VIP Join Version 1.2 A fun plugin that provides the permission bearer to have a thunder effect on login to the server and a broadcast message to let other players know that they have just logged in. Easy to set up and use, and is very low resource intensive on the server. Planned Feature List: Configurable effects to allow for different combinations Support For this Plugin: Any support or questions can be made on the BukkitDev website linked below. Permissions: VIPJoin.thunder Latest Version: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> ChangeLog: Version 1.2 - * Updated to latest CraftBukkit Build 1.7.9-R0.2 Version 1.0 * Updated to latest recommended craftbukkit build 1.6.4-R2.0 * Added Broadcast message upon login Version 1.0 * RELEASED
Heh, perhaps you should add some other settings... (Login with a burst of flames?) (Puff of smoke?) (Purple haze?)
Not that its much of a problem but I have fire on my head after I join the server. I am the only one who can see it: I am currently running # 1085
Hmm im not sure why that is, could be down to a client side bug. Try relogging. There is no code in the plugin for fire hats .. Updated to 1185
I posted in BukkitDev, but I can't seem to get the permission node to work for non-ops. Using permissions 2.74 though.
For Whatever Reasons this is not working for me :/ Op's do get a thunder but not People with Permission (PermissionEX)
I am currently getting back into coding and modding,. I will be updating all my plugins to the current versions of bukkit and MC, eventually. No clue on ETA's