Watershow plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Dmrtje, Mar 21, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    The WaterShow Plugin
    What it does:
    it let you make a water show like in this video​
    How i hope it can work:
    first you do the command /watershow create <name> or /ws create <name>​
    after that you do /watershow set <name> or /ws set <name>​
    and a path for the watershow follows you so if i'am on x 1 y 60 and z 3 and ik go to x 12 y 70 and z 20 a path will be set for the water then you do​
    /watershow save <name> or /ws save <name>​
    then it exit the path editor en saves the path.​
    and if you then do /watershow play <name> or /ws play <name>​
    it plays the watershow​
    • watershow.create (Give you acces to the /watershow create <name> command)
    • watershow.set (Give you acces to the /watershow set <name> command)
    • watershow.save (Give you acces to the /watershow save <name> command)
    • watershow.play(Give you acces to the /watershow play <name> command)
    • watershow.* (Give you acces to all commands of the plugin.)
  2. Offline


    This would probably be pretty difficult to make.
  3. Offline


    i know but i only now a little bit about java...

    so yeah

    but could you do it?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  4. Offline


    This is a very cool idea!! Hope someone can make this sort of thing. But it might be difficult to code :/ I only know some java and this would be difficult to do and might cause lag :/
  5. Offline


    I can't. I'm a very bad coder.
  6. Offline


    i know it can give lagg but i have a 10GB server so thats no prroblem
  7. That doesn't mean a lot, I can have a 1 gb server and have that, and i won't lagg, but what if, when you ever get the server out, and a lot of people join, then you have that plugin, all of the people are all over the world, that will cause massive lag.
  8. Offline


    ooooooo never mind i deal with that
  9. Offline


    where can i download this plugin?
  10. Offline


    nowhere its a request so i ask somebody if they could make it for me
  11. Offline


    RAM does not only mean how fast your server will run, it means how much access it has to send messages to the computer. I could have 300 MG of RAM and still it wont run any faster. You need to have the appropriate ammount of RAM so the server can communicate with the computer and other parts. RAM isn't the only thing that makes it better, it is things like the processor, Central Processing Unit, how many cores, and many other aspects. So just remember, having high RAM doesn't make it any faster.
  12. Offline


    i knew that.
    But for me it does't matter.
    it's like a special event for the server that will run once in the ... time

  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    As one of the owners of the watershow in the video I can say that it doesn't matter what kind of serverconnection or how many GB of RAM of which CPU the server has. When "a lot" (as in over 20-40) people are online, the server (if not the guests on the server)will start lagging A LOT, especially if used in conjunction with plugins like TrainCarts, no matter how efficient your scripting is. Calculating the movements for all those blocks EVERY tick for like 1000-1500 fallingblocks (as the show in the video) has a large impact on the server due to the timeconsuming calculations. You might want to reconsider this idea.
  15. Offline



    i dont want to reconsider the idea and I don't want 1000 - 1500 fallingblocks just something like 500 and i know my server can handle it because it works with /summon FallingSand (coordinates) {TileID:9,Time:1,Motion:[0.0,0.4,0.0]}
    and that is a lot of work and ugly!
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


  18. Dmrtje
    Maybe you can do something like this ? :p
  19. Offline


    Nope thats with summon and its ugly and i can't my console anymore, and now i only have 1 small fountain
  20. Offline


  21. The hardest part would be the algorithim to get the fallingsands doing the right thing
  22. Offline


    I had a friend who made this it worked like a charm. But it lagged the server pretty bad.. This isn't ideal for a small server, but it would be kinda cool.

    Try this:
  23. Offline


    TheSpherret and Desle like this.
  24. Offline


    You do realize the plugin would be doing the same thing........And you wonder why no ones done this yet.
  25. Offline


    for the devs: spawn a falling entity MATERIAL.WATER and let it move or something
  26. I think the code is something like
    World.spawnfallingentity(location,material.water, 0).setvelocity(x,y,z);
    In a for method with a large config file
    I Could be wrong though
  27. Offline


    yeah it is almost comletly what i want but i want ony that it is following a path and then disapears
  28. Offline


    I wish it were that simple.
    TheSpherret likes this.
  29. Offline


    but it isn't right?... you have to do stuff with velocity and vectors right?
  30. i think i know how to save the paths and make the water i'll give it a try might be a few days though
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