Use Commands as a Player over the Console

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Lomsor, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I've run into a problem with Factions and now try to find a workaround, I already expressed my problem on the Factions thread.
    The problem is that I'm using Mods. And some of them edit the world. Those Mods create Fake players to interact with the world. Now to be allowed to interact with the wold in certain areas they need to execute a command so they can bypass the system. No, it isn't saved in a file. It is only active for the duration the server is running. (Stated by developer) I can't enter the command into the console, I get this "This command can only be used by ingame players." Also I can't enter the server as another player.

    Is there a Plugin that lets you enter Commands over the console as a Player?
    Something like: 'asplayer Lomsor Hello all.' or 'asplayer Lomsor /f show'
    I already searched for 45 Minutes and found nothing.
  2. Offline


    Use Essentials /sudo from the console.
  3. Offline


    Thank you ... it works for everything else but not the thing I want ... well going to annoy the Factions creators ... Thanks for the info.

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