we need to change permission plugins and need advice

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by mrgreaper, Jan 9, 2012.

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    hi i just updated bpermissions and it changed the whole file format and commands. it also failed to import the old permissions i had created, or provide any example files for the new format...so well i have to learn a whole new system anyway and i have to re write my entire permissions file so im thinking maybe a change is in order

    what permission plugins do you guys use? is there any that support mysql (we have two servers but same permissions between them so a mysql one would be awsome

    all advice greatfully recieved
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    I personally use an older version of bPermissions since it works just fine for all of my needs. For me, there is no point in updating. Do you need one of the new features? If not, just use the version you had before.
    Mukrakiish likes this.
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    Hi, as I've replied to you on your bPermissions post too - you used the incorrect command to import your files.

    Also to generate example files based on the plugins you've got installed you need to run /permissions helpme

    This will fill the users.yml and groups.yml in plugins/bPermissions/ and you can copy/paste/do what you wish with this.

    http://dev.bukkit.org/paste/4531/ http://dev.bukkit.org/paste/4532/

    Example files I generated for you using the /permissions helpme command

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
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    sadly the version were using is having some issues, some times adding groups to players is making a new entry and adding them to that (even though the name is spelt exactly the same) and then the player is not getting the group

    however i have been told the verson i updated to (2.5) is alpha so there was my issue im waiting for a link to the stable non alpha branch

    codename_b, i tried the import command exactly how u posted it first and it did nothing, as i sayy im going back to the non alpha branch once i get a link to it but u may want to look into it.

    right got to go to work :(

    thank you, i will try to keep some files maintained in this format so when the alpha build is the main build we can switch with ease

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
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    The main build is the main build now.
    2.5 is the current version.
    I changed from alpha to release yesterday, the possibility is you didn't update the the main version files (in which case you wouldn't have the importing command)
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