RPGMounts 1.6

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by wumpyc, Jun 30, 2013.

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    Suggested name: RPGMounts

    What I want: My idea is a plugin that would allow you to buy a ridable mount such as pigs and mounts in 1.6. Once you would buy the mount you would you could name it however you want as mobs can now have names in Minecraft. Then you could summon your mount and the mount would start following you, walking behind you. Right clicking on him would mount him and you would be able to ride him across the world. Your mount cannot be killed, but would despawn when you die or enter disallowed zones (WG flags?). You could also unsummon your mount if you don't want him to keep following you.

    There could be many more features to the plugin, but this is pretty much the basic that plugin should start with :)

    Ideas for commands:
    /mounts buy - Opens up a Inventory GUI with pig spawn egg and horse spawn egg inside allowing you to buy them on click. You then shouldn't actually get the egg, but the plugin should just log that you now have a mount.
    /mounts summon - Allows you to summon your mount.
    /mounts unsummon - Allows you to unsummon your mount.
    /mounts name - Name your mount.
    /mounts sell - Sell your mount for 50% or 75% of the normal price.

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: Minecraft 1.6 is approaching.. As soon as possible :)

    My knowledge in Java is currently not good enough to script a plugin like this, I haven't learned configurations and saving files yet so.. if anybody would be ready to do this plugin I would be very thankful and credit you on my server where you could also see the plugin in action :)

    Thanks for reading!

    EDIT: The plugin could also be just for horses :)
  2. i will if you pay
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    wumpyc Why won't you wait till 1.6 is actually out with an full API?
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    I though that bases should be set before, because we can pretty much do all for the pig mount already, so adding a horse later shouldn't be too big of an issue.
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    No money. Get out if you're that greedy please.
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    Also giving everyone a different horse would be nice, like 1.6 pre-release does right now, so people actually have different mounts which will cheer the mood a bit :D
    + Save horses equipment into file such as horse armor and saddle.

    If anyone is going to digg into this project I will be more than happy. I can do some basic fixes myself once there is a base set for the plugin.

    Thanks again!
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    Dagon Zaros

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    wumpyc This would be awesome, though it would be really hard to make anything to do with horses until Bukkit updates to 1.6 and comes out with new API. I could try to make a framework though (that doesn't really do anything, but makes it easier to make once the update is out).
    I am not sure how to do the mob following though. I will try to figure that out.
  9. Offline


    Well the mob following could be probably done with 1.6 API making your horse on lead, which makes him follow you :)


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016

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