Voting to commands

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by craftiste, Jul 30, 2015.

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    Category plug: VOTING, execute a command,

    Proposed title: CommandVote
    What I want: Man with permission writes a command like /cvote <name displayed in the config> <necessary votes> <Execute command> [timeout] [performed once in how many seconds]
    Legend brackets: <Always> [Optional]
    Example: /cvote FirstOp 10 op_{LastVoted} false 10
    This example will start the vote. When typed 10 votes in favor, Last voted player ops.
    A second example: /cvote SayAsKlichko 25 say_{YesVotes}_votes 14
    This example will start the vote. When typed 25 votes in favor, chat shows "25 votes"
    A third example: /cvote NewVote 100 pex_user_{RandVoted}_group_set_Moder 120 604800
    This example will start the voting, which will run once every 604800 seconds (once a week). After dialing the 100 votes of the voters will be randomly moderator if typed 100 votes in 2 minutes.

    Ideas for commands: /cvote <name displayed in the config> <necessary votes> <Execute command> [timeout] [performed once in x seconds] - Starts a vote (see the examples)
    /cvoteyes (or /cvote yes) - Although it is easier to implement - "yes" votes
    /cvoteno (or /cvote no) - voted "Against"

    Variables (optional, but if you can implement - please): {FirstVoted} - Nick player voted first
    {LastVoted} - player's nickname, voted last
    {Votes} - number of votes (total)
    {YesVotes} - Number of votes "Placet"
    {NoVotes} - number of votes "Against"
    {RandVoted} - player randomly from voters
    Not the fact that is realized, maybe a different syntax, but: {Rand_x_y} - randomly number from x to y
    {RandUser} - player randomly on the server (even if he did not vote)
    Added on 07/30/15 18: 30-18: 40 (open)
    even more difficult to implement than {Rand_x_y} - {RandWord = "a", "b"} - is replaced by the word randomly (a or b) - and these words can be from 2 to infinity.
    {RandPlayerPerm = "example"} - the player with the right to randomly cvote.perm.example
    {RandBlockID} - randomly block ID
    {RandItemID} - randomly object ID
    {RandMeta = "1"} - randomly subject to randomly Metadata (in this example - returns 1: 1 or 1: 0 or 1: 4)

    Ideas of permissions: - the opportunity to vote "For" - the opportunity to vote "Against"
    cvote.create.timed - the ability to create voting timeout
    cvote.create.notimed - the ability to create timeless vote
    cvote.create.timed.timer - the ability to create a vote that will be created automatically every x seconds (if you enter all the arguments, that on account of the fifth argument), and the timeout
    cvote.create.notimed.timer - the ability to create eternal voting that can be created every x seconds - permishen variable {RandPlayerPerm = ""}

    When I need it? In general the deadline - a month, but I can tolerate and two

    What plug? The ability to entertain players. An administrator or a person with the right cvote.create.* Start Poll, the players vote. Upon receipt of the required count of votes is carried out team, which instead of spaces - underscore _. You can also use variables. Config thus do not need, but you can create a file yml, which will all vote.
    As well as using this plugin can do VoteBan, VoteMute or VoteKick.

    Approximate views config:
    config.yml or votes.yml (open)
    Timed: true
    - False
    - 0
    Timeout: 25
    - '/ Kill {FirstVoted}'
    Timed: false
    - True
    - 604800
    Timeout: -1
    - '/ Gamemode {LastVoted} 1'

    Something like this. There will be questions - ask.
    If you see a different configuration (but with the same features), you can share it in the comments. The most convenient configuration falls into a hat (to be seen developers) Attribution (you can ask for and no, I will point without specifying)
    Criticism (not rigid) was adopted. Sneakers, boots, shoes another - no.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2015
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