
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Patty_Mayo, Aug 4, 2021.

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  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Farming

    Minecraft version: 1.17.1

    Suggested name:

    What I want: I would basically like the plugin to auto replant potatoes In a worldguard region that I can fill out the info of in the WolfFarming plugin config file. The auto replanting would ONLY replant the potatoes once a player harvests the potatoes. It will not use anything from an inventory, it will just auto replant the harvested potatoes after the player harvests potatoes. It should auto replant within 3 seconds of each potato plant being harvested. The ranks with the WolfFarm.harvest permission should ONLY be allowed to harvest the potatoes and not break/place blocks. They should not be able to replant the potatoes either, the plugin will auto replant the potatoes for them and will grow to be ready to be harvested again.

    Ideas for commands:
    - /getfarm
    - /wfreload
    - /wolffarm help

    Ideas for permissions:
    - wolffarm.reload
    - wolffarm.harvest
    - wolffarm.getFarm
    - wolffarm.help

    When I'd like it by: as soon as possible
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