Its been about a half hour since 1.8 came out gosh. surely should be abukkit release already so lazy. gee i dunno(troll for those people that will be complaining very soon. Yes i meant this as a joke lol)
If they havent got it by 2 mins past when it came out then the bukkit team should just quit, 2 mins is gonna kill the uptime of my servers. jkjkjkjkjkjk I love you bukkit, take as long as you need,
See, my prophecy holds true. Not enough good moderation + really stupid people = spam all over the board, including my post!
Hey its in general discussion! its in the right spot! =P... i think... also i thought the btw this is a joke part would of said its a troll/joke =/ speaking of which why isnt it bukkit up yet? XD
They're getting it done so much faster than I thought :O I honestly thought this update would take at LEAST a full 24 hours. Already over %50 done :O
I know they all can't be closed, but this one has too many pictures and just seems flamy... "As many have already stated, the CraftBukkit Twitter account or the google docs spreadsheet are the 2 difinitive ways to find out when a version will be ready. It should be noted that this version will NOT be the Recommended Build immeadiatly, just a version that will run but may contain bugs still." --FF