Filled Automatic Broadcaster

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by souljabri557, Dec 29, 2013.

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    I'm looking for a 1.7.plugin that can automatically broadcast messages to the server? If possible, it should use the /broadcast command.

  2. Offline


    There are tonnes of auto-broadcasting plugins, most will have no problem with 1.7

    That search box exists for a reason
  3. Offline


    Oh. I found a lot but none of them were updated to 1.7.
    I run a big server so I can't really stop it multiple times to test them, so could someone please list a few that are compatible?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    souljabri557 doubt it that any of them is broken, and if not sure: create a test server on your own computer
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  6. Offline


    I personally use: 'ZavAutoMessanger'
    Easy to config
    Really great features

    TOP plugin

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