Inactive [ADMN/RPG] Jail - Jail bad players

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by matejdro, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Offline



    This plugins adds Jail to your minecraft server. Admins can define several jails and then jail/unjail people or jail them on time basis. Plugin also offers wide variety of protections, so players won't escape out of your jail.

    See BukkitDev page for more information and download links:
    (you can use your minecraft forum username and password on BukkitDev)
  2. Offline


    I get this when I try to REMOVE a jail:
    [Warning] Unexpected exception while parsing console command
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exeption executing command 'jaildelete' in plugin Jail v2.0.5
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute<>
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.Dispatch<>
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand<>
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand<>
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b<>
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w<>
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.matejdro.bukkit..jail.InputOutput.UpdatePrisoner<>
    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.PrisionerManager.TransferAll<>
    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.PrisionerManager.TransferAll<>
    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.JailZone.delete<>
    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.commands.BaseCommand.execute<>
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute<>
    ... 7 more

    I SPENT 17 DAME MINUTES WORKING ON TYPING THIS UP!!! SO PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!!!!!! HOW DO I FIX THIS? This is for /jaildelete [jailname]

    Oh ya, my error above was also from deleting OLD world jails.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  3. Offline


    Why didn't you copy/paste ??
  4. Offline


    I couldn't for 2 reasons

    1: I typed it on a dif cpu
    2. I COULDN'T!
  5. Offline


    You typed all that up?? Well done!!

    For that, not only should matejdro answer you immediately, but he should also personally deliver a fix to your door! :p
    Mr_H4mm3r likes this.
  6. Offline


    You could have tried to get the same error on a local server :p
  7. Offline


    internal error :((
  8. Offline


    when anyone died 30min add why?they can turn off this

    hi what is my problem on my screenshot 2012-01-08_21.35.09.png
  9. Offline


    21:14:32 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Jail v2.0.5 (Is it up to date?): null
    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.InputOutput.getConnection(
    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.InputOutput.PrepareDB(
    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.Jail.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  10. Offline


    hey plz help me its saying a internal error ocurred cant do this action when i try jail someone plz help i really want to use that plugin
  11. Offline


    He can't help you if you don't include your server.log file :)

    Because it's like trying to come out of jail.. You can specify if they get longer jail time if they die, try to come out, try to destroy a block and more in the config :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  12. Offline


    how to do that?
  13. Offline


    Just open your server.log and post it here? in a
  14. Offline


    I'm really hoping we get a fix soon. I have a growing back log of players to punish. :D

    Seriously though, this is the best of all the jail plugins. I'm trying some of the others but they're just not the same.

    Matejdro where are ya? :)
  15. Offline


    It's working fine on my server? Using CB1597
    sean_skroht likes this.
  16. Offline


    Is this updating for 1.1.0
  17. Offline


    I don't think plugin will break.. :)
  18. Offline



    The Problem is..

    When i put someone in jail. After i release them the player is unable to run. Their character can not run. so when they double tap W. they just walk and hae the inability to run until I delete their account in the settings
  19. Offline


    Do you have a error in the log file? Or is it giving a output when it happens?
  20. Offline


    I really can't remember, i'v started a new server and haven't needed the jail mod any-more, so i don't use it but I thought it was something I should mention. There wasn't an error log or output either.
  21. Offline


    Thanks for mentioning that mate, I stand corrected! I'm at a loss for words as to why it's working now.

    I posted an error report a few posts back where I was getting an internal error when trying to jail someone. So we uninstalled it out of our server. I've just tried it again with the latest CB dev build (1718) for Minecraft v1.1 and miraculously it works!

    For anyone having issues, please try this on a server without any other plugins. If you find it works then your original problem may have been caused by a conflict with another plugin, which may have been the case for us. Slowly re-add your other plugins to determine any problems.
  22. Offline


    So that means it will work for bukkit when it updates for 1.1.0
  23. Offline


    Yep as Sean_skroht mentioned.

    @sean_skroht Np :)

    @Stealthbird97 Ok that sounds weird..
  24. Offline


    I love this plugin :)
    Just got it and it works great.
    Just 1 thing though, while testing all the options, I can't let it to spawn guards when I'm trying to escape.
    It will just teleport me back in eventhough I set it to guards.

    Might also be caused by the new bukkit dev version for 1.1 though :)
  25. Offline


    If I remember right there is a option for letting it be rpg style? That should be true for letting them escape.. :)
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    Well unless I'm mistaken my config should let guards spawn.
    Does anyone see if there is something wrong in my config file?
    Otherwise I guess it will be because of the update

    SelectionTool: 268
    ExecutedCommandsOnJail: []
    ExecutedCommandsOnRelease: []
    DeleteInventoryOnJail: false
    AutomaticMute: false
    NearestJailCode: nearest
    StoreInventory: true
    SignText: <Player>[NEWLINE]<TimeS>[NEWLINE]for[NEWLINE]<Reason>
    CanPrisonerOpenHisChest: true
    LogJailingIntoConsole: false
    CountdownTimeWhenOffline: true
    SpoutChangeSkin: false
    ManualJails: []
    ManualCells: []
    ReleaseBackToPreviousPosition: false
    IgnorePrisonersSleepingState: true
    EnableJailStick: false
    JailStickParameters: 280,5,10,,police;50,5,20,,admin
      EnableBlockDestroyProtection: true
      BlockDestroyPenalty: 15
      EnableBlockPlaceProtection: true
      BlockPlacePenalty: 10
      - '59'
      EnablePlayerMoveProtection: true
      PlayerMoveProtectionPenalty: 30
      PlayerMoveProtectionAction: guards
      - /spawn
      - /kill
      - /warp
      CommandProtectionPenalty: 10
      - '69'
      - '72'
      - '70'
      - '46'
      - '64'
      - '96'
      - '77'
      - '326'
      - '327'
      - '259'
      InteractionPenalty: 10
      EnableExplosionProtection: true
      EnablePVPProtection: true
      EnableChangingPermissions: false
      - prisoners
      RestorePermissionsToEscapedPrisoners: true
      MaximumAFKTime: 5.0
      EnableFoodControl: true
      FoodControlMinimumFood: 2
      FoodControlMaximumFood: 5
      EnableJailPay: false
      PricePerMinute: 10
      PriceForInfiniteJail: 9999
      Currency: 0
      GuardHealth: 8
      GuardArmor: 0
      GuardDamage: 2
      NumberOfGuards: 3
      GuardInvincibility: false
      GuardAttackSpeedPercent: 100
      RespawnGuards: true
      GuardTeleportDistance: 10
      UseMySQL: false
      MySQLConn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
      MySQLUSername: root
      MySQLPassword: password
      MessageJail: §cYou have been jailed!
      MessageJailReason: '§cYou have been jailed! Reason: <Reason>'
      MessageUnJail: §2You have been released! Please respect server rules.
      PlayerNotJailed: That player is not jailed!
      MessageYouNotJailed: You are not jailed!
      BlockDestroyedNoPenalty: §cDo not destroy The Jail!
      BlockDestroyedPenalty: §cDo not destroy The Jail! You have just earned additional 15 minutes in jail!
      MessageEscapeNoPenalty: §cDo not try to escape out of Jail!
      MessageEscapePenalty: §cDo not try to escape out of Jail! You have just earned additional 30 minutes in jail!!
      MessageBlockPlacedNoPenalty: §cDo not place blocks inside Jail!
      MessageBlockPlacedPenalty: §cDo not place blocks inside Jail! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
      ForbiddenCommandNoPenalty: §cDo not try to escape with commands!
      ForbiddenCommandPenalty: §cDo not try to escape with commands! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
      ForbiddenTransfer: §9You have been transferred to another jail!
      MessageMuted: Stop chatting and quietly wait for the end of your sentence!
      PreventedInteractionNoPenalty: Don't do that in Jail!
      PreventedInteractionPenalty: Don't do that in Jail!  You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
      MessageAFKKick: Do not be AFK in jail!
      MessageJailPayAmountForever: To get out of this mess, you will have to pay <Amount>.
      JailPayNotEnoughMoney: You don't have that much money!
      JailPayNotEnoughMoneySelected: That won't be enough for your sentence!
      JailPayCost: 1 minute of your sentence will cost you <MinutePrice>. That means that cost for releasing you out of the jail is <WholePrice>.
      JailPayPaidReleased: You have just payed <Amount> and saved yourself from the jail!
      JailPayPaidReleasedHim: You have just payed <Amount> and saved <Prisoner> from the jail!
      JailPayLoweredTime: You have just payed <Amount> and lowered your sentence to <NewTime> minutes!
      JailPayLoweredTimeHim: You have just payed <Amount> and lowered <Prisoner>'s sentence to <NewTime> minutes!
      TimeMinutes: <Time> minutes
      JailStatus: You are jailed for <TimeS> by <Jailer>
      JailStatusReason: You are jailed for <TimeS> by <Jailer> because of <Reason>
      JailPayCannotPay: Sorry, money won't help you this time.
      JailPayCannotPayHim: Sorry, money won't help him this time.
      Forever: ever
  28. Offline


    EnablePlayerMoveProtection: true
    Set it to false :)
  29. Offline


    No, setting that to false just disables to protection.
    So it won't even look at PlayerMoveProtectionAction: and just do nothing when you escape.
  30. Offline


    Sure? If you have worldguard you can protect the jail and then maybe make a option for escaping?
  31. Offline


    Well I opened a ticket so we will see what the problem was :)
    I would think it is because of the minecraft update, but we'll see.

    Sooo I figured it out.
    People in creative mode who try to escape et teleported back in xD

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016

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