Extra's! http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/dev-extras-additional-useful-and-advanced-methods-for-plugin-developers.25655/
Minedev banner finished :) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27260323/Images/Banners/MineDev/Minedev%20-%20Banner.jpg
NightLight - A light for the night :D http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fix-gen-misc-nightlight-v1-0-a-light-for-the-night-953.25433/
Hey adam you still remember me :P? i was there from the beginning of regio's or what used to be regions :). just wanted to know how you are doing :)
i DDON"T like running my server from home either...vps? that sounds interesting could you tell me more,
what? and yh i kinda want a vps also so my server could be up again. all the players were dissapointed :S. oh idk when my mom will get it :/
Hey adam its jtitanic and i was wondering if u still had the server world folder. cuz if u do reply to me and i want to discuss things.
Help for the regios plugin. I have a spleef plugin(nspleef) and I have a spleef arena under my spawn, but the spawn is protected by your plugin and players can't delete the blox when in the spleef game. So could you give priority to the nspleef plugin please or help me make it work while having the spawn protected thank you :D
Here is I posted are going to look:)! http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-rakamak-v3-0-0-a-plugin-authentication-password-for-each-player-818.20552/
Regios 3.4 coming soon. Multi coloured messages, inherit region properties from each other and rename regions done so far.
@Adamki11s Can you check out my plugin? :) http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/misc-admn-superflowers-instant-block-break-while-holding-flowers-818.19792/
v3.3 with PvP! http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-sec-regios-v3-3-advanced-region-management-multi-world-protection-more-700-818.15898/
TameGrass :D http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/edit-fun-admn-tamegrass-v1-0-take-control-of-your-servers-grass-818.19561/
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with the integration of existing plugins to permissions, do you think that would be possible?
Let me know if you'd like one, I'd like a donation if you do though, just a £1 or so maybe :P Helps pay for the website I use to showcase my plugins etc
dude!!! I'm working on a economy plugin that would be great as well to support in regios since my plugin supports custom currency! in regios, you could add support for region defined currency like region 1: gold dollars region 2: coins, etc
Ok, I thought I'd let you know I think Nijokun has already made a plugin API which supports all the main economy plugins.
alright well it could be another supported oneonce I release it and the multi region currency idea was the main thing I said
Regios website released! http://regiosplugin.weebly.com/ Keep up to date on all the latest developments and downloads.
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/the-best-plugin-and-developer-poll-list-your-nominations-here.18253/ Check it out, i put you as best developer :) Submit your results
Hello mate, vid is almost 10 mins long. In two part(same video) First examples and secondly tutorial. Showing all things, will be up on youtube by 4pm hopefully. hopefully you will love it :) Also i think you mite like the score i give you :)
If you are interested in joining HC coding - feel free to join #DH on gamesurge.net - we use Github and generally use IRC to communicate what we do. Rightlegred will interview you for the position and we'll go from there.