Inactive [ECON] Insurance v2.0 - Get allowance when you loose your stuff [1.1-R6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by arboriginal, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Moved to BukkitDev.
    This topic will no longer be updated, you will not receive support here.
  2. \o/ What a great Plugin :)

    Thanks Dude for your Job !
  3. Offline


    Great idea! I will try it out now!

  4. Offline


    You're missing a version in your title such as "v0.1" after the name of the plugin and it is highly recommended you create a page on because eventually plugins on will only show pages from BukkitDev. ;)
  5. Offline


    Thx Walker, I've just edit the title… I was very tired when I post.
    For the page on, it exists :) Look at the link near "Get the plugin".
  6. Offline


    Oh, my mistake :p
  7. Offline


    No problem: 1 for you, 1 for me!

    WalkerCrouse likes this.
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    I've just updated the plugin to 1.1 version:

    • Add support for submaterials (such as colored wools)
    • Add item condition to calculate the price (optional)
    • Message of insurance-calculate command is now customizable
    • Log filesize is now configurable
    • Add command aliases (icalc and ireload)
  10. Offline


    Any way for this to work with economy plugins. Alos what about insurance if griefed? do like a cuboid seleted area around house and have an equation for the bigger the house the more it costs to restore?
  11. Offline


    So, you can plug Insurance with all economy plugins which offer commands to send money.

    This is not an anti-grief plugin, what you ask is not in the spirit of its baseline.
  12. Offline


    im not looking for antin grief im looking for say like they make an ivestment on there house that they cliam with some type of cuboid selection like 5$ a block and if they get griefed they do a command or somehthing and pay for the blocks that were replaced
  13. Offline


    Hey what if there are 2 friends, 1 buy insurance and ask the other 1 to kill him, the guy that died got money and get his stuffs back from his friend. Then he and his friend repeat that process, farming money. Is there a way to stop this?

    Do you mean insurance for blocks lost? It is another story...this plugin is just insurance for items.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  14. Offline


    no i mean what i said before

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