[TP] VoxelPort v2.033 - Travel In Style and On Schedule [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Voxel Box, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Voxel Box

    HawkIHeo, svict4, Mahagon and 5 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Hey we had our voxelport working great and everything for one day, but now it seems to be having a issue... Sometimes when people ride it they arrive in a black hole and they're stuck there until someone tps them out
  3. Offline

    Voxel Box

    I would suggest using VoxelSniper, even if it's just for the handy /vupdate command. This updates chunk errors.
  4. Offline


    Yea that works to fix it but i'll have to do that everytime i use voxelport?? What about my members who aren't in the file for access to voxelsniper, they can't use vupdate...
  5. Offline


    Actually, vupdate is a command available to any user.
  6. Offline


    Oh my bad a member told me he didn't think he had access. Well anyways so we have to do this every single time we use voxelport basically?
  7. Offline

    Voxel Box

    No. Only sometimes when the chunk doesn't load. If your members are complaining about typing 8 characters, suggest to them to bind /vupdate to a key using Improved Chat.
  8. Offline


    Edit: Post deleted since i'm talking to him ingame
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Thanks for your help, your probably one of the most helpful guys on this forum and you know what your doing. Your levelheaded and simply amazing at supporting people. Thanks once again przerwap.

    P.S. our server crashed cause of hosting issues, so my apologies about that and about the "incident"
  11. Offline


    Thank you, and sorry for what i did and my reaction, i hope no hard feelings...? Also i wanted to thank you for helping out our developer (drageer) with some coding. I really appreciate it
  12. Offline


    I guess VoxelPort is not OpenSource?
    I would really like to remove that "Woosh!"-Message after being teleported.
    Also, I'd like to suggest (If suggestions are allowed), to be able to use a real 24h Time system (Yes, I'm talking about the real time, outside of Minecraft :p). The reason for this ist, that we're using a 24h Day/Night Cycle on our Server and we would really like to make the teleport schedules fit with the time, e.g.: Teleport every 20 Minutes (00:00, 00:20, 00:40, 01:00 ect.).

    Is there a chance that you add these things?

    - Schinken
  13. Offline


    20 minutes is an awful long time to wait for transport.
  14. Offline


    I know, it was just an example, but let's say I have short-range teleports every 2 minutes or so, and long-range ports every 10 minutes, that wouldn't be too bad i think.
  15. Offline

    Boon Pek

    It seems to me as if the command, /vp welcome [name] [message], does not seem to function :p
  16. Offline


    Last I checked, some 2-3 months ago, it worked. Insta-ports don't display welcome messages aswell, I don't think.
  17. Offline

    Boon Pek

    Oh, it worked! I thought that the welcome message was supposed to activate upon arrival at another port. My bad! :d

    Anyways, is there a way to format the "Woosh!" message, and other messages? :p
  18. Offline


    What other messages, also no.
  19. Offline

    Boon Pek

    "This VoxelPort will dispatch in: []"
  20. Offline


    Not really
  21. I just downloaded this plugin today, so i'm kind of a total noob at it, but i checked the wiki and it said to use /vp point to start to select the area that the voxel port will be. However, when I try to do this, it just says: Example: /vp - need to write the help. Am I doing something wrong?
  22. Offline

    Voxel Box

    Yes, you're doing something wrong.

    Add yourself to a "admns.txt" file in your server's /plugins folder. Use proper caps (as you're seen in game), one name per line.
  23. Offline


    this having any issues with recent RB?
  24. Offline


    So I just installed voxelport and added the admns.txt file is in the plugins folder with my name in it. I am server admin, the server registers voxel as being there but when I type any of the commands I get a "no such command" text in the server. I have absolutely no clue what im doing wrong at this point. I have the latest version of craftbukkit, I am running the SimpleServer wrapper.
  25. Offline

    Voxel Box

    We haven't tested VoxelPort with the new RB extensively enough, but we'll get back to you on that.

    Please verify you installed VoxelPort correctly, War. If it says "no such command," it may be conflicting with that wrapper (?? what it does).
  26. Offline


    I have just tested that VoxelPort is not compatible with my server wrapper in some way or I am not setting it up properly within SimpleServer. Thanks for the suggestion. Really is a shame, was looking forward to this plugin.
  27. Offline


    can you update this for 1.8?
  28. Offline

    Voxel Box

    Who said it didn't work on 1.8?
  29. Offline


    could you add Custom messages?
  30. Offline


    I've been wondering, WalkingUpdateInterval defaults to 2000ms, but since I prefer more instant teleports I set it to 100ms. Could this impact my server's performance a lot in any way, if I'd have enough RAM to run it? I'm not too familiar with these kind of things.

    But most importantly, thank you for releasing the Voxel Box's hard plugin work for other servers to use and have fun with. I've mostly been enjoying VoxelSniper a lot, as it improved terraforming drastically, which was formerly one of Minecraft's most dreary tasks.
  31. Offline

    Voxel Box

    They are in there already! Check through the documentation for custom arrival messages!
    It may impact your server, but if you have the RAM for it, it won't. It just does more checks on every user (i'd assume more users = more server intensive)

    Also, I'm glad you're enjoying our plugins! Great thanks to przerwap for putting them out there, with Gavjenks, giltwist, psanker, and DivineRage giving some additional programming.

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