[INACTIVE][ECON] iMonster v1.7 - Give players iConomy money and drops when killing monsters [292]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ZeroDPS, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    iMonster - The Monster Money and Drop Plugin for iConomy: Version: 1.7
    This plugin is designed to allow servers using iConomy to reward players with in-game currency.
    Must have iConomy 2.2+
    Must Have Bukkit/Craftbukkit 292+
    edit the /Plugins/iMonster/iMonster.yml file foe configurations.
    • Configure Reward Currency and Items Drops per Monster.
    • Set Max Reward drop for monsters
    • Prevent MobSpawner Camping
    • Permissions Support (iMonster.User)
    • Set Reward for killing the Mob Spawner

    • Death Penelty (waiting for better Bukkit support on the EntityDeath event)
    • Prevent Reward with use of Bow
    • Configurable Messages
    • Max Kills Per Hour (configurable and can be disabled) uses variable coin rewards and % based drop rates for coins to give admins ability to prevent abuse instead of a hard cooldown/
    • Decimal Percentage
    Change Log:


    • Minor update added /imonster command to help troubleshoot problems...it doesnt do anything but send you a message with some settings information to help us better troubleshoot the plugin if a problem arises.

    • Bow Kills now works correctly
      • Slimes and ghasts were not working because they are not considered "monsters" in bukkit so they failed the check to make sure it was a player attacking a monster i have coded the plugin to handle this issue now so they WORK
    v1.5 Release

    • Fixed Creeper Coin Bug (all mobs giving set creeper amount_
    • Added Coin Range for mob kills.
    • Added Coin Percentage for mob kills

    • Added ability to Give rewards for killing a mob spawner.
    v1.0 BETA Release

    • Fixed Error with old Permissions version
    • Added Configurale Messages WITH Chat Color Support
    • Added Bow Camping Settings
    • Added Abolity to use Decimal Percentages for item drop rates.
    v1.5/v1.6 config file changes - ADD These (also included the default config file in the zip for copy/paste)

    or you can always delete/rename your current file and let the plugin make one for you.

    Creeper-Coin-Max: 0
    Creeper-Coin-Percent: 100
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 1000
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 10
    Zombie-Coin-Max: 0
    Zombie-Coin-Percent: 50
    Spider-Coin-Max: 1000
    Spider-Coin-Percent: 50
    PigZombie-Coin-Max: 0
    PigZombie-Coin-Percent: 100
    Ghast-Coin-Max: 0
    Ghast-Coin-Percent: 100
    Slime-Coin-Max: 0
    Slime-Coin-Percent: 100
    Giant-Coin-Max: 0
    Giant-Coin-Percent: 100

    v1.1 config file changes - ADD These

    Mob-Spawner-Coin: 200
    Mob-Spawner-Drops: "264:2:75;354:1:80"
    Reward-Mob-Spawner-Destroy: true
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message: "$5Mob Spawner Killed! You have been awarded %c!"
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message-Enabled: true

    v1.0 BETA CONFIG FILE CHANGES - Either Delete your config and let it create a new one, or add THESE values to your config!

    Reward-Kills-With-Bow: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessageEnabled: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessage: "$cNo Reward for camping with a bow go out and fight!"

    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message-Enabled: true
    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message: "$cNo Reward for %m camping near the spawner."

    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message: "$e%m Killed - %c deposited into your iConomy Account."

    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message: "$cProtected %m Killed - %c removed from your iConomy Account."

    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message: "$4Protected %m, you don't have the money for the fine. %m resurecting >.< "

    Attached Files:

    zani007 likes this.
  2. Offline


    Here is my yml
    ## iMonster Config File ##
    #Coins can be both positive and negitive, if you love spiders and don't want them killed, make it -20 and the player will loose 20 coins each spider killed.
    #Drops Need to be configured as follows: Creeper-Drops: ITEMID:QTY:PERCENTCHANCE;ITEMID:QTY:PERCENTAGE
    #Monster Max Drops will limit the amount of loot that will drop. (!!MONSTER WILL STILL GIVE NORMAL DROPS!! i.e. String, Arrow, Sulphur)
    # 100 = always drops, 25 = 1 in 4 chance of dropping , 1 = 1 in 100 chance of dropping
    #Example Monster-Drop Settings: % chance needs to be between 1 and 100 for now
    #Creeper-Drops: "264:1:1"   - Gives a 1 in 100 chance to drop 1 diamond
    #Creeper-Drops: "264:2:1;354:1:10"   - Gives a 1 in 100 chance to drop 2 diamonds and a 10 % chance to drop a cake.
    Monster-Max-Drops: 1
    Creeper-Coin: 50
    Creeper-Coin-Max: 125
    Creeper-Coin-Percent: 100
    Creeper-Drops: "89:3:15;264:1:1;266:1:2.5;265:1:10;319:1:5;349:1:5;260:1:10;276:1:0.5;302:1:5;12:64:25;04:64:25;03:64:25"
    Skeleton-Coin: 25
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 75
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 100
    Skeleton-Drops: "87:3:15;264:1:1;266:1:2.5;265:1:10;319:1:5;349:1:5;260:1:10;277:1:0.5;303:1:5;262:10:10;02:32:25;03:32:25"
    Zombie-Coin: 25
    Zombie-Coin-Max: 75
    Zombie-Coin-Percent: 100
    Zombie-Drops: "88:3:15;264:1:1;266:1:2.5;265:1:10;319:1:5;349:1:5;260:1:10;278:1:0.5;304:1:5;341:1:15;04:32:25;01:32:25"
    Spider-Coin: 25
    Spider-Coin-Max: 75
    Spider-Coin-Percent: 100
    Spider-Drops: "89:3:15;264:1:1;266:1:2.5;265:1:10;319:1:5;349:1:5;260:1:10;279:1:0.5;305:1:5;341:1:25;12:32:25"
    PigZombie-Coin: 25
    PigZombie-Coin-Max: 50
    PigZombie-Coin-Percent: 100
    PigZombie-Drops: ""
    Ghast-Coin: 100
    Ghast-Coin-Max: 200
    Ghast-Coin-Percent: 100
    Ghast-Drops: ""
    Slime-Coin: -100
    Slime-Coin-Max: 0
    Slime-Coin-Percent: 100
    Slime-Drops: ""
    Giant-Coin: 200
    Giant-Coin-Max: 300
    Giant-Coin-Percent: 100
    Giant-Drops: ""
    Mob-Spawner-Coin: 2000
    Mob-Spawner-Drops: "264:2:100"
    Reward-Mob-Spawner-Destroy: true
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message: "$5Mob Spawner Killed!  You have been awarded %c!"
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message-Enabled: false
    Check-For-Mob-Spawner-Camping: true
    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Radius: 15
    Reward-Kills-With-Bow: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessageEnabled: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessage: "$cNo Reward for camping with a bow go out and fight!"
    #Variables for the messages:
    # Black = $0
    # Dark Blue = $1
    # Dark Green = $2
    # Dark Aqua = $3
    # Dark Red= $4
    # Dark Purple = $5
    # Gold = $6
    # Gray = $7
    # Dark Grey = $8
    # Blue = $9
    # Green = $a
    # Aqua = $b
    # Red = $c
    # Light Purple = $d
    # Yellow = $e
    # White = $f
    # %m = Mob Name
    # %p = Player Name
    # %c = iConomy Currency Reward (this includes the amount and iConomy currency name i.e. 100 Crazy Coins or what ever you named your iConomy currency)
    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message-Enabled: true
    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message: "$cNo Reward for %m camping near the spawner."
    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message: "$aYou looted %c!"
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message: "$cProtected %m Killed - %c removed from your iConomy Account."
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message: "$4Protected %m, you don't have the money for the fine. %m resurecting >.< "
    The loot is specified in the "X-drops" parameter in this format: X:Y:Z. X= item ID, Y=quantity to drop, X=% of chance to drop. So 264:1:5 would be mob has a 5% chance to drop 1 diamond.

    Hope that helps.
  3. Offline


    When update?
  4. Offline


    [SERVER] 2011-02-28 14:58:24 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DAMAGED to iMonster
    [SERVER] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijikokun/bukkit/iConomy/iConomy
    [SERVER]        at zerodps.iMonster.iMonsterEntityListener.MonsterDeath(iMonsterEntityListener.java:107)
    [SERVER]        at zerodps.iMonster.iMonsterEntityListener.onEntityDamageByEntity(iMonsterEntityListener.java:91)
    [SERVER]        at zerodps.iMonster.iMonsterEntityListener.onEntityDamage(iMonsterEntityListener.java:44)
    [SERVER]        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$39.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:329)
    [SERVER]        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:59)
    [SERVER]        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:225)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.d(EntityHuman.java:439)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:752)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:230)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:70)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:338)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:253)
    [SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
  5. Offline


    Does not work for me !
  6. Offline

    SweetCraft Girl

    That helps.

    IT WORKS FOR ME! - Partially at least! (equally as helpful as "does not work for me".)
  7. Offline


    you got it to work?
    what cb build are you on?
    what iconomy build are you on?
  8. Offline

    SweetCraft Girl

    Hi. I was in the process of clarifying my post.

    - Craftbukkit [440] (Recommended buid, i have no idea why some plugin makers update their plugins for non-recommended builds.)
    - iConomy 2.2b
    - Permissions 2.1
    There are several plugins that can disable it entirely: Towny 0.4x, for example.

    I say it is "Partially" working because the "coin drop" works fine (I assume thanks to iConomy), however the loot drop does not - which i take as most likely some sort of Craftbukkit related error on the call for the loot drop.

    It is important to recognize that some plugins will completely cause others to cease in all functionality.
  9. Erm... not really sure if I changed anything with this... but in case I did here's the link:

    Monster drops work for me with the latest permissions and iConomy 2.2b (NOT 4.0) and build 440...

    I'm almost certain I changed nothing... but I was going to try to update it to iConomy 4.0... but the way this plugin is written means that almost all of it will no longer work and it's probably easier to re-write the plugin than modify it for iConomy... so no update for that.

    Note: I assume drops work as I used the config file given to me and spiders started dropping ore and meat...
  10. Offline


    Does not work for me using last version of craftbukkit.
  11. Offline


    Damn...I was really hoping this plugin worked haha it's EXACTLY what I was looking for...here's hoping for an update!
  12. Offline


    You really shouldn't have used the last version of craftbukkit. You could have spared a few versions for the rest of us...
  13. Offline


    not working
    craftbukkit 480
    groupmanager 99d
    iconomey 4.1
    no errors but also no money per kill :(
  14. Offline


    Where did he get the last version of craftbukkit?! I guess he downloaded from the future...

    IMO use the latest recommended release not the latest release.
  15. Offline


    To many developers promise what they cant keep ^^

    Commonly seen all across the forum, but anyway R.I.P iMonster.
    SuperAlekZ likes this.
  16. Offline


    Well considering the official plugin hasn't been updated in weeks, and iConomy 4.x is new, did you really think it would work?
  17. Offline


    no but a post further up says working with 2.2b so i gave it a try ....think it may be time to face facts this is a dead plugin :(
  18. I've looked at the code, it would take a major re-write to get it back to working condition with all the bukkit changes. I have to say I think this plugin is dead (which is why I believe in open source coding.)
  19. Offline


    iMonster R I P
    2011 - 2011

    You died too young :(
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    I took the liberty of trying to fix it somewhat...

    Compiled it against Bukkit #429, should be compatible with CraftBukkit #485
    Should work just fine with Permissions 2.4 I think, as well as iConomy 4.1

    Here's a link
  22. Offline


    Wow! I didn't expect someone to actually come around and fix it. I'll try it out on my server ASAP!
  23. Offline


    Oh my God it works on CB 440 permissions 2.5, iConomy 4.2 indev and I LOVE YOU
  24. Offline


    If this works, you're amazing.
  25. Offline


    It works very well. My users thank you alot !
    You should become (second?) official maintener for this plugin :)
    Can you publish source code?
  26. Offline


    Using my first post to say 'THANK YOU SO MUCH'.

    This was one of the few plugins preventing me and my friends from updating to 1.3 and it is working perfectly on Permissions 2.5.1 and iConomy 4.1 (with new drops giving you decimal coinage). Now if only someone would update NPCTrader.
  27. Offline


    What build of Bukkit are you using? I keep getting an error >:
  28. Offline


    Can't remember, it is one of the builds from the past day though. What error are you getting?
  29. Damn, you went and edited that all for iConomy 4.1... and in the process made the code look prettier!

    Truthfully I wasn't sure how to change it because I never used iConomy and the .format() stuff confused me... along with what had changed from the db stuff to getBank()...didn't realize the fix would look so nice...

    I congratulate you.
  30. Offline


    Actually nevermind >w< I must've done something during my messing about with the server that fixed the issue. I can't remember the error actually o.o; Tested it against 488.
  31. Offline


    Thanks! Tested with CB #493, iConomy 4.1 & GroupManager, works!

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