I've seached a lot for a plugin that can allow users to buy warps.I couldn't find it.Is there such plugin or no ? If there is can you please link it for me ? Thanks in advance Bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I could make it, however, Im away from my desktop right now... :S I will get to it on Wednesday when I get back [EDIT] I found a plugin that does this and much much more. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tp...k-w-prices-economy-visibility-1-2-5-r1-0.857/
Well this one is pretty strange and confusing.If you could make 1 it would be awesome i mean something like /purchase warp "name".
Grab CommandHelper. You can define an alias, so that way "/purchase warp $warp =" whatever the xWarp command is.