[Request] more wool colours

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by martijn4life, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    i have a request about more wool colours, like darkblue, darkpurple and also with an item ID if that is possible, so that the players easly can get these wool and the world will be more colourfull...
    ideas about wool:
    dark blue
    dark red
    dark purple
    blanc [skin colour]

    if someone could make this it would be very nice :)
  2. Offline


    This would also require a client side mod as well, as all the images are clientside, as well as the code that recognizes that new type of wool and the code that displays the image of that wool. Plus it would require the extra plugin/bukkit mods (I'm guessing this would have to be a modified version of bukkit, but I'm not positive, maybe it could be done with a plugin)

    Just figured i'd let you know why people may be hesitant to do this one.

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