Hi all so today fixed all permissions and etc. started a server had no lagg and then one friend came he was telling he has no laggs with movement but map is loading very slow and then he writes something in chat in appears only after 30~60 seconds to him but for me it appears after he writes.. Tried removing some plugins like bigbrother, cauth etc.. now first message he writes appears after ~5 seconds but second message again after 30~60 seconds... Plugins: Permissions Worldedit Worldguard Seats Lockette Admincmd Advancedwarning Craftball Godpowers Iconomy MagicCarpet Movecraft Multiplehomes Superpowers TL.jar (?) Trampolin 0.6 Ublock Ublock antifirespread Voxelsniper OwnBlocks Xwarp Panelmaster WurkIT Yesterday was no lagg, today after fixing permissions and adding some plugins lagg for friend, but not for me... :/ P.S. im hosting the server, not VPS or VDS, i have 32 bit windows and on start.bat file is set to maximum of 1 gb rams.. anyone? Cmon! its so annoying, people the server... Maybe its DoS attack or something? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
hm .. you could try remove movecraft what is tl.jar? oh and i heard, that permissions 3.1.6 have hard cpu load issues .. try permissions 3.1.5
yeah use 3.1.5 or groupmanager. i would also recommend removing a lot of the random plugins that you dont really need. btw i recommend using essentials it would nock off a few plugins like Xwarp.
if my internet would be bad, server should be laggy always then i host it, but laggs started since yesterday then i added some plugins and fixed permission errors :/ BTW. i think its DoS attack or something, because today tried this: downloaded newest craftbukkit build started server with no plugins, just stock server with craftbukkit, how always it was no lag for me, but for friend it was same... slow map rendering, very laggy chat, but no lag with movement.. if its DoS attack what i should do?