I have created a server with bukkit and many plugins off this site, I left it for a while because my friend seems to be away and we were creating it together however he still isn't avalible and minecraft 1.3 had come out and I don't know (because I have never done it before) how to update the server, I'm aware that I will have to update all the plugins when they come out but I'm not sure where to move all the files to and I don't want to mess it up... I'm on a mac so do you think you could help? tyvm Arcticmunkii
http://ci.bukkit.org/job/dev-CraftBukkit/435/ go here then click on craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar just download that and replace it with the old one. this works the same as for the plugins just download the new one and replace it with the old one. dont worry about all the other files in the plugin folder you can just leave them. only replace the .jar's
What about my actual minecraft server though wouldn't my world folder be old and I would have to update it?
You don't have to change anything inside your world folder, the server will upgrade your world to the new save format automatically.
Ah ok tyvm one more thing >D seeing as my friend is away and I want to run this on my mac for a while how do I do that when there is only run.bat?