Furnace Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by darth2499, Jul 30, 2012.

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    Plugin Request:

    Plugin that prevents players from stealing from furnaces when some other player is using it.

    Something like a workbench (no one can steal what your crafting).

    Temporarily locks is so other players can use it afterwards.
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    Here you go. EDIT: new link http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/myfurnace/
    This is overridden if the player has the permission myfurnace.override
    If you like the plugin, please consider donating to my community (The Derplin Network):
    [email protected] On www.paypal.com
    In the message please say rrama plugins or something indicating that you are donating because of me.
    darth2499 likes this.
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