[FORMATTED][REQ]Record/Reporting System

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by np98765, May 13, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: [ADMN]?

    Suggested name: No idea (Note: Replace all the "Criminal Record"s on here with the plugin name.

    A bit about me: Just another small(ish) server owner.

    What I want: Basically, a plugin so I can keep in touch with my Moderators. There are plugins where Moderators can report people, warn people, etc., but I want something that is simple and combines some of these ideas.

    Ideas for commands:

    /record <player> <reason>: Reports a wrongdoing. (i.e. /record Da_Bad_Boy Spamming)
    /record -read: Read recent record inputs (Some way to page through? /record -read <page#>)
    /record -suspects: Prints a list of the people with the most reports against them (worst record).
    /record [player]: Views <player>'s record. If no arguments, then views your own record.

    Ideas for permissions:

    (Not picky on what the nodes are.)

    (P.S. Please support PEX :D)

    CriminalRecord.record: Able to use /record
    CriminalRecord.read: Able to use /record -read
    CriminalRecord.suspect: Able to use /record -suspects
    CriminalRecord.self: Able to use /record
    CriminalRecord.others: Able to use /record <player> (it would inherit .self)
    CriminalRecord.norecord: A report can't be placed on this person (i.e. The server owner wouldn't want a report placed on him)

    Ideas for config.yml:

    show-reporter: <true | false> #Whether to print reports with the reporter's name: (i.e. "Spamming. (Reported by np98765)" or merely "Spamming".)

    records-before-punish: <integer> #Number of reports against a player until they are punished.

    punishment: </command here> #Will run this command from the Console once the above number of reports are reached. (i.e. /kick <player> Clean up your act!)

    OR... For punishing, here is a more complicated system. It might not be easy to code... But here it is:


    show-reporter: <true | false> #Whether to print reports with the reporter's name: (i.e. "Spamming. (Reported by np98765)" or merely "Spamming".)

    records-before-punish1: <integer> #Number of records before they are punished for the first time.

    punishment1: </command here> #Will run this command from the Console once the above number of reports are reached. (i.e. /kick <player> Clean up your act!)

    records-before-punish2: <integer> #Number of records before they are punished for the second time.

    punishment2: </command here> #Will run this command from the Console once the above number of reports (punish2) are reached. (i.e. /tempban <player> 1 d)

    records-before-punish3: <integer> #Number of records before they are punished for the third time.

    punishment3: </command here> #Will run this command from the Console once the above number of reports (punish3) are reached. (i.e. /ban <player> You have been a bad person!)

    When I'd like it by: Whenever :)
  2. Offline


    There are already plugins for this one being called Criminal Record another being called bCheck
  3. Offline


    Yes, but those don't have the features I want.
  4. Offline


    Thats what my plugin does. Criminal Records
  5. Offline


    Yeah, it's been two weeks since I posted this and I found a system; thanks.
  6. Offline


    Your welcome. Is it my plugin by chance

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