What may cause this: Server restarts it wont load properly obviously coz ppl cant join to server unless i shut it down completely and restart again. I use remotetoolkit to restart / autosave. Code: 2011-08-06 15:22:34 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.3 2011-08-06 15:22:34 [INFO] Loading properties 2011-08-06 15:22:34 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on 2011-08-06 15:22:34 [WARNING] **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE! 2011-08-06 15:22:34 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware. 2011-08-06 15:22:34 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose. 2011-08-06 15:22:34 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.settings file. 2011-08-06 15:22:34 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-945-g73697a4-b1000jnks (MC: 1.7.3) 2011-08-06 15:22:35 [SEVERE] ebean.properties not found 2011-08-06 15:22:35 [INFO] DataSourcePool [DimensionDoor] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20] 2011-08-06 15:22:35 [INFO] SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader [org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader] 2011-08-06 15:22:35 [INFO] Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[1] 2011-08-06 15:22:35 [INFO] DataSourcePool [NiftyWarp] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20] 2011-08-06 15:22:35 [INFO] SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader [org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader] 2011-08-06 15:22:35 [INFO] Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[1] 2011-08-06 15:22:35 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) was Initialized. 2011-08-06 15:22:36 [INFO] [ElixirMod] - Version 1.00 Started. 2011-08-06 15:22:36 [INFO] Preparing level "world" 2011-08-06 15:22:36 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -469693181) 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [AcidRain] version 1.2.6 enabled. 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [AdminsCanFly] Version 1.2.1 - By Lappy 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [AdminsCanFly] Starting up... 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [AdminsCanFly] Loading configuration... 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [AdminsCanFly] Registering event listeners... 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [AdminsCanFly] Started up successfully 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [AdminsCanFly] Permissions v2.7.4 support is enabled! Will now listen to the auto-op config. 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] Bedtime: Will use Permissions v2.7.4 for permissions. 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] Bedtime 1.1.1 enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [BBROTHER] ------------------------------------ 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Hello, and thank you for using the TESTING version of BigBrother! 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Please note that, since this is far from complete, there will be many bugs. 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [BBROTHER] IF YOU FIND ANY BUGS, PLEASE REPORT THEM ON http://bugs.nexisonline.net/bb 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Please stay tuned in irc.esper.net #bigbrother for updates and build notifications. 2011-08-06 15:22:37 [INFO] [BBROTHER] ------------------------------------ 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Building `bbdata` table... 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] BBData H2 Driver r1 loaded! 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Building `bbworlds` table... 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Building `bbactions` table... 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #1 - BrokenBlock 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #2 - PlacedBlock 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #3 - DestroySignText 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #4 - Teleport 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #5 - DeltaChest 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #6 - Command 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #7 - Chat 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #8 - Disconnect 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #9 - Login 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #10 - DoorOpen 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #11 - ButtonPress 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #12 - LeverSwitch 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #13 - CreateSignText 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #14 - LeafDecay 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #15 - FlintAndSteel 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #16 - TNTExplosion 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #17 - CreeperExplosion 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #18 - MiscExplosion 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #19 - ChestOpen 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #20 - BlockBurn 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #21 - Flow 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #22 - DropItem 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #23 - PickupItem 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #24 - SignDestroyed 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #25 - Heartbeat 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Action #26 - BlockPistoned 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Building `bbusers` table... 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Permissions plugin found but disabled. Enabling 'Permissions' (v2.7.4). 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.7.4] (Phoenix) loaded 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Permissions enabled using: Permissions v2.7.4 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [WARNING] [BBROTHER] 'Help' isn't detected. No /help support 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] BigBrother 1.10.1-SNAPSHOT (build #648) enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] BlackLung version 2.5 loaded. 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] BleedingMobs Version: 2.0 by Perdog has been Enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [ClearInv] Now updating customItems.dat 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [ClearInv] Finished updating customItems.dat 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [ClearInv] Permission system detected 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [ClearInv] clear inventory version 1.4 enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.5.9 is enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is up to Date 2011-08-06 15:22:39 [INFO] [DimensionDoor] External permissions system found (Permissions v2.7.4) 2011-08-06 15:22:40 [INFO] [DimensionDoor] Registering and loading worlds... 2011-08-06 15:22:40 [INFO] [DimensionDoor] Applying world configuration: world 2011-08-06 15:22:40 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 6681394825451870685) 2011-08-06 15:22:40 [INFO] [DimensionDoor] Applying world configuration: hell 2011-08-06 15:22:40 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -5507789237695467551) 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [DimensionDoor] Applying world configuration: mobworld 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: 4431064177836963840) 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [DimensionDoor] Applying world configuration: ocean 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [DimensionDoor] 4 worlds configured! 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [DimensionDoor] DimensionDoor v1.5.0 is enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 3100 Books loaded! 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] FalseBookBlock v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 2 Cauldrons successfully loaded. 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] FalseBookCart v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [FalseBook Chat] 0 ChatRooms loaded. 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] FalseBookChat v0.87alpha DEV#2 by GeMo enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [FalseBook Core] FalseBookCore v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] FalseBookExtra v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] FalseBookIC v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] FenceDoor By Ashour version 2.5 enabled. 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [Flight] Enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] [Giant Trees] version 0.3.3 is enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] HigherExplosives: Using Permissions plugin that looks like version 2.7.4 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] HigherExplosives: There is no default config for Creeper. Those explosions will be left unaffected unless they have a world specific configuration. 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] HigherExplosives: Default config for TNTPrimed is: Conf( activeBounds=Bounds(), radiusMultiplier={ (chance:1.0, value:4.0) }, playerDamageMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, creatureDamageMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, itemDamageMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, tntFuseMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, preventTerrainDamage=not configured, will be left unaffected, fire=not configured, will be left unaffected, yield=100.0, yieldSpecific=no specific block yields configured, tntPrimePrevented=not configured, will be left unaffected, tntPrimeByHand=no sub-configuration specified, tntPrimeByFire=no sub-configuration specified, tntPrimeByRedstone=no sub-configuration specified, tntPrimeByExplosion=no sub-configuration specified, creeperCharged=no sub-configuration specified, ) 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] HigherExplosives: Default config for Fireball is: Conf( activeBounds=Bounds(), radiusMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, playerDamageMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, creatureDamageMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, itemDamageMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, tntFuseMultiplier=no multiplier configured. will leave unaffected, preventTerrainDamage=true, fire=false, yield=not configured, will be left unaffected, yieldSpecific=no specific block yields configured, tntPrimePrevented=not configured, will be left unaffected, tntPrimeByHand=no sub-configuration specified, tntPrimeByFire=no sub-configuration specified, tntPrimeByRedstone=no sub-configuration specified, tntPrimeByExplosion=no sub-configuration specified, creeperCharged=no sub-configuration specified, ) 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] HigherExplosives 2.0 primed and ready 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] Found and will use plugin Permissions v2.7.4 2011-08-06 15:22:41 [INFO] HomeX enabled. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [iConomy] Logging is currently disabled. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [iConomy] v5.01 (Eruanna) loaded. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [iConomy] Developed by: [Nijikokun] 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [iConomy] hooked into Permissions. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 1 jail zones. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 0 prisoners. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 0 cells. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] Lockette version 1.3.8 is being enabled! Yay! (Core version 1.0) 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [1000] ok. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] Lockette: Linked to Permissions plugin version 2.7.4 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] Lockette: Ready to protect your containers. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] LPMCNavigator V0.4 by [Mentioum] is enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] MagicCarpet version 1.5.6 is enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Take yourself wonder by wonder, using /magiccarpet or /mc. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Using Permissions. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] mobchange 0.3 by Edfake is enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] [mcMMO] Permissions version 2.7.4 found, using Permissions. 2011-08-06 15:22:43 [INFO] Loading Config File... 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [mcMMO] Permissions version 2.7.4 found, using Permissions. 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] mcMMO version 1.0.50 is enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] Memory max: 1037959168 bytes 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] Memory total: 1037959168 bytes 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] Remote Toolkit Plugin V0.45b enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [MobBounty] v4.05 (Oxygen) enabled. 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [MobBounty] Developed by: [Mattera, Steven (IchigoKyger)]. 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [MobBounty] Special Thanks to: nijikokun for the Register API. 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [MobBounty] Config loaded. 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [MobBounty] Permission plugin was found (Permissions v2.7.4). 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [MobBounty] Payment plugin was found (iConomy v5). 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [ModDamage] enabled [Permissions v2.7.4 active] 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [ModDamage] Debugging active. 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] -Offensive:worlds:mobworld:mob:Creeper[set.1, roll.2] 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] -Offensive:worlds:mobworld:mob:Skeleton[set.1, roll.2] 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] -Offensive:worlds:mobworld:mob:Slime[set.1, roll.2] 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] -Offensive:worlds:mobworld:mob:Spider[set.1, roll.2] 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] -Offensive:worlds:mobworld:mob:Zombie[set.1, roll.2] 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] Version: 51 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [NarrowtuxLib] v0.5.1 by [narrowtux] enabled. 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [NarrowtuxLib] Payment method found (iConomy version: 5) 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [NiftyWarp] - Integrated with Permissions v2.7.4 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [NiftyWarp] - NiftyWarp v1.0 has been enabled 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] Pigasus: Permissions 2.7.4 found 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] Pigasus v0.1 is enabled for worlds: [world] 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] properTime reading from config at C:\Users\Jani\Desktop\NewWorld\plugins\properTime\properTime.conf 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] properTime 1.8.9 initialized 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] ScheduledAnnouncer v1.7.0 is enabled! 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] Shattered version 1.0 loaded. 2011-08-06 15:22:44 [INFO] [SlimeChunk] Enabled. I cannot connect to server at all and either can my friends ( plugins: acidrain admincmd adminscanfly bigbrother blacklung bleedingmobs bukkitcontrib buttonlock clear craftbukkituptodate dimensiondoor elixirmod falsebook fencedoorv2.5 flight flowerpower higherexplosives homeX iConomy jail lockette LPMCNavigator magiccarpet mchange mcmmo minecraftRkitplugin mobbounty mobdisguise moddamage narrowtuxlib niftywarp-1.2 permissions (2.7.4) pigasus plugincontrol propertime regios scheduledannouncer shattered slimechunk_1-1 spongerestore spout stackable supplisign v0-3 waterproofredstone vehicleexit volcano worldborder worldedit worldguard vote Grantree Volcano Also im using bukkit 1000, minecraft 1.7.3. so are players on my server. What may cause this bug that server restart wont work properly or something else causes the bug so no1 can join. it just says "connecting" and then "read timed out". Anything in the server log? plugins which wont work together?
Do you try, in your "server.properties" files, to change the "online-mode" value to "true" (without quotes) ?
why true? does it matter? ive always ran in offline mode coz 1 of my friend is poor idiot who dont buy the game-.- and if its online mode then every1 can join cant they?