[INACTIVE][ADMN] MotherNature v1.2 - Control the weather, Umbrellas, Timed weather [711]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Yetanotherx, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    MotherNature - Control the weather:
    Version: v1.2

    So far, all the weather-controlling plugins have simply had commands for starting and stopping the weather. But what if you don't have any admins online and want rain? That's where this plugin comes in. Here, you set a time interval and duration, and it rains after a certain amount of time, every time! The process runs in a thread, so it is unaffected by lag. It also allows you to manually set rain, thunder, and even lighting! It also provides an umbrella, so you can stay dry even in the wettest weather! And, if you're feeling adventurous, holding gold boots and right-clicking a point anywhere in the world will strike a bolt of lightning!

    Download MotherNature v1.2
    Source Code


    Running the program the first time will make a config.yml file in the MotherNature/ folder. Here are the config values you can set:

    • debug - Debug mode. Should leave as false
    • rain
      • interval - Seconds between rainstorms
      • duration - How long the rain should last, in seconds
    • thunder
      • interval - Seconds between thunderstorms
      • duration - How long the thunder should last, in seconds
    • wand - Item ID if the lightning wand. Defaults to gold boots.

    • /mn help - Shows a help message
    • /mn version - Shows the version
    • /mn reload - Reloads the config
    • /mn rain - Starts a rainstorm
    • /mn thunder - Starts a thunderstorm
    • /mn lightning player - Strikes lightning down on a player
    • /mn sun - Makes the day sunny again
    • /mn umbrella - Holds an umbrella over your head
    In addition to the commands, holding gold boots (if you have permissions) and right-clicking will strike lightning on the block that you click, even if you're far away from it.


    MotherNature works best with either Permissions or GroupManager installed, but they are not required. Here is a list of permissions you can give them.

    • "mothernature.command.help" - Use "/mn help"
    • "mothernature.command.version" - Use "/mn version"
    • "mothernature.command.reload" - Use "/mn reload"
    • "mothernature.command.rain" - Use "/mn rain"
    • "mothernature.command.thunder" - Use "/mn thunder"
    • "mothernature.command.lightning" - Use "/mn lightning"
    • "mothernature.command.sun" - Use "/mn sun"
    • "mothernature.command.umbrella" - Use "/mn umbrella"
    • "mothernature.wand" - Use the lightning wand

    Version 1.2
    • General fixes
    • Umbrella added

    Version 1.1
    • Add the rain, thunder, lightning, sun commands
    • Add the lightning wand.
    Version 1.0
    • Releasing MotherNature
    DaEgo, smegmabob, Juze and 1 other person like this.
  2. Offline


    Yes, i had WorldGuard but even if i remove all of my plugins ( except mn ), the fire does not spread...
  3. Offline


    That means that your config file has a syntax error. Read up on YAML syntax, as that is the formal.

    Yeah, I think that may be a Vanilla issue. I have yet to confirm.

    Make sure you have version 709-711 of CraftBukkit.

    Ah, yes. it's not yet compatible with MagicCarpet at the point. I'll release a bug fix in the next version.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  4. Offline


    what about adding a message for player only that says something like "the weather in your area is ....."
  5. Offline


    If I set thunder duration to 0 will it turn off thunder completely? I'm really looking for a plugin that just turns off thunder.​

    Edit: Specifically, I want normal weather, just without the thunderstorms. I don't want lightning destroying my creations.
  6. Offline


    why does it say i dont have permision to use this command? I'm admin/op/server owner.. i dont have permisions as of yet, and im running craftbukkit 714?
  7. Offline


    i gave the thunder strike wand to a diamond sword and now we have one hell of an epic sword xD

    this plugin is great thx
    4am likes this.
  8. Offline


    i set mine to a gold sword, means u cant really hit anything with it not that thats really a nerf ya just spam click and everything dies
  9. Offline


    any idea why it wont work for me? saying i dont hve permission? 714 craftbukkit..
  10. sorry lol it was around 3am. i would like you to enable naturally occuring storms and rain, if that is possible. also may i ask what is debug??
  11. Offline


    Wheres the Snow??
  12. Offline


    first: everyone who posts: i want snow etc. if it is raining in tundra and taiga biomes it is snow, not rain. so please stop spammig it.
    second: i don't know where the syntax error in the config is i just changed the duration of the rain to 300 and then i tried it with 200 both don't want to work.
    ps: what number makes it rain the whole minecraft day?

    edit: tried it with 180 still the same, and wtf set it to default (120) and it says me this =(

    if anyone else has this problem: i just removed the space that was between the : and the 600 in the config, it stops spamming the error

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  13. Offline


    it snows in the areas that already have snow in them while its raining everywhere else....... i think
  14. Offline


    The lightning turns pigs into pig zombies that you can't kill
  15. Offline


    I Do Not Understand :'(

    I Know That I Have The Unstable Version Of Bukkit At:

    Found At Bukkit.org

    PLEASE HELP ME AS MY WOLVES DON'T LIKE IT [brickblock]:eek:[brickblock]
  16. Offline


    Oh can you also add a lightning frequency or something? So we can also control when lightning happens.
  17. One copy of the config block for each world would be great, and also a setting to disable each type of control for each world (for example, there's a world where I want to control only the rain, a world where I want to control nothing, etc.)
  18. Offline


    This is the verision 711 - http://ci.bukkit.org/job/dev-CraftBukkit/711/artifact/target/craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

    See if it works with that JAR.

    It only snows in snow biomes. That is not able to be controlled by Bukkit.

    Debug is not something you will need to mess with. It is just extra stuff in the console that does nothing except spam your console.

    Are you using the Permissions plugin?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  19. also i have found a bug. zombie pig men created by lightning cannot be killed or injured
  20. Offline


    oh dear god I've created a zombie pigman with lightning and now not even WorldEdit's /butcher will kill it! How do I get rid of him!?
  21. Offline

    G1R Productions

    Above needs fixing and can you make it so durability is taken off the item per use? Or set it up with iconomy so that it costs money to zap things?
  22. Offline


    does noone have a solution on this error ?

    [SEVERE] Exception in thread "mn_thread"
    11:02:17 [SEVERE] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.World.setStorm(Z)V
    11:02:17 [SEVERE] at yetanotherx.bukkitplugin.MotherNature.thread.MotherNa
    11:02:17 [SEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  23. Offline


    It is the best yet!

    Is umbrella suppose to show something? Because I don't see anything.

    Request... have a second wand to have an explosion where lightning strikes. --- THIS would be awesome!
    thepackett likes this.
  24. Offline


    for me umbrella just says internal error...
  25. Offline


    maybe as a future feature you could set different rain/thunder durations and intervals for different worlds?
  26. i got
            default: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                - '*'
                - 'dropchest.*'
                - 'lockette.admin.create.*'
                - 'lockette.admin.break'
                - 'lockette.admin.bypass'
                - 'lockette.admin.snoop'
                - 'lockette.admin.reload'
                - 'lc.admin'
                - 'dropchest'
                - 'dropchest.create'
                - 'dropchest.remove'
                - 'dropchest.radius.set'
                - 'dropchest.radius.setBig'
                - 'dropchest.which'
                - 'dropchest.teleport'
                - 'dropchest.filter'
                - 'dropchest.destroy'
                - 'dropchest.protect'
                - 'dropchest.moderator'
                - 'mothernature.command.help'
                - 'mothernature.command.version'
                - 'mothernature.command.reload'
                - 'mothernature.command.rain'
                - 'mothernature.command.thunder'
                - 'mothernature.command.lightning'
                - 'mothernature.command.sun'
                - '-ItemSpawn.Essentials'
                - 'mothernature.command.umbrella'
                - 'mothernature.wand'
    and it still says i dont have permission iam an admin so whats wrong ??
  27. Offline


    Do you think you could make it so that using the thunder command without a username would cause the same behavior as right-clicking with golden boots? This way, I could use it with Wandmin :)

    edit: Sorry, I mean the lightning command.
  28. Offline


    somehow it always says i don't have permission...
    just when i type /mn help
    or /mn umbrella it works
    my permissions are like these: (and yes i am adminstrator :p)
            system: default
            copies: null
            default: true
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
            inheritance: null
            - lockette.create.*
            - AutoRepair.access
            - AutoRepair.auto
            - myhome.home.*
            - craftbook.mech.elevator.use
            - craftbook.mech.elevator
            - craftbook.mech.bridge
            - craftbook.mech.cauldron
            - craftbook.mech.gate
            - craftbook.ic.MC1000
            - craftbook.ic.MC1001
            - craftbook.ic.MC1017
            - craftbook.ic.MC1018
            - craftbook.ic.MC1110
            - craftbook.ic.MC1111
            - craftbook.ic.MC1230
            - iConomy.rank
            - iConomy.payment
            - iConomyChestShop.shop.create
            - iConomyChestShop.shop.buy
            - iConomyChestShop.shop.sell
            - iConomyChestShop.command.iteminfo
            - mothernature.command.help
            - mothernature.command.umbrella
            default: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
            - Default
            - bar.foo
            default: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
            inheritance: null
            - '*'
            - iConomy.*
            - iConomy.payment
            - iConomy.admin.set
            - iConomy.admin.grant
            - mothernature.command.help
            - mothernature.command.version
            - mothernature.command.reload
            - mothernature.command.rain
            - mothernature.command.thunder
            - mothernature.command.lightning
            - mothernature.command.sun
            - mothernature.command.umbrella
            - mothernature.wand
    users: null
    Edit: well ok if i put everything in default everything works fine but do i want that everyone is able to change weather so? no xD
    i only want those commands for admin >.<
  29. Offline


    I LOVE THIS PLUGIN!!! first thing i did was make it rain then thunder THEN I LIGHTNINGED PLAYER SOO COOL!! but it did lag the server and all most crashed us!!!
    EDIT fixed didnt reboot server first time just did /reload
    but it only does like 4 hearts damage :/
    id like to see insta death!!!
  30. Offline


    this title made my day. ;) Judging I have 4 sisters.
  31. Offline


    There are a lot of great ideas in the thread so far but if you do add em, maybe you could make a "Mother Nature Lite" version with just the current feature set?

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