Voting for plugins?

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by Tarheels, Nov 1, 2011.

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    Is there a site that has voting which shows top voted plugins? or should bukkit make one to do this?
    I would like example=
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    I don't believe there is a plugin voting site. The closest I can think of is the blockface approved plugins list, but it's not really what you're looking for.

    As for bukkit implementing plugin voting... Not sure if that's a great idea. It'll most likely end up as a popularity contest and/or a way to bash those plugins you don't like. It's so very easy to down vote something when you don't have to provide any reasoning to anyone else about why that is the case.
  3. Offline


    True, I still believe it could be a good idea, but you would have to file more info; also if a moderator could move this to the right section please thanks
  4. Offline


    No but there should be :)
  5. Offline


    There isn't but there should be one. I definitely agree on that.
  6. Offline


    Hmm, if people were forced to provide justification, it might work. But then we have more load for the Bukkit staff to moderate these things, and we all know they do enough as it is.
  7. Offline


    BukkitDev is mirrored across several sites, each catering to a different audience. Voting is possible on - the more public facing and targeted verion of BukkitDev.
  8. Offline


    Ok good im glad its with BukkitDev too :D.
  9. Offline


    I honestly don't see any reason not to put something like this on BukkitDev. It's much easier to navigate through what's popular and find what you want. Having page views count to it could help too. No offense but the BukkitDev user experience is pretty bad at the moment.
  10. Offline


    The reason why not is this:
    New plugins start at the bottom. Will get noticed a lot less.
    And a sort of competition then starts (Vote for me and Ill do some awesome stuff!), which will only be won by big plugins. Small ones will just bite the dust really.

    Edit: I think a star rating is better, 1-5 stars. They should appear next to the plugin.
  11. Offline


    @Lolmewn This doesn't have to be the default order. The competition could be solved by using a scale, 1-5 or 1-10 instead of the thumbs up.
    I don't really see the big issue with small plugins not getting noticed either. If they are really good and unique, people like them and upvote them. If they are bad compared to other plugins in the same category and/or are not innovative or creative at all, they can stay at the bottom. I don't want those plugins clustered over my frontpage.
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