Plugin Help World Guard Region not working

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by GoldenNetwork, Mar 25, 2015.

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    I'm recently creating a server and there for I want to have "like a prison server" that players can only destroy in a region I say they can. My spawn region is called "Spawn" And my (mine) region is called "Wood1". I tried different thing:

    1. I tried to parent Spawn to Wood1
    2. I tried to set priority ( Spawn 0/1 Wood1 100)
    3 Set priority with flags (Wood1 build allow)

    But none of this has worked till now!
    Does someone know how to fix this?

    Thank for your help!

    Here is what wood parts I want to define:
    And here is the map:

    Untitled.png What the problem is, is that even if I use this tactics normal players still can't build and break!

    These plugins do I use: upload_2015-3-25_14-46-44.png
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    @nverdier I flagged the wood zones with:
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    @GoldenNetwork Could you please post your regions.yml found in '/plugins/worldguard/'?
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    @nverdier here you go!

    This file isn't parented anymore but I already tried that one.

    I wasn't allowed to send .ylm files so I copied it to a .txt

    Attached Files:

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    @GoldenNetwork Well for starters your 'wood1' region only includes two layers of vertical blocks. y=71 and y=72. That might be your problem. Although I'm not sure exactly where you're trying to allow building.
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    @nverdier As seen in my screenshot you see that the logs are piled up in layers of two, and somewhere I read that you must allow building in order to let players remove the logs.
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    @GoldenNetwork I see. Try adding some group as a member ('/rg addmember wood1 g:<somegroupname>'). Then give a group the permission 'group.<somegroupname>
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    @nverdier Thanks for your reply, but still it doesnt work :S I added the group cobble to the region and I added the permission: group.cobble to Groupmanager.
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    /rg addmember wood1 g:Cobble
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    @nverdier Ahh NP, either way thanks for you help? Somebody else has an idea?
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    @GoldenNetwork Ahhh, I've done this a million times! Well what you are going to do is delete the Spawn and Mine region. Recreate them. Then what you want to do is set the priority of Mine to 1 (rest of the regions are always 0) by doing /region Mine priority 1. Then add the build deny to Spawn and allow to Mine. After, add the rest of the flags and wala!

    Also, make sure you follow the EXACT format as I did.
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    Why would he have to delete the Spawn/Mine regions?
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    It's happened to me before. I've had to recreate the regions. Not sure why though.
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    I will try now thanks!

    @BashyDaBest It still doesn't work, even if I exactly follow your format. (Used command /rg setpriority Wood1 1, else it didn't recognize)

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2015
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