Inactive [ECON] GlobalShop v0.6 - A simple global shop provided through commands [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Phate123, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Offline


    GlobalShop - simple global shop that uses iConomy:
    Version: v0.6

    have a look at the GlobalShop BukkitDev Page:

    you will need some economy plugin installed. GlobalShop provides support for iConomy 4, 5, & 6+, BOSEconomy 6 & 7, Essentials Economy 2.2.17+, MultiCurrency thx to Nijikokun's Register API. Register is implemented in GlobalShop so you don't need to install it seperately!

    Now supporting SuperPerms. If you don't want to use SuperPerms GlobalShop still supports Yeti's Permissions.

    This shop is used through commands. At moment where are five of it:
    • /price (name|id) -> Shows you the price you must pay to buy name|id
    • /buy (name|id) [amount] -> Buy name|id with optional amount
    • /checksell -> Shows you the money you would get for the item you are holding
    • /sell -> Sells the item you are holding
    • /shop reload -> Reloads the config of GlobalShop
    There are ParentPermissions for SuperPerms:* and globalshop.admin.*
    • '' -> Allow /buy and /price
    • '' -> Allow /sell and /checksell
    • 'globalshop.admin.reload' -> Allow /shop reload
    • Shop that can be accessed from everywhere
    • You can add customizable item names
    • Damage/Color can be defined in config. So you can sell for example black_wool
    • Considers the durability of an item to calculate the selling price
    • You can set the sellratio. This defines how much money you get for selling an item. Default is 80%
    • All commands can be renamed to your wish by reconfigurating the aliases in plugin.yml HowTo
    Planned features:
    • Setting up prices with commands
    • Writeout of a HTML-File where all prices can be viewed
    Sample Config File:
    #GlobalShop 0.6 by Phate
    #Configuration File
    #Use Yeti's Permissions system?
    useYetiPerm: false
    #Here the sale ratio is determined
    buysell: 0.8
    #Here the shops Item- and Pricelist is determined
    #This is how the items are defined:
    #- ItemID:ItemName:Amount:Price(:Damage/Color)
    - 1:stone:64:10.00
    - 4:cobblestone:64:7.00
    - 278:diamond_pickaxe:1:160.00
    - 35:white_wool:64:14.00:0
    - 35:black_wool:64:16.00:15


    Version 0.6
    • removed permissions out of command nodes in plugin.yml to avoid "Bukkit is sad ..."
    • Bugfix: non player command handling
    Version 0.6b2
    • Superperms support
    • Changed namespace for implemented Register
    Version 0.6b1
    • Implemented Nijikokun's Register to support more plugins
    • Support for < RB1000
    Version 0.5.2
    • Bugfixing Permissionhandling if no permissions plugin is installed
  2. Offline



    like a 1000000000000000000000000 times lol. it always says item not for sale.

    But does it work for you?
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    What do you mean? Does it also say "item not for sale"?
  5. Offline


    is there a way to "/sell all". lets say i have 10 stacks of wood, and I'd like to sell all of it at one time. can i sell all at one time? or do i have to hold each stack in my hand and type /sell repeatedly?
  6. Offline


    Does this plugin work with group manager?
  7. Offline


    Great plugin to stimulate a new servers economy! thank you.
  8. Offline


    Hello! I have just hosted a server and i am trying to make this mod work. And well it does. Really great to be honest. But i just got a small question: Can you upload a complete config file? And if someone wanna cry about me beeing lazy sure just do it, but admit it would be awesome!
  9. Offline


    Can somebody please help me with this problem

    when i start my server i get this error

    04:38 PM [INFO] [GlobalShop] Loading GlobalShop v0.6.
    04:38 PM [INFO] [GlobalShop] by Phate. Plugin Enabled. (version 0.6)
    04:38 PM [INFO] [GlobalShop] Loading Configuration...
    04:38 PM [INFO] [GlobalShop] Error reading ShopItems.white_wool get's it's damage by using it.
    04:38 PM [INFO] [GlobalShop] Unloading GlobalShop v0.6.
    04:38 PM [INFO] [GlobalShop] by Phate. Plugin Disabled. (version 0.6)
    04:38 PM [INFO] [GlobalShop] Disabling...

    this is my config file

    - 1:stone:1:2.00
    - 3:dirt:1:1.00
    - 4:cobblestone:1:1.00
    - 5:plank:1:2.00
    - 12:sand:1:2.00
    - 13:gravel:1:2.00
    - 17:wood:1:4.00
    - 20:glass:1:2.00
    - 22:lapis:1:25.00
    - 24:sandstone:1:1.00
    - 33:piston:1:10.00
    - 35:white_wool:1:2.00:0
    - 35:eek:range_wool:1:2.00:1
    - 35:magenta_wool:1:2.00:2
    - 35:cyan_wool:1:2.00:3
    - 35:yellow_wool:1:2.00:4
    - 35:lime_wool:1:2.00:5
    - 35:pink_wool:1:2.00:6
    - 35:lightgray_wool:1:2.00:7
    - 35:darkcyan_wool:1:2.00:9
    - 35:purple_wool:1:2.00:10
    - 35:blue_wool:1:2.00:11
    - 35:brown_wool:1:2.00:12
    - 35:green_wool:1:2.00:13
    - 35:red_wool:1:2.00:14
    - 35:black_wool:1:2.00:15
    - 41:goldblock:1:180.00
    - 42:ironblock:1:180.00
    - 44:stoneslab:1:4.00:0
    - 44:sandstoneslab:1:4.00:1
    - 44:woodslab:1:4.00:2
    - 44:cobblestoneslab:1:4.00:3
    - 44:brickslab:1:4.00:4
    - 45:brick:1:5.00
    - 47:bookcase:1:5.00
    - 48:mossycobblestone:1:5.00
    - 49:eek:bsidan:1:10.00
    - 50:torch:1:2.00
    - 53:woodstair:1:4.00
    - 54:chest:1:5.00
    - 57:diamondblock:1:2250.00
    - 58:workbench:1:4.00
    - 61:furnace:1:4.00
    - 69:lever:1:2.00
    - 70:stoneplate:1:2.00
    - 72:woodplate:1:2.00
    - 76:redstonetorch:1:2.00
    - 77:button:1:2.00
    - 80:snow:1:2.00
    - 81:cactus:1:2.00
    - 85:fence:1:2.00
    - 86:pumpkin:1:2.00
    - 87:netherrack:1:4.00
    - 89:glowstone:1:4.00
    - 98:stonebrick:1:2.00
    - 108:brickstair:1:4.00
    - 109:stonebrickstair:1:4.00
    - 112:netherbrick:1:4.00
    - 116:enchantingtable:1:400.00
    - 122:coal:1:2.00
    - 262:arrow:1:1.00
    - 264:diamond:1:250.00
    - 265:ironingot:1:20.00
    - 266:goldingot:1:20.00
    - 276:diamondsword:1:500.00
    - 277:diamondshovel:1:400.00
    - 278:diamondpickaxe:1:500.00
    - 279:diamondaxe:1:500.00
    - 280:stick:1:1.00
    - 287:string:1:1.00
    - 288:feather:1:1.00
    - 295:seeds:1:2.00
    - 310:diamondhelmet:1:600.00
    - 311:diamondbody:1:800.00
    - 312:diamondpants:1:700.00
    - 313:diamondboots:1:500.00
    - 319:pork:1:2.00
    - 321:painting:1:5.00
    - 323:sign:1:4.00
    - 324:door:1:4.00
    - 326:water:1:2.00
    - 331:redstone:1:2.00
    - 338:reeds:1:2.00
    - 352:bone:1:2.00
    - 354:cake:1:10.00
    - 355:bed:1:5.00
    - 356:repeater:1:4.00
    - 358:map:1:4.00
    - 363:steak:1:2.00
  10. Offline


    Here's a tweaked version for Bukkit R4 & R5: (<Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2016
  11. What would I type for different types of wooden planks?
  12. Offline


    Is there anyway you could add permission nodes to the items. On my server we would like to regulate who can buy what through permission groups.
  13. Offline


    I need a config for GlobalShop that will allow me to sell diamonds, gold, iron, armor, weapons, tools, etc please pm me for more info. Thanks in Advance
  14. Offline


    does anyone know how to make is so you can do like /sell all?
  15. Offline



    #GlobalShop 0.6 by Phate
    #Configuration File
    #Use Yeti's Permissions system?
    useYetiPerm: true
    #Here the sale ratio is determined
    buysell: 0.8
    #Use XP instead of a currency (doesn't work yet)
    buywithxp: false
    #Here the shops Item- and Pricelist is determined
    #This is how the items are defined:
    #- ItemID:ItemName:Amount:Price(:Damage/Color)
    - 1:stone:1:1.00
    - 2:grass:1:0.1
    - 3:dirt:1:0.1
    - 4:cobblestone:1:0.1
    - 5:wooden_plank_oak:1:6:0
    - 5:wooden_plank_pine:1:6:1
    - 5:wooden_plank_birch:1:6:2
    - 5:wooden_plank_jungle:1:6:3
    - 6:sapling_oak:1:6:0
    - 6:sapling_pine:1:6:1
    - 6:sapling_plank_birch:1:6:2
    - 6:sapling_plank_jungle:1:6:3
    - 12:sand:1:1
    - 13:gravel:1:1
    - 14:gold_ore:1:500
    - 15:iron_ore:1:100
    - 16:coal_ore:1:25
    - 17:log_oak:1:20:0
    - 17:log_pine:1:20:1
    - 17:log_plank_birch:1:20:2
    - 17:log_plank_jungle:1:20:3
    - 19:sponge:1:500
    - 20:glass:1:5
    - 22:lapis_block:1:250
    - 23:dispenser:1:20
    - 24:sandstone:1:4:0
    - 24:chiseled_sandstone:1:4:1
    - 24:smooth:sandstone:1:4:2
    - 25:note_block:1:100
    - 27:powered_rail:1:20
    - 28:detector_rail:1:20
    - 30:web:1:300
    - 33:piston:1:100
    - 35:wool:1:25:0
    - 35:oragne_wool:1:25:1
    - 35:magenta_wool:1:25:2
    - 35:light_blue_wool:1:25:3
    - 35:yellow_wool:1:25:4
    - 35:lime_wool:1:25:5
    - 35:pink_wool:1:25:6
    - 35:gray_wool:1:25:7
    - 35:light_gray_wool:1:25:8
    - 35:cyan_wool:1:25:9
    - 35:purple_wool:1:25:10
    - 35:blue_wool:1:25:11
    - 35:brown_wool:1:25:12
    - 35:green_wool:1:25:13
    - 35:red_wool:1:25:14
    - 35:block_wool:1:25:15
    - 44:stone_slab:1:10:0
    - 44:sandstone_slab:1:10:1
    - 44:cobblestone_slab:1:10:3
    - 44:brick_slab:1:10:4
    - 44:stone_brick_slab:1:10:5
    - 45:bricks:1:30
    - 46:tnt:1:100
    - 47:booshelf:1:25
    - 49:obsidian:1:30
    - 50:torch:1:3
    - 54:chest:1:30
    - 58:crafting_table:1:10
    - 61:furnace:1:10
    - 64:door:1:10
    - 65:ladder:1:15
    - 66:rails:1:10
    - 69:level:1:10
    - 70:stone_pressure_plate:1:10
    - 75:redstone_torch:1:20
    - 77:button:1:20
    - 81:cactus:1:25
    - 82:clay:30
    - 83:sugarcane:1:4
    - 84:jukebox:1:100
    - 85:fence:1:20
    - 86:pumpkin:1:10
    - 87:netherrack:1:1
    - 88:soul_sand:1:1
    - 89:glowstone:1:1
    - 92:cake:1:100
    - 96:trapdoor:1:30
    - 98:stone_brick:1:10
    - 98:mossy_stone_brick:1:100
    - 98:mossy_stone_brick:1:100
    - 98:circular_stone_brick:1:100
    - 101:iron_bars:1:50
    - 102:glass_pane:1:0.5
    - 103:melon_block:1:50
    - 106:vines:1:25
    - 107:fence_gate:1:50
    - 372:netherwart:1:20
    - 112:netherbrick:1:5
    - 256:iron_shovel:1:150
    - 257:iron_axe:1:150
    - 258:iron_pickaxe:1:150
    - 259:flint_and_steel:1:100
    - 260:apple:1:20
    - 261:bow:1:20
    - 262:arrow:1:5
    - 263:coal:1:10
    - 264:diamond:1:1000
    - 265:iron_inngot:1:50
    - 266:gold_ingot:1:300
    - 267:iron_sword:1:100
    - 276:diamond_sword:1:2000
    - 277:diamond_shovel:1:1000
    - 278:diamond_pickae:1:3000
    - 279:diamond_axe:1:3000
    - 295:seeds:1:10
    - 296:wheat:1:20
    - 297:bread:1:50
    - 298:leather_helmet:1:250
    - 299:leather_chestplate:1:250
    - 300:leather_leggings:1:250
    - 301:leather_boots:1:250
    - 306:iron_helmet:1:500
    - 307:iron_chestplate:1:500
    - 308:iron_leggings:1:500
    - 309:iron_boots:1:500
    - 310:diamond_helmet:1:1500
    - 311:diamond_chestplate:1:1500
    - 312:diamond_leggings:1:1500
    - 313:diamond_boots:1:1500
    - 323:sign:1:25
    - 325:bucket:1:100
    - 326:water_bucket:1:100
    - 327:lava_bucket:1:100
    - 328:minecart:1:100
    - 349:fish:1:100
    - 358:map:1:2000
    - 360:melon:1:2
    - 370:ghast_tear:1:1000
    - 374:glass_bottle:1:50
    - 378:magma_cream:1:500
    - 29:sticky_piston:1:200
    - 369:blaze_rod:1:200
    31.05 18:52:43 [Server] INFO [GlobalShop] Disabling...
    31.05 18:52:43 [Server] INFO [GlobalShop] by Zarius and Phate. Plugin Disabled. (version 0.6)
    31.05 18:52:43 [Server] INFO [GlobalShop] Disabling GlobalShop v0.6
    31.05 18:52:43 [Server] INFO [GlobalShop] Error reading ShopItems.Wrong size of arguments in ShopItems: smooth
    31.05 18:52:43 [Server] INFO [GlobalShop] Loading Configuration...
    31.05 18:52:42 [Server] INFO [GlobalShop] by Zarius and Phate. Plugin Enabled. (version 0.6)
    31.05 18:52:42 [Server] INFO [GlobalShop] Enabling GlobalShop v0.6
    31.05 18:52:42 [Server] INFO [Gods v0.2.4] Loaded 26 believers.
    31.05 18:52:42 [Server] INFO [Gods v0.2.4] Loaded 33 gods.
  16. Offline


    here i fixed it for you you had
    - 24:smooth:sandstone:1:4:2
    and need - 24:smoothsandstone:1:4:2

  17. Offline


    ah, fail. Thanks a ton.
  18. Hey guys, I am having an error on my shop and idk what is going on. Please help me. It took me forever!
    #GlobalShop 0.91 by Phate
    #Configuration File
    #GlobalShop uses Metrics for anonymous usage stats (
    #Disabling this here may be necessary for older Bukkit or alternate server builds
    disable_metrics: false
    #Here the sale ratio is determined
    buysell: 0.5
    #Use XP instead of a currency (doesn't work yet)
    buywithxp: false
    #Here the shops Item- and Pricelist is determined
    #This is how the items are defined:
    #- ItemID:ItemName:Amount:Price(:Damage/Color)
    - 1:Stone:1:1.00
    - 2:Grass:1:1.00
    - 3:Dirt:1:0.50
    - 4:Cobblestone:1:0.50
    - 5:Woodplank:1:1.00
    - 6:Oaksapling:1:0.50
    - 12:Sand:1:0.50
    - 13:Gravel:1:0.50
    - 14:Gold Ore:1:700.00
    - 15:Iron Ore:1:500.00
    - 16:Coal Ore:1:200.00
    - 17:Oak Log:1:4:00
    - 18:Oak Leaf:1:1.00
    - 20:Glass:1:2.00
    - 21:Lapis Ore:1:250.00
    - 22:Lapis Block:1:400.00
    - 23:Dispenser:1:500.00
    - 24:Sandstone:1:2.00
    - 25:Note block:1:10.00
    - 29:Sticky Piston:1:7.50
    - 33:Piston:1:5.50
    - 35:Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:1:Orange Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:2:Magenta Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:3:Light Blue Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:4:Yellow Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:5:Lime Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:6:Pink Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:7:Gray Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:8:Light Gray Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:9:Cyan Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:10:Purple Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:11:Blue Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:12:Brown Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:13:Green Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:14:Red Wool:1:4.00
    - 35:15:Black Wool:1:4.00
    - 37:Yellow Flower:1:2.00
    - 38:Rose:1:2.00
    - 39:Brown Mushroom:1:1.50
    - 40:Red Mushroom:1:1.50
    - 41:Gold Block:1:6300.00
    - 42:Iron Block:1:4500.00
    - 46:TNT:1:300.00
    - 47:Bookshelf:1:100.00
    - 49:Obsidian:1:150.00
    - 50:Torch:1:0.75
    - 54:Chest:1:8.00
    - 55:Redstone:1:2.00
    - 56:Diamond Ore:1:1000.00
    - 57:Diamond Block:1:9000.00
    - 58:Workbench:1:4.00
    - 61:Furnace:1:4.00
    - 63:Sign:1:8.00
    - 69:Lever:1:2.00
    - 70:Stone Pressure Plate:1:1.00
    - 72:Wooden Pressure Plate:1:1.00
    - 73:Redstone Ore:1:7.00
    - 76:Redtone Torch:1:2.00
    - 77:Button:1:1.00
    - 79:Ice:1:3.00
    - 81:Cactus:1:5.00
    - 83:Sugar Cane:1:5.00
    - 86:Pumpkin:1:5.00
    - 87:Netherrack:1:0.50
    - 88:Soul Sand:1:3.00
    - 103:Melon:1:5.00
    - 106:Vine:1:1.00
    - 110:Mycelium:1:6.00
    - 111:Lily Pad:1:1.00
    - 112:Nether Brick:1:2.00
    - 115:Nether Wart:1:5.00
    - 116:Enchantment Table:1:25000.00
    - 379:Brewing Stand:1:500.00
    - 121:End Stone:1:50.00
    - 123:Redstone Lamp:1:200.00
    - 126:Oak Slab:1:0.50
    - 129:Emerald Ore:1:800.00
    - 130:Enderchest:1:1000.00
    - 131:Tripwire Hook:1:5.00
    - 133:Block of Emerald:1:7200.00
    - 141:Carrot:1:5.00
    - 142:Potatoe:1:5.00
    - 143:Wood Button:1:0.50
    - 145:Anvil:1:15500.00
    - 146:Trapped Chest:1:10.00
    - 147:Gold Pressureplate:1:1400.00
    - 148:Iron Pressureplate:1:1000.00
    - 151:Daylight Sensor:1:100.00
    - 152:Redstone Block:1:18.00
    - 153:Quartz Ore:1:1.00
    - 154:Hopper:1:20.00
    - 155:Quartz Block:1:4.00
    - 157:Activator Rail:1:100.00
    - 158:Dropper:1:50.00
    - 256:Iron Shovel:1:510.00
    - 257:Iron Pickaxe:1:1510.00
    - 258:Iron Axe:1:1510.00
    - 259:Flint And Steel:1:50.00
    - 260:Apple:1:10.00
    - 261:Bow:1:60.00
    - 262:Arrow:1:1.00
    - 263:Coal:1:200.00
    - 264:Diamond:1:1000.00
    - 265:Iron:1:500.00
    - 266:Gold:1:700.00
    - 267:Iron Sword:1:1010.00
    - 268:Wood Sword:1:2.00
    - 269:Wood Shovel:1:1.50
    - 270:Wood Pickaxe:1:2.50
    - 271:Wood Axe:1:2.50
    - 272:Stone Sword:1:2.00
    - 273:Stone Shovel:1:1.50
    - 274:Stone Pickaxe:1:2.50
    - 275:Stone Axe:1:2.50
    - 276:Diamond Sword:1:2010.00
    - 277:Diamond Shovel:1:1010.00
    - 278:Diamond Pickaxe:1:3010.00
    - 279:Diamond Axe:1:3010.00
    - 280:Stick:1:0.50
    - 281:Bowl:1:1.50
    - 282:Mushroom Soup:16:50.00
    - 283:Gold Sword:1:1410.00
    - 284:Gold Shovel:1:710.00
    - 285:Gold Pickaxe:1:2110.00
    - 286:Gold Axe:1:2110.00
    - 287:String:1:2.00
    - 288:Feather:1:2.00
    - 289:Gunpowder:1:5.00
    - 290:Wood Hoe:1:3.00
    - 291:Stone Hoe:1:3.00
    - 292:Iron Hoe:1:1010.00
    - 293:Diamond Hoe:1:2010.00
    - 294:Gold Hoe:1:1410.00
    - 295:Seed:1:0.50
    - 297:Bread:1:2.00
    - 298:Leather Helmet:1:500.00
    - 299:Leather Chestplate:1:800.00
    - 300:Lether Leggings:1:700.00
    - 301:Leather Boot:1:400.00
    - 306:Iron Helmet:1:2500.00
    - 307:Iron Chestplate:1:4000.00
    - 308:Iron Legging:1:3500.00
    - 309:Iron Boot:1:2000.00
    - 310:Diamond Helmet:1:5000.00
    - 311:Diamond Chestplate:1:8000.00
    - 312:Diamond Legging:1:7000.00
    - 313:Diamond Boot:1:4000.00
    - 314:Gold Helmet:1:3500.00
    - 315:Gold Chestplate:1:5600.00
    - 316:Gold Legging:1:4900.00
    - 317:Gold Boot:1:2800.00
    - 318:Flint:1:0.50
    - 320:Cooked Porkchop:1:2.00
    - 319:Raw Prokchop:1:1.00
    - 322:Golden Apple:1:750.00
    - 322:1:God Apple:1:6300.00
    - 323:Sign:1:5.00
    - 325:Bucket:1:150.00
    - 326:Water Bucket:1:200.00
    - 327:Lava Bucket:1:200.00
    - 330:Iron Door:1:1000.00
    - 333:Boat:1:2.50
    - 334:Leather:1:100.00
    - 335:Milk Bucket:1:200.00
    - 339:Paper:1:20.00
    - 340:Book:1:50.00
    - 341:Slime Ball:1:20.00
    - 348:Glowstone Dust:1:25.00
    - 351:Ink Sack:1:1.00
    - 352:Bone:1:3.00
    - 353:Sugar:1:5.00
    - 354:Cake:1:100.00
    - 355:Bed:1:10.00
    - 356:Redstone Repeater:1:100.00
    - 357:Cookie:1:2.00
    - 359:Shears:1:1000.00
    - 360:Melon Slice:1:1.00
    - 363:Raw Beef:1:1.00
    - 364:Steak:1:2.00
    - 365:Raw Chicken:1:1.00
    - 366:Cooked Chicken:1:2.00
    - 367:Rotten Flesh:1:1.00
    - 368:Enderpearl:1:10.00
    - 369:Blaze Rod:1:3.00
    - 370:Ghast Tear:1:3.00
    - 371:Gold Nugget:9:700.00
    - 373:Water Bottle:1:3.00
    - 374:Glass Bottle:1:1.50
    - 375:Spider Eye:1:3.00
    - 376:Fermented Spider Eye:1:3.00
    - 377:Blaze Powder:1:1.50
    - 378:Magma Cream:1:6.00
    - 382:Glistering Melon:1:6.00
    - 388:Emerald:1:800.00
    - 389:Item Frame:1:20.00
    - 391:Carrot:1:5.00
    - 392:Potato:1:5.00
    - 393:Baked Potato:1:7.00
    - 394:Poisonous Potato:1:5.00
    - 396:Gold Carrot:1:6.00
    - 400:Pumpkin Pie:1:100.00

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