
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Johnanater, Feb 18, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Game

    Suggested name: Worlds

    What I want: I need a plugin where each player has 48 chunks of land. Starting at 8x8 chunks. Each with 5 chunks distance between them. They can do /w to teleport to their area

    Players can invite others to their island with /w invite (Username).

    The world is only 8x8 chunks and can be upgraded using ingame money. In the config you can change how much an upgrade is worth. Every upgrade extends the world border by 4 chunks on each side. The chunks the player doesn't have shouldn't be generated until the player buys more chunks

    Every 4 hours (configurable) the ores regenerate in the world at different locations (replacing old ore with stone. But if they pay an amount of money (configurable) you can cut it down to 2 hours (configurable)

    Ideas for commands: /w (teleport home), /w invite (USERNAME) (Inviting people), /w upgrade (Upgrading), /w pass (Cuts the ore reset)

    Ideas for permissions: worlds.invite, worlds.home, worlds.upgrade, worlds.pass

    When I'd like it by: Soon if you can!
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    @Johanator How would upgrading work if each player has only 5 chunks between their land and the adjacent land?
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    "each player has 48 chunks of land" "Starting at 8x8 chunks" "Each with 5 chunks distance between them"

    By this I mean that there is a maximum of 48 chunks that the player can have. With 5 chunks in between the maximum
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    @Johnanater Still not getting it.
    Bad MS Paint drawings, please.
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    Tried my best :)


    The 5 chunks in between would just be air. The 8x8 is the starting chunks. The 48x48 would be air until the "World" is upgraded, then they would form.
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