Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    thank you for your reply!
  3. Offline


    No problem, sorry if there was a delay. I need to figure out why I don't get email notifications from Bukkit a lot of the time. :/
  4. Offline


    I come back on this problem. I have downgrade craftbukkit to the recommended build, and now it's fine.
    Sorry for the noise.

  5. Offline


    No problem. It will be fixed in the next version of AuthDB.
  6. Offline


    ^ Which right now seems to be something we're coming too, the development bar indicates we are returning to version 2.1 in a few weeks :p
    <- Now checks it two times a day :p

    @Wulf did you add Bukkit to your contacts? And did you, in the settings, tell it properly to email you every time? Perhaps XenForo has some kind of anti spam system :\
  7. Offline


    About PLAYER_MOVE - its being since #1034. Use #1032.
  8. Offline


    Hi there,

    I have trouble with Drupal 7 . I saw that support is going to be in Version 3.0.0 so I downloaded the source and startet digging in the code. You have the basic implementation of the Drupal 7 Passwort hashing thingy, but it seems something is wrong with the sha512 algorithm. I wrote a simple php page and a simple java program to debug the password crypt process. The php page uses the Drupal implementation and the Java program uses your

    So here is what i got for the first Iteration:
    Setting: $S$C0it1MfJC
    Salt: 0it1MfJC
    count_log2: 14
    count: 16384
    Hash (Iteration 16384): 8–4dZø «–oüi6){ÚßÅdº8c.J\µqÿ)ìPPÿîÚ<¼8“a´Ðÿ„[ ›õ‰‡Ã’>åû
    Salt: 0it1MfJC
    count_log2: 14
    count: 16384
    Hash (Iteration 16384): 389634645af809ab15966ffc1b693681297bdadfc51164ba38632e4a5c00b571ff2908ec5050ffeeda0f3cbc389361b4d0ff845b209bf58987c3923ee5fb901e
    I would like to hear, if you can confirm this Error, or I've just been plain stupid and have overseen something...


    Edits: Typos...

    Edit: Nearly got it now, but something is fishy with the base64 encode....

    I expect: $S$C0it1MfJCqwpNpf8X464RVvObB6DbwYKIS33mbsVtCmfUHbU2y0N
    I get:    $S$C0it1MfJCqwpNpzzz464RVzzzB6zzwYKIS33mbsVtCyzzHzzzyyz
  9. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    any status on 2.3 I'm wetting my pants over here.. lol
  10. Offline


    i want to kick notRegistered before they could join?
    this mean
    only it is to join can homepage

    Attached Files:

  11. Offline



    Are you going to fix the problem the conflict with BukkitContrib on v2.3??
    It disables BukkitContrib's ability to check if a user is using a BukkitContrib client and kicks out everyone even if they are using it.
  12. Offline


    Perhaps you should read their tracker before making bug reports or suggestions, you would know they are dropping support for BukkitContrib and going for Spout. Spout and BukkitContrib kill eachother when on the same server ;)
  13. Offline


    We've already fixed support for BukkitContrib in dev builds for quite some time. Spout support has also been added in dev builds.

    We're working on it. Hopefully we'll have something soon. :)

    We add issues to the task list as we find them while developing. The progress bar is calculated based on the number of issues open.

    The issue with emails is not from my end, I don't even see the alerts on the forum unless I've visited the watched thread recently.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  14. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    cool, thanks! :cool:
  15. Offline


    I believe this has been requested before as an option for make unregistered users visit a website first and registering there.
  16. Offline


    Appricate you helping us.
    I'll move Drupal 7 to 2.3.0 :)
  17. Offline


    Hey, so how do I connect this with my phpbb3 forum? Is it fine that my forum is running on version 3.0.9?
  18. Offline


    script: phpbb
    version: 3.0.8

    We haven't updated the version ranges, but most likely there are no changes that would affect AuthDB in phpBB 3.0.9.
  19. Offline


    Very speedy reply! What I am mostly wondering is what do I have to do, other then installing the plugin, to link my forums users with the games users?
  20. Offline


    Configure your database and script settings in config.yml for AuthDB.
  21. Offline


    I have it connected properly finally however, it is saying my password is incorrect when I know it is correct. The encryption is set to md5 and I am using phpbb3. Should the encryption be something else?

    It is saying in console:
    [SEVERE] Player: pitbully was not properly updated during login!

    I tried setting the config file to the other encryption methods. Not sure what is wrong here. Would you need me to post my config file?

    Does this have something to do with Hashing in the phpbb3?
  22. Offline



    I downloaded the developmental build and the config is kinda hard for me to understand.
    Can you give me a sample configuration to link it with IP.Board ??

  23. Offline


    Well I got it now :D It was the base64 encode... Now working :) At least in my Java Sandbox. Tried to compile the whole Projekt, but failed. I'm not sure if I did that right. So the changes I made in my git-repository are untested ;) I'll try to get a working plugin out of my sources...

  24. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    this please

    I downloaded it but the debug feature doesn't seem to be working so I really don't know if its even working
  25. Offline


    Does it create a table automatically?
  26. Offline


    i have idea
    if you are gamer
    if you don't login in web ,you don't login game...
    am.. i am foreigner and i can't english well
    by the by
    understand ???
  27. Offline


    ^ You are saying like those login features by EA on BF Heroes and other Free2play games?
    That is hassle... most modern games now already have integrated login function inside the game.

    Bump this

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  28. Offline


    I am foreign.
    I do not speak English well
    So I explained briefly.
    My server is a guild server.
    If any user is connected to a different account
    F3 Clik
    This place is exposed
    In the course of a conversation passes
    There was a misunderstanding.
    Anyway, I'm sorry.
    Please do not misunderstand

    My server is a guild server.
    When user try login other user in game, it can try F3 click to don't need login
    In that case can to find user location
    I am very sad........
    Are you think add this feature?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  29. Offline


    The tables must exist, they were created by the script.
  30. Offline


    I don't know if i'm dumb now but which script?
  31. Offline


    The Webapplication, Script, CMS, ... call it as you want to xD

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