[WEB/ADMN] ForumAcc v1.5 - Server forum activation. phpBB, MyBB [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by thekris1234, Jun 4, 2011.

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    Version: 1.5

    I'm no longer developing this plugin. If you would like to continue it the source code is in the JAR file. However, I think it needs to be started from scratch.

    What is ForumAcc?
    ForumAcc allows you to force any users that sign up to your forums to activate their account from your Minecraft server. Perfect for stopping spam!

    ForumAcc does NOT affect server ranks. If provides a better activation process for Minecraft server related forums (instead of Email or Admin activation)

    How to install

    1. Go to your forums, log in as an Administrator and go to the Administration Control Panel
    2. Under "General" > "Board Configuration" click "User Registration Settings"
    3. Set it to "By Admin"
    1. Go to your forums and log in as an Administrator and go to the Admin-CP
    2. Click on "Configuration" -> "User Registration and Profile Options"
    3. Change "Registration Method" to "Administrator Activation"
    1. Download plugin and put into /plugins
    2. Start server. The plugin will create /ForumAcc/config.yml in /plugins and disable itself
    3. Edit the file appropriately. HELP BELOW
    4. Reload Server. DONE

    #forumAcc will test DB connection at startup
        Table_Prefix: phpbb_
        Port: '3306' // You do not need to change this if it uses the default port
        Database: phpBB
        Password: password
        Username: root
        URL: localhost
        Type: phpbb  // Only phpbb or mybb are supported
        URL: http://forum.myserver.com
        Custom_Profile_FieldID: '' // Optional. Specifies the field id for the minecraft username in your forum. See "Custom Profile Field ID Help"
    Custom Profile Field ID Help
    Using a custom profile field allows users to choose a username other than their Minecraft username as their forum username. Here is how to find the Custom_Profile_FieldID for the config.

    Show Spoiler


    Show Spoiler


    How to use
    Log in as the username registered on the forum and type
    /account activate
    You will receive a confirmation message

    Version 1.5: Jar / ZIP

    • 1.5 - Added option for Auto-Activation when a player logs in.
    • 1.4 - Fixed phpBB not activating users. Better error/success reporting
    • 1.3 - Fixed phpBB Custom profile fields
    • 1.2 - Fixed a typo in SQL string for mybb custom field. Better Error reporting.
    • 1.1 - Added ability to specify custom profile field. This means the user does not have to use their Minecraft username as their forum username
    • 1.0 - Plugin now supports MyBB and phpBB without code editing. Better config.
    • 0.3 - ReWritten SQL. Now updates "newest_username, newest_user_id, newest_user_colour, num_users". Checks if it can connect to tables at startup
    • 0.2 - Fixed txt file bug
    • 0.1 - Initial Release
    Jonath198, MaMaxGER, Mattz0r and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I was hoping this was the other way around (Users are granted guest privileges until they activate their account on the server's forum)
  3. Offline


    Good idea! I'll look at the permissions plugin and see if I can hook into it to upgrade users.
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    I too am looking for something like this. My server is on a greylist and i would like players to register on the forums before getting access to play.
  6. This is so close to something I have been looking for. I need something almost exactly like this but, it would require the users to register on the forum prior to connecting to the server, not the other way around. The idea would be that to connect to my server, the user would need to first go onto the forum, and register, entering their minecraft username. After they connect to the server, it will ask them to verify their forum username or password before they can build. That would be epic!
    magnus852 likes this.
  7. Offline


    I could make another plugin that does this. I can rename this plugin to something like phpBB-AntiSpam and make a new plugin that requires a forum account to log in. Would that be more helpful?
  8. Offline


    yes. please do that. i think that would be a vary cool plugin for the server. i hope you can do it fast ;)
  9. Offline


    Same here!
    I already have some data base on my phpbb forum with users.
    It would be great if anyone making nickname in the game have to connect it to the forum name with theyr forum password and they cannot use new nicknames for that forum name becouse otherwise they make new profiles grief and log off witht that users...
  10. Offline


    Actually on second thoughts @thekris1234 it woukd be greate if we can lock a forum registration to a ingame - with the same nick and password.
    This how they will not make 12481274 player names ingame :/
  11. Offline


    Warrant does exactly this: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/18175/

    Warrant 2.0 will allow exactly this. "The idea would be that to connect to my server, the user would need to first go onto the forum, and register, entering their minecraft username. After they connect to the server, it will ask them to verify their forum username or password before they can build."

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
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    Nick Hooper

    Everytime the server starts, or is reloaded it RE-WRITES over the existing config file back to its blank state .... so... ? what now
  13. Offline


    Sorry. I changed the name of this plugin before I released it and forgot to change a couple of lines. I've uploaded version 0.2 which should fix it. Download it here
  14. Offline


    For me it says Account not Found how do i fix this
  15. Offline


    Can you make this compatible with mybb as well? :)
  16. Offline


    Have you given your exact minecraft name in the forums?

    I could try. It took me about a week and a half to go through phpBB's code and find out what to change in the files. I will have a look though.
  17. Offline


    Yea and it keeps saying no account found
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    HI love the plugin be great if you could add a /account resiter <password> <email> and it adds there MC uesername , <email> and <password> to the fourm with a mess telling them to type /account activate :) . if this is possible please add :) gives [cake] to You
    Swifty likes this.
  20. Offline


    I could add this but I am very hesitant about users entering passwords in chat. I've made many mistakes with commands where I have forgotten to add the / so the command is sent out as a message. Imagine if that command included a password.
  21. Offline


    you can already do this with Dynamic Effect Whitelist. my server does it this way.
  22. Offline


    true. il have think on it a bit more. thanks for replying
  23. Offline


    could you have the plugin update newest_username and newest_user_id in the config table please?
  24. Offline


    an example forum would be nice :>
  25. Offline


    Absolutely. Will be in the next update.

    You can check out my server's forum: here

    phpBBManager v0.3: Download

    Rewritten SQL class.
    Now updates "newest_username, newest_user_id, newest_user_colour, num_users"

    Still working on myBB :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  26. Offline


    thanks :)
  27. Offline


    Wow, this sounds interesting,

    Is it possible to use this plugin as a whitelist?

    I would like to have a group defined where I can add people, which automatically get added to the whitelist :)
    Is this possible with this plugin?

    Thanks in advance.
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    That means you need to check your properties file. Either the username or password (according to the log you haven't given one) is incorrect.

    I'll add better error reporting in the next version.
  30. Offline


    The problem there is that I have, and i've compared my properties file with a newly generated one and the formatting is 100% correct :-/

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