Filled Custom item placement

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Satyrcyn, May 20, 2013.

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    I am making a role playing server and I have been attempting to achieve the following effect (I've tried variabletriggers and such with no luck)

    • If I place an item (for instance a mushroom) which has a custom name made from an anvil the custom name is attached to the block entity in the map.
    • If someone comes along and breaks that block, the item they pick up is exactly what I placed, including the custom name.
    • So for instance if I plant a mushroom named Amnita the player who picks that specific mushroom will obtain Amnita in their inventory instead of Mushroom.
    • It would be an amazingly cool extra touch if I could also set up these placed entities to automatically respawn after some delay, so the mushroom would regrow for other players.
    • Of course this shouldn't be applied to only mushrooms. I'd like to do the same with ferns, flowers and really any kind of block.
    If you can do this, you would be pretty loved by a role playing server that is aiming to become rather large, and of course you would be credited. As with any request, alert me if this is A) impossible or B) already done and I've somehow missed it. Thanks.
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    I do plan to attempt this at some point with OtherDrops and the regrow could be done with a delay however delays don't current last over a server restart.

    For regrowing I personally would prefer to use one of my other plugins - OtherGrowth - which can make flowers/mushrooms/etc grow at a pre-configured rate in defined locations (eg. mushrooms only grow at night, flowers only grow at day - perhaps mushrooms have a higher chance of growing on dirt, etc). You could also tweak the values to given them a higher chance to grow if there's another flower/mushroom close by.

    (*note: conditions for day/night and other flowers/mushrooms close by are planned but not yet implemented)
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    Thank you so much Zarius, I think it's alright if a staff member marks this as solved now. OtherDrops is a better solution for my needs than the one I was requesting. I can simply use the lorename tag combined with chance drops so when a player breaks a mushroom they get a random one of my dozen custom mushrooms. The only thing missing is a way for these plants to grow back when destroyed, but I doubt that will be nearly so hard to find. Thanks a million.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Satyrcyn You can mark it yourself as filled, top right corner, thread tools (i think)
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    Satyrcyn - cool, glad that it suits your needs :)

    For the regrow - if you want them to come back in the exact same places perhaps look at RegenBlock.

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