When will Bukkit be updated for Minecraft 1.6?

Discussion in 'Bukkit News' started by EvilSeph, May 26, 2011.

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    Staff Update - July 1, 2013:
    This thread is not from 2013. This thread is about the 2011, BETA version of Minecraft 1.6. There is no ETA for the 2013 Minecraft 1.6 update, as always. Please do not ask staff about when an update will happen, as they have no estimate for you. Again, this thread is not relevant to today's update.

    Update 2 - June 23, 2011 at 9:12PM EST:
    New Recommended Build #928.

    This Recommended Build addresses a few API issues and provides Plugin Developers with more events to work with, allowing more awesome plugins to be made. Unfortunately, this new RB WILL break some plugins (mostly plugins that deal with controlling a player's movement - details can be found near the end of this announcement). As always, please be sure to backup your server before updating just in case!

    See this post for more information.

    Update - May 30th, 2011 at 5:55PM EST:
    Since the release of Minecraft 1.6, we've seen quite a few rapid-fire bugfix updates from Mojang addressing issues the community has noticed and reported back on. While we're glad Mojang are on top of things and getting updates out there quickly to improve the community's experience, this does result in extra work on our part since we have to re-do some of the work we've completed for the previous update. As a result, I made the decision to hold off on getting a build out for Minecraft 1.6 until we were able to evaluate the update and decide if that is what we feel we should do or not.

    Over the weekend, that is what we have been busy doing. Unfortunately, I was out of town and unable to handle the situation as much as I would have liked, leading to a lack of communication on our part with you guys, our community. Nevertheless, my team was happily and diligently working on the update and in regular contact with me. Still, I would like to apologise for our lack of communication, I simply was not in a position to do so.

    That being said, we have noticed a few issues with the update that we've been able to address, so we are leaning towards bringing out a build for Minecraft 1.6.5. Though this build may not address all the issues we've found, it is still usable and produces a playable server with a decent experience. However, I am not yet sure if this build will qualify for recommendation.

    Please bear this in mind when using the build: it is not fully supported (though we welcome detailed, useful bug reports) and not recommended (we can't guarantee stability) to use. There are some Minecraft vanilla issues that Mojang need to address that are beyond the scope of our project to fix and we are still touching things up (like Nether/multiworld support).

    If you want to use the build we'll be pushing soon, please backup your server and make sure you understand the risks before doing so. Once again, we cannot guarantee that it won't eat your cake or spawn tiny creeper babies that take over your world.


    As I'm sure we're all aware, Mojang released Minecraft 1.6 today (Thursday, May 26, 2011) around 5AM EST and we've been hard at work getting a build out that is compatible with Minecraft 1.6 out. Since the release, Minecraft has seen quite a few small bugfix updates addressing some unnoticed bugs and we've pretty easily kept up with them. Unfortunately, there appear to be some issues with the update that is making the game unplayable for SMP players, so we've decided to wait for a bugfix update before we recommend any builds.

    Will there be a CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.6?
    Given the reports of showstopping bugs present in 1.6, there's a high chance a new bugfix update for Minecraft will be out tomorrow or even several times this week. As a result, it is unlikely we will be releasing a Recommended Build for 1.6 until we have something stable to work with.

    That being said, we recommend everyone stay on 1.5 for a while until the showstopping issues are fixed and we can get a new, stable, compatible build out.

    You can already get CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.6.4, but it is unsupported and not recommended.

    I'll be scouring the internet for further reports on how Minecraft 1.6 is performing, but preliminary research and our own testing has revealed it as unplayable due to chunks sporadically loading or not loading.
    jeussa, Azell, khamseen_air and 34 others like this.
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    Notch should just release the source and let the community fix the game lol.
  4. Offline


    yes, however after 2-3 days (when a recommended bukkit is available) I would update anyway. So he would hardly loose any testing.
  5. Offline


    Wow that would make 100 minecraft versions come up and know one would know which one to use that would kind of suck if everyone would just release their bugfixed version, the only reason he should release the source would be if he'd quit
  6. Offline


    >< Every time Notch fixes bugs, he gets 2x as much new ones in return
  7. Offline


    Uhm... compare the buglist from 1.6.4 with the one from 1.6.5 i think you seriously cant read... duh
  8. Offline


    His ego won't let him.

    He just needs to give it to the Bukkit team. They seem to know wtf they're doing.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  9. Offline


    notch knows aswell :)
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    Marcos Pereira

    come on Bukkit Team please release a compatible version!
    We're with you!!!!
  11. Offline

    Psilent Knight

    Thanks for the excellent work guys. Don't listen to the negatives here. Most don't understand the complexities involved with a software development project of this size. I'm very impressed and quite pleased with Notch's work and your continued support to make that work more accessible to a large community of modders.

    Most excellent.

    Thanks again!

    - PK
    frog and Marcos Pereira like this.
  12. Offline


    Well said. People whine waaaay too much in here! Good work Notch and Bukkit team!
  13. Offline


    Maybe, but think about what happened with Morrowind -> Fallout 3, Gary's Mod, and any other major mod / game efforts made on the internet in the last decade. Each of them consolidates into a massive overhaul of the game that has done nothing but enhance those games and mods. The same would happen for Minecraft and it would be nothing short of good for Minecraft.
  14. Offline

    Netto Hikari

    I also appreciate your work. My users think the same. My server and my community are GREAT and without bukkit, we'd never came this far.

    Thanks for giving us such a great server software.

    One thing about Notch, though: I'm not very pleased with his releases. It's hilarious! 1.6 was intended to be a bugfix release, but it was STUFFED with bugs when Notch released it. It seems like he didn't even work on Minecraft within the past few weeks and just started working on it a few days ago to get 1.6 semi-working... Also, Notch doesn't seem to test his software well enough.

    (sorry for my bad english... always looks like that when I'm tired)
  15. Offline


    ...Waiting on 1.5_02 for a few days isn't really that bad. People are okay with what they have until there is something newer, and then they HAVE to get it RIGHT now. Just chill and update in a few days. Sheesh. Good work Bukkit+Notch!
  16. Offline


    I agree with you... but don't call people idiots if you don't know the difference between Your and You're.

    1.6.5 is terrible though, the bugs he 'fixed' are occurring for me now when they did not on 1.6.4.
  17. Offline


    forigve my typing expedience but yes I suppose you are correct
  18. Offline


    #815 is crappy and laggy
  19. Offline


    Well it does say "New bugs" that mean the new ones add to the old ones? Until you see "hey bugs are fixed"
  20. Offline


    Ok shall i go through add up the 1.6 - 1.6.5 new bugs vs bug fixes and tally them? Bug fixes will still outweigh New bugs... So yes, its still a stupid comment.
  21. Offline


    Thanks for the heads up, lol.
  22. Offline


    My players are having withdrawal XD
  23. Offline


    well let's see, we have at least 20 updates, 19 of them bring more bugs than are fixes. So yeah, I'd still confidently state that he brings more bugs than fĂ­xes. One update will not change that.
  24. Offline


    Using 1.6.5 + CB 815 + loads of mods
    (World Edit, MM, Essentials, Xwarp, Falsebook, SimpleSave, MagicCarpet)

    Everything works pretty good. Had some problems and huge lags on 814, but seems like 815 fixed them.
  25. Offline


    Why would anyone weigh bugs and fixes just by their count?
    1.6.5 runs - if you can even call that "running" - way worse then everything before.
    So who gives a damn for 100+ little fixes if that's the cause of new bugs that mess up the whole game?!
    I don't want to blame notch, but whenever I follow his twitter or blog it seems like he's doing anything but working on the game.
  26. Offline


    You just listed the bugfixes for the 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 1.6.4, and 1.6.5 updates all in one list, then listed the bugs introduced for just 1.6.4. Nice unbiased reporting there. I'd recommend learning how to read a revision history list. Yes, he introduces far more bugs per update than bugfixes. Please see http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Version_history

    No, it wouldn't. Far more bugs than bugfixes, please refer to http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Version_history
  27. Offline


    So I'm just wondering - is there a point to your ramblings? Whenever you develop software and add functionality you add complexity. Since it's impossible to traverse all code paths that by definition introduces the possibility to add bugs. Some manifest themselves in ways that break the product and need to be fixed, some don't. As long as the software gains complexity (functionality) the amount of bugs will increase as well. Call it a natural law of software development if you please.

    Now, you might not be a software engineer by education (I am) - but based on your immense interest in the topic I suggest reading Tom Gilb.

    (I'd also suggest moderators move these non constructive Mojang-bashing posts to a whine-section of the forum)
    frog likes this.
  28. So instead of findig all the bugs in the game, we first wait for bukkit? Then what? We play, find alot of bugs. After that we try to find out if its bukkit, an addon or the game?

    I for one would never whish such a fate onto the Bukkit team. To have to code dayly 24/7. The game had bugfixes released 4 times in one day. What if each bugfix broke something in bukkit? Talk about waisting time coding...
  29. Offline


    Looking "good" here too, at least, a lot better than before.
  30. Offline


    I believe you responded to the wrong person. I was not stating any subjective feelings towards minecraft's development or coding in general, I was correcting a previous posters' math. Also, if you find one simple grammatically correct sentence to be characterized as "rambling", I suggest reading Grammar.
  31. Offline


    I have it running for the last hour pretty "fine" with 815 (yes, i know, its made for 1.6.4, but runs), so I will consider this, for now, a win.

    Then again, thanks to the Bukkit folks for their hard work, and I must say, they work harder then Notch. (no I'm not polishing boots here, I don't need to).

    Notch made a very big mistake into releasing a piece of crap update, but lets say at least he didn't took weeks to release a new "working" one. Now we can all enjoy fun building.
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