[FORMATTED] Island Troll Tribes Mobs - New Mobs

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Time2MinecraftServers, Mar 24, 2012.

    If you want to see a little more about the original mobs from the game Island Troll Tribes here is the link: http://islandtrolltribes.wikia.com/wiki/Animals. Ignore anything I didn't put up there unless you want to add items to the game as well (which would be awesome).

    Plugin category: FUN/MISC

    Suggested name: ITT Mobs or Island Mobs

    A bit about me: I'm 16 and I have created many servers and minecraft map. I have been thinking about creating multiple servers (Hunger Games, Island Troll Tribes, Castle Wars) and I have hit a bump in the road. I am in need of a plugin that more interesting mobs to the game. The mobs I am interested will be listed below.

    What I want: Recently while I was thinking about maps to make, I thought about an old game on Warcraft 3. The game was called Island Troll Tribes. I need a plugin that adds more interesting mobs. These mobs are listed below:

    Passive Mobs:
    Fish- Drops no experience. Runs when attacked. Drops one raw fish 100%.
    Green Fish- Drops no experience. Runs when attacked. Drops three raw fish 100%.
    Elk- Drops 1 level of experience. Runs when attacked. Drops one bone 100%. Drops five raw meat 100%.
    Hawk- Drops 1 level of experience. Runs when attacked. Drops one bone 100%. Drops two raw meat 100%.

    Hostile Mobs:
    Jungle Wolf- Drops 2 levels of experience. Attacks you when you come close. Drops two hide 100%. Drops one bone 100%. Drops four raw meat 100%. Pretty aggressive and pretty strong.
    Jungle Bear- Drops 3 levels of experience. Attacks you when you come close. Drops four hide 100%. Drops one bone 100%. Drops seven raw meat 100%. Very aggressive and very strong.
    Snake- Drops 1/2 level of experience. Rare. Attacks you when you come close. Drops one raw meat 100%. Poison that slows you and harms you (not necessary, but would be great). Not very strong.
    Panther- Drops 3 levels of experience. Attacks you when you come close. Drops two bones 100%. Drops eight raw meat 100%. Very aggressive and very strong.

    Mammoth- Drops 8 levels of experience. Attacks you when you come close. Doesn't chase far. Doesn't spawn automatically. Drops five bones 100%. Drops sixteen raw meat 100%. Very very strong and very very aggressive. Should take 3-4 players (wielding stone weapons and leather armor) to kill and should be a challenge.

    Also some configurations like spawn percentage.

    Ideas for commands: Just simple ones to spawn mobs:
    /IttMob (mobname)
    Ideas for permissions:
    IttMob.Spawn: False

    When I'd like it by: Doesn't matter to me. Take as long as you want. I really want a quality plugin that can add these mobs :D

    Similar plugin requests: Any plugin/mod that adds mobs.

    If you want to post on the official topic go to this link:

    If you want to see a little more about the original mobs from the game Island Troll Tribes here is the link: http://islandtrolltribes.wikia.com/wiki/Animals. Ignore anything I didn't put up there unless you want to add items to the game as well (which would be awesome).

    Anyone interested?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  2. Offline


    im confused as to what it is, is it a plugin or a request for one?
    if you could do it it would be good, but how!?
    minecraft cannot create new mobs, unless you used moving blocks.
  3. Offline


    You would need spout for this and everyone on your server would too
  4. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    Actually you (currently) can't event do this with spout. You can reskin existing mobs and give them new abilities, but not create entirely new ones.

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