[INACTIVE][CHAT] Prefixer v2.5.1 - Adds prefixes to users when they chat [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Valrix, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Prefixer has been moved into ColorMe and was taken over by another dev, to get it, GO HERE.

    Prefixer - The Easy Prefix Plugin:
    Version: v2.5.1

    Prefixer allows players to add a prefix to a player such as [Farmer], etc. right from the game. See the commands list below for examples on proper use.
    COMMANDS (open)
    /prefix list - Shows a list of allowed colors as their color
    /prefix <prefix> - Changes your prefix. Color code optional and mixed into prefix.
    /prefix [prefix] - Changes another player's prefix.
    /prefix -r [name, name2...] - Removes your/listed player's prefix
    /prefix &4Admin = Admin <Valrix>
    /prefix -r = <Valrix>
    /prefix -r valrix = <Valrix>
    /prefix &5The&4Admin = TheAdmin <Valrix>
    /prefix &5The&4Admin valrix = TheAdmin <Valrix>
    /prefix &4MOD valrix john jane peter =
    MOD <Valrix>
    MOD <john>
    MOD <jane>
    MOD <peter>

    • Economy plugin support
    COLOR CODES (open)

    • Black = &0
    • Dark Blue = &1
    • Dark Green = &2
    • Dark Aqua = &3
    • Dark Red = &4
    • Dark Purple = &5
    • Gold = &6
    • Gray = &7
    • Dark Gray = &8
    • Blue = &9
    • Green = &A
    • Aqua = &B
    • Red = &C
    • Light Purple = &D
    • Yellow = &E
    • White = &F
    prefixer.list - Allows player to use /prefix listto see color list
    prefixer.list - Allows player to see list of color codes
    prefixer.self - Allows player to set own prefix
    prefixer.other - Allows player to set another player's prefix
    prefixer.remove - Allows player to remove prefixes
    * prefixer.remove required to remove ANY prefixes *

    • Customized prefixes with color codes
    • Multi-world support
    • Supports native bukkit permissions (PermissionsBukkit)
    • Now supports other plugins hooking in to get/set/remove, and check if a player has a prefix set.

    Version 2.5.1
    • Fixed NumberOutOfBounds error people were getting
    • Properly tested against newest RB and multi-world support
    • Removed config & generation code until later
    • Patched memory leak error

    Version 2.5
    • Added multi-world support
    • Now uses native permissions (PermissionsBukkit)
    • improved command syntax
    • Improved command node handling
    • Numerous code improvements
    Version 2.4
    • Should fix any problems people have been having recently.
    Version 2.3
    • Bunch of code changes to improve performance and decrease code size.
    Version 2.2
    • Fixed that blasted bug where you couldn't remove prefixes.
    Version 2.1
    • Added support for giving a player a prefix through command-line
    Version 2.0
    • Fixed the bug where you couldn't set someone else's prefix.
    Version 1.9
    • Prefixer now automatically updates the old .prefix file, which is where the prefixes are stored, to work with the newer prefix system.
    Version 1.8
    • Prefixes are now fully customizable.
    • Permissions is now optionally supported.
    • Works fine with RB 670
    Version 1.7
    • Should work with RB 617
    Version 1.6
    • Now works with RB 602
    Version 1.5
    • Fixed it to work with new command structure
    • Now allows player to set own prefix using a smaller command
    Version 1.4
    • Fixes a bug with setting a user to having no prefix
    Version 1.3
    • Changed how the prefix is added. Should play nice with other plugins now.
    Version 1.2
    • Fixed a weird error with colors
    Version 1.1
    • Updated to comply with new constructor.
    • Adds the ability to add color to the prefix. See description for example.
    • Names are no longer case-sensitive. Instead of Valrix you can use valrix, or even VaLrIx if you wanted so you don't have to worry about messing up a user's name.
    Version 1.0
    • Release of Prefixer
  2. Offline

    Legend Hoods

    How can I make it so that every group from Permissions has it's own defined prefix and colour? That way I don't have to keep changing everyone's names when they switch groups. :)

    Nice plugin!
  3. Offline


    You'd have to see if someone else has made a plugin that would do this for you. There may be one that uses Prefixer to do just this, if not you could suggest it on the suggestion board and I'm sure another developer would do it.
  4. Offline


    Okay, devs over at HeroChat say their plugin only displays the Prefix and that it is handled by Permissions. But as soon as I disable HeroChat the Prefixer plugin works. I'm running out of ideas because I don't want to throw away HeroChat as my chatsystem...
  5. Offline


    I really don't know what to say. You could ask them to allow Prefixer to take over instead of using Permissions if it detects that the server is using Prefixer. I added the ability for other plugin devs to hook into ColorMe and Prefixer so this kind of thing wouldn't happen, but if they don't use it then there's nothing I can do about it. I've made it as easy to integrate and use as I can, from there it depends on the other devs.
  6. Offline

    Legend Hoods

    What about a command to check someone's prefix?

    Like: /prefix check <username>

    But it's a really cool plugin, so I got you a free bump and a cake. [cake]
  7. Offline


    Glad you like it. That's a good idea, I'll add that in when I update it again.
  8. Offline


    Ok, I figured out why sometimes prefixer doesn't work. If you have the current version of Essentials when you download it. It includes Essentials chat, Essentials chat messes up prefixer and thats why you can't set your prefix. All you have to do is delete Essentialschat.jar and your good to go!
  9. Offline


    Thanks for finding the problem, I'll make sure to add that EssentialsChat.jar has to be gone for Prefixer to work.
  10. Offline


    If you don't mind me asking but do you have any idea when Prefixer is gonna support craftbukkit build 803?
  11. Offline


    There are nearly never any breaking changes to CB, so it's safe to say my plugins are always supported unless we devs are notified that breaking changes will be brought in and that's when I immediately check and update all my plugins. Otherwise I tend to not have enough time to go to each one, test it, then update the thread title every time a new RB is released. I barely have enough time to even work on updating plugins that are currently broken.
  12. Offline


    Oh ok thanks for the info!
  13. Offline


    Now as for Prefixer "working" with other plugins, set the priority to highest, and you'll be called LAST instead of in the middle, and you'll prefix any other chat plugins output that doesn't cancel the chat event.

    Again, the problems with your plugins are not caused by other plugins, they are caused by you not understanding how Bukkit calls events, and by you not looking into how other plugins functions.
  14. Offline


    Once again, sorry for the inconvenience and your help is greatly appreciated.
  15. Offline


    Working on 815
  16. Offline


    I try to remove someone prefix but it dont work
    /prefix <name>

    Also please add like messages like "prefix change/added"
  17. Offline


    I'll check on it and will add in the messages.

    EDIT: You'll need to tell me more since I just tested it and nothing is wrong with adding or removing a player's prefix. Do you use Permissions? Do you use other chat plugins? What're your permissions set at? If no permissions, are you OP? I need to know these things to be of help.
  18. Offline


    sorry was reading wrong on the version number i was using 2.0 not 2.3 my bad :(
  19. Offline


    I can't remove my prefix
  20. Offline


    Hi! Sorry if this has been asked before but is there a permissions file I can download somehow? Or create? I don't want all OPs to be able to change their tags. I want only certain people like myself.
  21. Offline


    Wait for a download for 818 :)
  22. Offline


    K. Any idea when?
  23. Offline

    Jacob Kautman

    ok i currently have a problem and im using v2.2(my server host hasn't updated).
    when I type /prefix (name) (prefix) it gives me me the help template.
    I use general(3.3), myhome, tradecraft, worldedit, worldguard, and lwc
  24. Offline


    I know, I still have to fix this. Please wait until I have a chance to find out the problem with it.
  25. Offline


    Command: /prefix [colorcode] <prefix>
    Permissions: Yes
    OP: yes
    OP=false: no

    Okay so I put in the command and the console comes up with the message "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command."
  26. Offline


    Hmm, well there's no space between the color codes and text, it's all mixed into one, but it looks like something else is going weird. Time to check it out
  27. Offline


    CB Build: b Command: /prefix Permissions: Yes I am OP: Yes OP=false: No
  28. Offline


    Does this work with the prefix line in Permissions? I'm trying to find something like that to replace iChat due to lack of support and incompatibility with SimpleAlias.
  29. Offline


    I honestly don't know. A plugin like Permissions should do as it's name implies, just stick to handling permissions instead of anything that changes names and prefixes.
  30. Offline


    so i'm using version 2.4, i am op, and i have permissions set. however, when i try to set a prefix, it just adds a space in between the "<" and my username. I then removed the permissions nodes and tried but then it said I wasn't aloud to use the /prefix command. any help would be appreciated.
  31. Offline


    I know, there's a bug with Prefixer that I need to fix. Please wait until the next update.

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