Hello Bukkit Developers, I have come to request a plugin which is out of my league,I have attempted parts of this plugin myserlf and have failed to do so as I am not the best at java. I don't expect many replys as this is a huge plugin but if I could get one I'd be happy. Suggested name: UnityMC Survival What I want: There are a lot of features I would like in this plugin these features consist of... A Chat Format: <Players Name> (Red - Admins, Blue - Mods, Light Purple - Hyper, Aqua - Ultra, Green - Astro, Yellow - Member, Light Grey - players) <Message>(White) Join and Leave messages: <Player's Name>(Yellow) has joined(Light Grey) UnityMC Survival(Green(joined)| Red(quit)) Custom death messages. Mob Drops: To make the game a little bit more realistic with the mob drops I would like each mob to drop their default drops + 1-3 bones and the sheep to drop default drops + 1-3 bones and 1-3 raw beef Built in economy: Main source of money will be the fields(explained further down) mob drops and farming. As well as the drops from mob bosses(Explained further down) NPC Shops: These will open up chest gui menus can be explained further later. The gui menus will be pre set and the shops will be spawned with a command NPC Displays: These should be able to wear donator perk hats(Donator Perks will be explained a bit further down) and hold other items Built in minigames: Block Drop - 16 players will be in an arena which you can not break or place blocks certain blocks will fall from the sky and do a certain ability assigned to each block(example... tnt would explode without doing block damage, Nether rack would spawn fire in a 3 block radius of where it landed ect) Winners receive rewards Horse Racing - Pretty self explanatory 8 players race head to head towards the finish line on horses Mob Hunt - Put into an arena overgrown with trees and such and you have to hunt before time runs out to get the most points each mob is worth a certain amount of points. Maybe more implemented in the future Spleef - Good old fashion spleef Hats, Effects and Pets: Using a command(eg. /hat) will open a gui with options for hats, effects or pets depending on the command. These will be unlock-able or bought at the npc shops(Possible donator perks) Mob Bosses: Mob bosses are spawned with a command and broadcast the location and name of the boss so players can come and kill it for rare drops. Fields: Fields is a a area where you can go to get supplies. These supplies could be ores/minerals farming supplys or even building blocks(eg. stained clay) which replenish every 45 minutes. Land claims and Grief Prevention : Land claims will be chunks and not a size or shape chosen by a player. Grief prevention includes chest protection and logs of block placement and removal. Horse/donkey Protection is also included. Duel Arena: Where you ask another player for a duel and if accepted put into an arena with a stone sword and iron armour and to fight. Bets can be placed on the players dueling. Teleportation Crystals: These are ghast tears which would have the enchantment glow and when interacted with opens up a gui with options of what to teleport to(eg. Spawn, Shops, Fields, Home) each option will teleport the player to the specified area. The crystals will be removed after one use and only obtainable at a shop. Donation Perks: Donators perks include commands, armour with abilities, items with abilities and special pets dye - dye certain blocks and leather armour to different colours Leap Helmet - mob spawner that is placed on the players head, it allows a player to leap into the area or across a river or what not every 3 seconds. Light Boots - Gives player speed 2 as long as the player is wearing them but doubles fall damage Heavy Boots - Gives player slowness 2 as long as the player is wearing them but disables fall damage Energized Pick - Activated for 1 minute before a 10 minute cooldown, will break blocks instantly. Smelting Pick - Will smelt the blocks with smelting options on breaking the block Timber Axe - Cuts down the whole tree much like the timber mod Chicken Mount - Ridable chicken which has speed 2 and if players clicks the chicken will jump continuously as the player clicks but will only reach a certain height above the ground. More donator perks will be added in the future. Custom Administrative Commands: bans kicks mutes ect. Broadcasts/announcements every 30 minutes Ideas for commands: Player Commands: Basic: /help - Opens a gui which shows options(Tutorials, Guides, Commands, Information) /rules - Shows rules /msg and /r - message and reply commands /ignore - ignore specified players chat messages and commands /list - lists players /staff - lists staff /pets - opens pet gui /effects - opens effects gui /hats - opens hat gui Duel Commands: /duel - Opens duel help /duel request - requests a duel with a specified player /duel accept - accept a duel /duel deny - deny a duel /duel bet - place a bet on a specified player Minigames Commands: /bd join - join block drop /bd leave - leave block drop /bd spec - spectate block drop /hr join - join horse race /hr leave - leave horse race /hr spec - spectate horse race /mh join - join mob hunt /mh leave - leave mob hunt /mh spec - spectate mob hunt /spleef join - join spleef /spleef leave - leave spleef /spleef spec - spectate spleef Horse Protection: /horse protect - protect the horse you are looking at /horse release - release a protected horse Land Claim Commands: /land claim - claims the chunk the player is standing in /land unclaim - unclaims the chunk the player is standing in /land unclaimall - unclaims all the players chuncks /land add - add a member to the protection of the chunk /land remove - remove a member from the protection /land entry - disable|enable entry into the chunk /land flag - disable|enable a message("You are now standing in <player's name> land") when walking into the chunk Donator Commands: /dye - dyes a the item in the players hand to a specified colour /dc - donator chat /items - opens up donation items gui(Only lists items accorded to rank) More to be added in the future Admin Commands: /ban - bans specified player /tempban - bans specified player for certain time /kick - kicks specified player /mute - mutes specified player /warn - warns a specified player /ipban - bans a specified player's ip adress to disable alt abuse /tp - teleport to a sepcified player /entity - spawn specified entitys /time and /weather - set to specified time or weather /gamemode or /gm - gamemodes /broadcast - broadcast to the server /ac - admin chat /clearchat - clears chat Minigames Admin Commands: /bd start - start block drop early /bd end - end block drop early /hr start - start horse race early /hr end - end horse race early /mh start - start mob hunt early /mh end - end mob hunt early /spleef start - start spleef early /spleef end - end spleef early Land Claim Admin Commands: /land claim spawn|shops|fields|duel|bd|hr|mh|spleef - claims a chunk for the specified event /land unclaim spawn|shops|fields|duel|bd|hr|mh|spleef - unclaims a chunk for the specified event /land bypass - bypass land protection Boss Commands: /boss spawn - spawns specified boss /boss kill - kills the current boss Fields Commands: /fields replenish - replenish the fields supplies early /fields disable|enable - disable or enable fields Grief Prevention Commands: /gp log - log specified player /gp rollback - rollback grief from a specified player in a specified radius /gp forcerollback - rollback a specified player's entire log history Shop and Display Commands: /shop|display spawn - spawns specified shop|display /shop|display delete - deletes specified shop|display /shop|display tp - teleport to a specified shop|display Ideas for permissions: I do not plan on using any other/many other plugins besides pex(PermissionsEX) so for the permission nodes I would like... For Admins: survival.admin For Mods: survival.mod For Donator Rank(Hyper): survival.hyper For Donator Rank(Ultra): survival.ultra For Donator Rank(Astro): survival.astro For Members: survival.member For Default/Players: survival.player When I'd like it by: Whenever is good I really hope someone can help me create this plugin and I would be able to give you what I already have pulled together if you would like, thanks for reading
Afridge1O1 Why not use separated plugins? Your commands translated to existing plugins: Essentials Minigames ( yes, it is a plugin ) Any duel plugin. ShowCaseStandalone Any grief protection plugin.
If you want all these features to be done, you'll need to hire a Developer. Also, why recreating all of these features which have already been done by awesome people which you can use no problem. For example: Essentials for the basic commands: /msg /mute /rules etc... Search minigames like Mob-Hunt, Spleef, Duel or Horse racing and you'll find plenty of plugins. Any grief prevention plugin Worldguard for land protection Search shop plugins and you'll find plenty. These are examples, there are lots of plugins out there which can also be used. When using such plugins, you'll need less features. It's then more likely someone will create a plugin with the features that are left which you would like to have. Hope it helps