Ender Dragon Collision

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by cybercrash, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I currently built a zoo with every creatures and animals in it (including ghast where there's a button to spawn him, and a signboard (signboard commands plugin) to delete him as ghast's global noise is pretty annoying) I might the schematic too. But now the ender dragon is impossible to hold in captive due to it being able to fly through walls freely. Maybe a plugin to make it collide with cages/ some sort of bounding?
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  4. Offline


    Except if you're using an other plugin, Enderdagons can't destroy Obsi right ? Maybe you can do a HUUUUGE prison of Obsi for him ^^ ? And you can set glass so the players can see him
  5. a enderdragon can't destroy obsidian, but it can fly through it...
  6. Offline


    Indeed. It seems they even phase through Bedrock. And after I spent 2 hours building an enclosure to look like the end. >_<
  7. Offline


    oh this would be rough, you would actually have to extend Notch's ender dragon code, check when he is about to go outside his boundary, and stop the movement

    its a pain and the code would have to be rewritten for each update

  8. Or you select a cuboid, spawn the dragon in the middle and check it's position every few ticks. If he's outside of the cuboid: Teleport it back. That's basically how the WorldGuard/BananaRegion protection in RideThaDragon works (except that it will teleport the dragon out of the cuboid if it's inside).
  9. Offline


    I'm working on a plugin that does exactly what you want.....but I need to know how to keep the ender dragon from going through blocks...
  10. Offline


    "I'm working on a plugin, but I don't know how to make it."
    CorruptedHelix likes this.
  11. Offline


    cybercrash may not care since he hasn't signed in since 2011. :)
  12. Offline


    yeh true....and ive already made the plugin...I just dont know how to change parts of the class files of the MINECRAFT.JAR (i dont know exactly what its called :/)...I just want to change the way the enderdragon behaves
  13. Offline


    I've posted a request for the same plugin, but no answer :/
  14. Offline


    You know that guy that posted on your thread? I think Alex.... He PM'ed me about making this plugin :) lol
  15. Offline


    If you are looking for a client mod, there are some really fun ones over on the general Minecraft forums that modify the way the dragon works but they are only mods and not plugins.
  16. Offline


    Those would probably be fun, but I need to make it in a plugin...

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