Controlled Pvp

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by megasaad44, Oct 13, 2013.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Could you post the errors?
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    swampshark19 I'll test it when after i'm done being busy... ^_^
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    this sounds greate i would add this
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    swampshark19 I've tested it, works almost like a charm..
    1) do you mind removing the "-" from the commands? ex: /pp -accept
    2) do you mind having ops have a specific help page or those with a perm.. for the setup? cuz any player can see /pp setup and it doesn't show any *you can't do that* message.
    3) it's not very userfriendly, ex: no colors
    4) there is no cooldown, or spam protection for invites
    5) the help page doesnt show the /pp invite see i wanted it to be like: /pp invite <player> (optional: arena) instead of /pp <arena> <player>
    6) if you try to accept or deny without any invites in the first place, it gives an internal error or if you type some specific invalid commands like /pp <player> <arena>
    7) it doesn't fix your commands. ie: it doesnt put u in (adventure mode) or disables any of your commands
    8) when someone accepts an invitation, they get tped, but the one who sent it doesnt.
    so i really wonna stress on number 7, and please fix the other if you can :D
    Thanks for working on this man ^_^
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    1) What if there is a player on the server named Accept?
    2) It doesn't show the you can't do that message, but it doesn't do anything.
    3) There are colors.
    4) I'll add that.
    5) Too bad.
    6) I'll fix that.
    8) I'm pretty sure the guy that sends it gets tped. I've tried it on my server.
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    swampshark19 ok thanks. And i'll try to check number 8 again :3

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