UHC Server Help!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by WaffleMC, Mar 5, 2014.

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    Hey, guys. I need a Plugin Coder, so if you're interested, please reply!
    I need help with my UHC Plugin "TesseractUHC" and any other plugins if I need to add them.
    Basically the plugin should include;
    *Creating and joining team of max. 2 players
    *Automatic game start at "x" amount of players
    *Teleporting the players [Teams together] to set postion
    * Generating new game after old ends
    * Healing turned off, heal by eating golden apples
    * Show health in [Tab] player menu...
    And all the other things from TesseractUHC for Minecraft

    I don't know if this is possible but you maybe could just download the files for Tesseract and fix them up for 1.7.x? I don't know much about plugins.

    If you're interested, please add my Skype: roner.pro
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    1) Are you asking to modify an existing plugin?
    2) if this is a minigame then what is it supposed to be like? All you gave was just the mechanics, but what is the real thing you want it to do? (What's supposed to happen?)
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    1. Yes
    2. It's technically survival (UltraHardCore) It's where you only regen with golden apples and if u die, u lose the game until someone wins. Technically like hunger games, but it's no chests and regen with golden apples etc. It is a minigame
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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    This is a plugin request forum. Report plugin issues to the authors.
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