Paste Schematic with timer !

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by guitarCraft, Jul 16, 2012.

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    Plugin category: Scheuduled schamatic paste

    Suggested name: PasteSchematic

    What I want: anyone knows that, theres your spawn and any 4 weeks you change it because you dont like the old one
    => I make a border with bedrock around the spawn and all spawns i ever built have same size^^ -> So I have to protect just 1 time
    I want a timer and everytime the timer is at 0 for exaple every 24 hours an other schematic will be paste in. Example: /pasteschematic [name of schematic] [timer]
    -> /pasteschematic spawn1 86400 (secounds,minutes,hours its not important)
    coords: 1, 1 , 1
    Scheduled paste: 1000000
    so all 1000000 secounds the spawn will pasted

    So I can create 7 spawns and every Monday I have the same Spawn with signs like: Happy monday :D
    Ideas for commands: /pasteschematic [name of schematic] [timer]

    Ideas for permissions: pasteschematic.use
  2. Offline


    So you want a schematic to be pasted at the same location on an interval? Why? I don't see what this would do...
  3. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    So he can automatically change his spawn every so often.

    Edit: And "Scheduled Schematic Paste" is not a category.

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