ownblocks. mind you i dont charge people to protect blocks or nothing like that. but everything is running fine (shrugs)
  12. Offline


    lol, well thats a pleasant surprise.

    Speaking of surprises, I'm surprised that this seems ready for testing already...I thought I wouldn't finish until late next week.
    OwnBlocks - With MySQL support! (PRE-RELEASE TESTING)
    please help me test this and work out any bugs. download Also, the config file is placed in plugins/OwnBlocksMySQL. MAKE SURE to go here and change the config with your MySQL server settings. You need to pre-create the database; OwnBlocks will create the table for you. Please post your comments/concerns/findings/suggestions/bugs here. It currently will NOT convert your flatfile database. I will add this later. And on that note, this version is supposed to be 'backwards compatible', meaning you can turn MySQL off and everything should work as it does in v10.0

    Thanks in advance if you are going to test and help me out :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  13. Offline


    Hopefully this will be an option ontop of the nonsql you already have!

    Edit seems my ownblocks is still not working even after updating to v10

    My config file did not update with the latest OwnBlocks either. I still have old config file. What is proper way of setting a new config?

    I am also getting the same error when tryin to use /ob

    Start up
    13:37:54 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
    13:37:55 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1
    13:37:55 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 57%
    13:37:56 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) was Initialized.
    13:37:56 [INFO] [iWatch] iWatch version 0.5 is enabled!
    13:37:56 [INFO] [iWatch] Settings Loaded!
    13:37:56 [INFO] HomeX enabled
    13:37:56 [INFO] [OwnBlocks] Database read in from file
    13:37:56 [INFO] [GravelClay] version 1.2.3 by [Darklust] is enabled.
    13:37:56 [INFO] vStopFire version 1.4 is enabled!
    13:37:56 [INFO] AppleTree v0.5.1 activated.
    13:37:56 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.7] (Phoenix)  loaded
    13:37:56 [INFO] BlastControl version 1.0.4 is enabled!
    13:37:56 [INFO] LoginMessage 0.6_2 enabled
    13:37:56 [INFO] [NoCivilSpawns] pub1 - Enabled options:  QuickTest
    13:37:56 [INFO] [NoCivilSpawns] pub1_nether - Enabled options:  QuickTest
    13:37:56 [INFO] [NoCivilSpawns] - 1.4.2 by Sleaker is enabled!
    13:37:56 [INFO] Done (0.149s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    I get no errors other than when tryin to run the /ob command like stated already in the post.

    Ownblocks properties

    #OwnBlocks Properties File
    #to exclude certain items from being protected when a player places them
    #regarldess of if they have OwnBlocks activated, enter the ID of the item
    #after the exclude key (comma separated; no spaces)
    #The example below would exclude Dirt(03) and Sand(12) from being added to the $
    #Please Note: changes are not retro-active. In this example, dirt placed before$
    #Would still be protected, even after it is added to the 'exclude list'
    #To charge players a basic rate to their iConomy accounts, enter the amount (In$
    #that you wish to charge them per block they protect. Values <= 0 disable iCono$
    #Uncomment to enable debug mode
    #status-message is the message sent to players telling them when OwnBlocks has
    #been activated or deactivated for them. Options are: [enable, disable, simple]
    #Number of seconds between database saves.  '0' to disable (not reccommended)
    #Id of material that when used will display the owner of a placed block.
    #default value is 269, which is a wooden shovel
    I guessed on the last command as it didnt update my config

    permissions properties
            default: true
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
               - 'HomeX.*'
               - 'OwnBlocks.use'
            default: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                - Default
                - 'bar.foo'
            default: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                - '*'
    Also after reading thru the thread a few people said it was permission issue and they fixed it yet they didnt really post the fix they did. And i may note i dont even get an "Ownblocks is activated " message on login even with set to enable
  14. Offline


    if.... ownblocks can use with worldedit...
    maybe it's so useful..
    hmmmmmmmmmm~~~huh~~ huh~~~ huh~~~~ ... damn ..;;
  15. Offline


    Try renaming you OwnBlocks configuration file, start the server, then shutit down again. You will see a new config that has a bunch of options that yours is missing
  16. Offline


    I will try that now. Do i have permissions written correctly?

    I did that and it did not generate an ownblocks config file at all. I even removed it from the OwnBlocks folder. and it did not create one :|
  17. Offline


    Are you testing the MySQL release? If so, check the OwnBlocksMySQL folder
  18. Offline


    No i am testing v10. As noted before my OwnBlocks just "Stopped" working without doing anything to anything about 3 weeks prior to the mc and bukkit update. Now i have had time to try and get our server back up and im running into the issue of OwnBlocks not working at all now.
  19. Offline


    what part isnt working? Can I get a stacktrace?
  20. Offline


    Hello, I love the plugins, it works like a charm but griefers now put a 2 blocks in front and back of the door and nobody could get in or out from their house till an admin deletes those two blocks. Is there any possibility you could implement this kind of door protection in the future ?
  21. Offline


    i have a problem again:
    This come when i type "/ob" .
    Please help me fast.
  22. Offline


    Yes. I plan to fix that soon

    when this happens, is it right after a server reload? just after starting? random?
  23. Offline


    random , after reatart, after reload.
    Ehmm i have Bukkit 860.
  24. Offline


    I dont know what to say. Since I cant reproduce the error, so I dont know what is causing it or how to fix it.
  25. Offline


    stack trace of what? None of my OwnBlocks is working now. My start up and my set up on server is listed above or page before :\
  26. Offline


    I need an error, something that I should be looking for as the root of the problem. Now, I did notice that you never have a statement in your startup log that is supposed to be something like "OwnBlocks [version] initialized", which seems to hint that something is not configured properly, so OwnBlocks doesnt even start up
  27. Offline


    Any chance that this Dev build already supports iCo 5?
  28. Offline


    Is there a way to remove all the block protections of a single user? Because when i use this in conjuction with worldedit the block protection stays put. Which is VERY annoying to say the least.
  29. Offline


    No, I haven't started working on that again yet

    Yes, with the MySQL version. Otherwise, no.
  30. Offline


    Ok.. :(

    I wish it could support it by file as well because i don't want to have to run an sql server just for one plugin.
  31. Offline


    The point of supporting flatfiles is to make setup easy. If you want advanced features, you will likely have to so some extra setup and configurations

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