I'm changing my server into a Minecraft version of that rad-awesome zombie movie, "World War Z." If you've seen that movie you're awesome btw. So, what I'm looking for is a plugin that lets zombies LIVE in daylight. I know these kinds of plugins exist in the Bukkitverse (universe of Bukkit). I just need a plugin that allows this compatible with the new Minecraft 1.6. I'll search, and you'll search. Search anywhere! Bing, Google, GitHub.
GuidePlays lol, I've heard that movie was terrible. But I'll try to do this, it doesn't seem like it'd be too hard.
There is already a plugin that does this Monster Apocalypse but its only out for 1.5.2 so there is no guarantee it will work for 1.6 but you could try it.
There is no reason to request for a new 1.6 plugin when it is only dev builds out. Plugins will update in time. And the dev build of 1.6 is kinda buggy and I would recommend waiting for a beta.
Anyone up for this? If you're gonna do this, can you make it also so zombies spawn in daylight and can spawn in groups of 50 or so more frequently for a zombie apocalypse? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
GuidePlays The latest dev build of MobManager supports 'sunproofing' zombies. Can't spawn them just yet though.
This is actually really easy done, at least the sunlight survival. The spawning part is the hard part. How often? Where? When? spawning 50 zombies in a group requires quite a large and open area.
Yea, DeMaggo is right, just make it so the monsters spawn with a helmet, ex. Leather, Gold, Iron, Diamond...