Inactive [TP] MultiWorld v1.9.0 - The easy multi world plugin [1317]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ferrybig, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. MultiWorld - The easy multi world plugin
    Version: v1.9.0

    Show Spoiler
    I designed this plugin because the multiworld plugin I was using, no longer was supported. its an easy to use multiworld plugin, and also my first. It support permisions and superperm.

    * support world removing
    * support nether/skylands
    * just a few command for you to remember "/multiworld","/mw","/goto"
    * you can now have creative worlds and survival worlds next to each other (hard to configure this)

    * v1.9.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.8.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.7.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.7.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.6.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.4.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.2.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.2.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.0.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    permision nodes for permissions Bukkit:
            description: Gives access to all the permissions
                multiworld.admin: true
                multiworld.whitelist: true
            description: The most used permissions
                multiworld.goto: true
                multiworld.list: true
            description: Just the basic permissions
                multiworld.minium: true
                multiworld.getflag: true
                multiworld.creativemode: true
            description: moderator settings
                multiworld.basic: true
                multiworld.setflag: true
                multiworld.reload: true
                multiworld.move: true
            description: admin settings
                multiworld.moderate: true
                multiworld.create: true
                multiworld.remove: true
                multiworld.debug: true
            description: Teleport to a world.
            default: true
            description: list al the worlds.
            default: true
            description: removes a world.
            default: op
            description: Creates a world.
            default: op
            description: save the data.
            default: op
            description: chance the nether portals links.
            default: op
            description: reload the plugin.
            default: op
            description: shows the help text.
            default: true
            description: sets an world option.
            default: op
            description: get an world option.
            default: true
            description: able to get the creative mode at creative worlds.
            default: true
            description: dont get affected at creative worlds.
            default: false
            description: shows debug information about the plugin.
            default: op
            description: move a player to another world.
            default: op
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Flags for "/mw getflag" and "/mw setflag" Note: the flag value can be "true" or "false" (or ("on" or "off") or ("allow" or "deny") or ("yes" or "no"))
    * SpawnMonster - spawn monsters at this world
    * SpawnAnimal - spawn animals at this world
    * PvP - allow pvp at this world
    * RememberSpawn - make the server keep the spawn at its memory
    * CreativeWorld - makes this world creative

    * Add an option to delete the world totally.
    * Add an option to enter the world seed.
    * Make an option to kick al the users from the world before removing it.
    * Add flags to worlds to stop monster spawning and animal spawning.
    * Make an option to save the worlds at the YML format.
    * Add custom language support
    * add support for creative worlds and survivel worlds whit separated invs.
    * make the height of the flatland terrain chancable

    * [med] it can acept tokens like "/" at the file name, what can cause wrong things to happen

    change log:
    version 1.9.0:
    * added 1 new world gen: Planets
    * fixed a bug about the gamemode chancer

    version 1.8.0:
    * stopped support of permissions plugin

    version 1.7.1:
    * tried to fix the bug that cause your game mode not be reverted

    version 1.7.0:
    * Fixed the cause of the following bugs:

    - * [med] it spams errors at the server consule when you try to use not setted portals at worlds when the portal handler is activated at the config
    * [low] it dont say the name of world after creation
    * [low] portals using + creative worlds + unknown world to warp to = error
    - added 2 new commands: "/mw move", "/mw debug"
    - deleted some dublicated code (it was loading config.yml 2 times at startup)
    - added 1 more option at config (its consulelogging.debug and is an boolean(not documented at that file))
    - deleted 1 option at config
    - now it makes its config automaticly

    Show Spoiler
    version 1.6.0:
    * added an option to link nether portals to other custom worlds
    * added new permission: - use the mw link command
    * addded new command
    * rewrote world gen
    * added an custom diffecalty for the custom worlds at config

    version 1.5.2:
    * made the flatland creator less cpu using

    version 1.5.1:
    * fixed the bug at 1.5.0

    version 1.5.0:
    * fixed the bug whit creative mode and admins
    * added 2 new world generators
    * shows an list of world generators if entered it wrong
    * added option to enter the seed when making world
    * [Bug] It have problems loading worlds after server startup.

    version 1.4.0:
    * Added an creative world flag (enable it at the config.yml)
    * Added an option to select the debugging level (chance it at config.yml)
    * added an configuration file "multiworld/config.yml"
    * added 2 new permissions: multiworld.whitelist, multiworld.creativemode
    * automaticly restores the inv if you go from an creative world to an survival world

    version 1.3.2:
    * Fixed the part always setting the pvp flag when you set a flag

    version 1.3.1:
    * fixed the bug that it was showing the world name instead of the enviroment whan using a wrong enviroment
    * fixed the new bug from v 1.3.0

    version 1.3.0:
    * You can now use * as flag name when using "/mw getflag <world> <flag>"
    * New bug: when you use an unknown world, it says the wrong thing

    version 1.2.1:
    * fixed a bug where the flags was been saved at the wrong file

    version 1.2.0:
    * added 3 new permision nodes: multiworld.setflag, multiworld.getflag, multiworld.*;
    * 2 new subcommands: "/mw setflag" and "/mw get flag"
    * fixed the bug that the help screen was using the permission "multiworld.goto" instead of ""

    version 1.1.2
    * Forgot to fix 1 grammar error, now fixed

    version 1.1.1
    * fixed the grammar errors @Ninjag said

    version 1.1.0
    * added /goto as alias for /multiworld goto
    * added alias /mw for /multiworld
    * new permision to see the help screen ""

    version 1.0.0
    * first release of the plugin
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  2. Offline


    How to insall the new multiworld?
  3. Offline


    update it plz
  4. Stop demanding updates if there already are some. Just go to the DevBukkit site of this plugin(The link is in the OP!)
    And if want it for 1.2.4 TRY it, it will most probably work as it is not a huge update!
  5. Offline


    i have some you might like

    4.Globe ?

    not in any ranking order. but if u like those let me know.

    fyi non of those names are taken. not yet at least ;)
  6. Offline


    it loads a file but never has anything in it?
  7. what do you mean?

    you replied to 1 of the first messages, that time is long done now

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  8. Offline


    Also, Just responding to yur post, on the /help advanced there is a typo, it says al flags instead of all flags :)
  9. thx, but try to say this things on the bukkit dev thread, because thats more updated
  10. Offline


    Hello! Very nice plugin i really liked it! But in some servers i visit, they have stargate and use it with this plugin. I have made a teleport, but on theese servers they have made a world and call it "Freebuild" When you get there you got Creative gamemode. I would like to know how they do it. Can you please tell me =D? Would be nice!
  11. read the "faq'" at the bukkit dev site
  12. Offline


    Hey I can't get the /mw link command to work. Well it says that it does work but nothing happens when you get into the nether portal. I have Craftbukkit version 1.2.5-R1.0. I load up the server. I use "/mw create test Normal" to create a normal world named test. It works. I use "/mw goto test" to see if it worked properly, and it did. Then I use "/mw goto world" to return to the original world. Then I went into "~\plugins\Multiworld\config.yml" and changed the part "useportalhandler: false" to "useportalhandler: true". Then saved it. Restart minecraft client. Restart Bukkit Server. Reconnect to Server. Then "/mw reload" to make sure plug in is reloaded. Then "/mw goto test" to return to the 2nd world. Now I type "/mw link test world" This should link nether portals here to the original world. So I build a nether portal and light it up. When I stand in it the screen does the visual purple effect but never takes me anywhere. Eventually I jump out of it and I'm still in the world "test". So I type "/mw goto world" to return to the first world. And here I build another nether portal. And I type "/mw link world test" to try to make the link work the other way. When I stand in this nether portal it just takes me to the nether, just like regular minecraft. I have seen videos where trying exactly what I have done has worked ( for others so I am stumped. Any help would be much appreciated! :confused:
  13. Offline


    can I turn off or on PvP for each world? Or turn creative on or off for each world?
  14. Offline


    [quote uid=99985 name="ferrybig" post=652849]MultiWorld - The easy multi world plugin
    Version: v1.9.0

    Show Spoiler
    I designed this plugin because the multiworld plugin I was using, no longer was supported. its an easy to use multiworld plugin, and also my first. It support permisions and superperm.

    * support world removing
    * support nether/skylands
    * just a few command for you to remember "/multiworld","/mw","/goto"
    * you can now have creative worlds and survival worlds next to each other (hard to configure this)


    * v1.9.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.8.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.7.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.7.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.6.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.4.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.2.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.2.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.0.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    permision nodes for permissions Bukkit:

            description: Gives access to all the permissions
                multiworld.admin: true
                multiworld.whitelist: true
            description: The most used permissions
                multiworld.goto: true
                multiworld.list: true
            description: Just the basic permissions
                multiworld.minium: true
                multiworld.getflag: true
                multiworld.creativemode: true
            description: moderator settings
                multiworld.basic: true
                multiworld.setflag: true
                multiworld.reload: true
                multiworld.move: true
            description: admin settings
                multiworld.moderate: true
                multiworld.create: true
                multiworld.remove: true
                multiworld.debug: true
            description: Teleport to a world.
            default: true
            description: list al the worlds.
            default: true
            description: removes a world.
            default: op
            description: Creates a world.
            default: op
            description: save the data.
            default: op
            description: chance the nether portals links.
            default: op
            description: reload the plugin.
            default: op
            description: shows the help text.
            default: true
            description: sets an world option.
            default: op
            description: get an world option.
            default: true
            description: able to get the creative mode at creative worlds.
            default: true
            description: dont get affected at creative worlds.
            default: false
            description: shows debug information about the plugin.
            default: op
            description: move a player to another world.
            default: op
    Flags for "/mw getflag" and "/mw setflag" Note: the flag value can be "true" or "false" (or ("on" or "off") or ("allow" or "deny") or ("yes" or "no"))
    * SpawnMonster - spawn monsters at this world
    * SpawnAnimal - spawn animals at this world
    * PvP - allow pvp at this world
    * RememberSpawn - make the server keep the spawn at its memory
    * CreativeWorld - makes this world creative


    * Add an option to delete the world totally.
    * Add an option to enter the world seed.
    * Make an option to kick al the users from the world before removing it.
    * Add flags to worlds to stop monster spawning and animal spawning.
    * Make an option to save the worlds at the YML format.
    * Add custom language support
    * add support for creative worlds and survivel worlds whit separated invs.
    * make the height of the flatland terrain chancable


    * [med] it can acept tokens like "/" at the file name, what can cause wrong things to happen

    change log:

    version 1.9.0:
    * added 1 new world gen: Planets
    * fixed a bug about the gamemode chancer

    version 1.8.0:

    * stopped support of permissions plugin

    version 1.7.1:

    * tried to fix the bug that cause your game mode not be reverted

    version 1.7.0:

    * Fixed the cause of the following bugs:

    - * [med] it spams errors at the server consule when you try to use not setted portals at worlds when the portal handler is activated at the config
    * [low] it dont say the name of world after creation
    * [low] portals using + creative worlds + unknown world to warp to = error
    - added 2 new commands: "/mw move", "/mw debug"
    - deleted some dublicated code (it was loading config.yml 2 times at startup)
    - added 1 more option at config (its consulelogging.debug and is an boolean(not documented at that file))
    - deleted 1 option at config
    - now it makes its config automaticly

    Show Spoiler
    version 1.6.0:
    * added an option to link nether portals to other custom worlds
    * added new permission: - use the mw link command
    * addded new command
    * rewrote world gen
    * added an custom diffecalty for the custom worlds at config

    version 1.5.2:

    * made the flatland creator less cpu using

    version 1.5.1:

    * fixed the bug at 1.5.0

    version 1.5.0:

    * fixed the bug whit creative mode and admins
    * added 2 new world generators
    * shows an list of world generators if entered it wrong
    * added option to enter the seed when making world
    * [Bug] It have problems loading worlds after server startup.

    version 1.4.0:

    * Added an creative world flag (enable it at the config.yml)
    * Added an option to select the debugging level (chance it at config.yml)
    * added an configuration file "multiworld/config.yml"
    * added 2 new permissions: multiworld.whitelist, multiworld.creativemode
    * automaticly restores the inv if you go from an creative world to an survival world

    version 1.3.2:

    * Fixed the part always setting the pvp flag when you set a flag

    version 1.3.1:

    * fixed the bug that it was showing the world name instead of the enviroment whan using a wrong enviroment
    * fixed the new bug from v 1.3.0

    version 1.3.0:

    * You can now use * as flag name when using "/mw getflag <world> <flag>"
    * New bug: when you use an unknown world, it says the wrong thing

    version 1.2.1:

    * fixed a bug where the flags was been saved at the wrong file

    version 1.2.0:

    * added 3 new permision nodes: multiworld.setflag, multiworld.getflag, multiworld.*;
    * 2 new subcommands: "/mw setflag" and "/mw get flag"
    * fixed the bug that the help screen was using the permission "multiworld.goto" instead of ""

    version 1.1.2

    * Forgot to fix 1 grammar error, now fixed

    version 1.1.1

    * fixed the grammar errors @Ninjag said

    version 1.1.0

    * added /goto as alias for /multiworld goto
    * added alias /mw for /multiworld
    * new permision to see the help screen ""

    version 1.0.0

    * first release of the plugin


    hey i got stuck

    [quote uid=90573743 name="pumakid98" post=1149990]hey i got stuck[/quote]
    i made a world called ponyville and my first 1 its called 24/7 mariguas but i cant go back :3
    plz help me :)

    CAN i make portals ???
    for my 1st world to my second world and im still stuck at the 2nd world when i type /mw goto 24/7 mariguas says
    type /goto so i do it and it still says the same thing!!! plz help me :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  15. Offline


    Hello sir! I tried to make a new superflat world and named it spawn. I could easily name it but when i did /mw create spawn flatland it never worked. It only made a new world and named it but it was never a super flat world.
  16. Offline


    hey i try to link the portals but it says The function u tried to used is not enable enable 1st plz help
  17. Offline


    does this create a whole new world but keeps the defualt one. and if it does are you able to link a portal to that world?
  18. I dont know what your trying to say, can you explain it more?
  19. Offline


    I have the plugin but how do I add custom maps from downloading them or you made in singleplayer. I added my singleplayer map to server and I want to use on it. Also people have been bugging me about adding it when I was done with the arena which I am.
  20. just make an world whit the same name as that directory
  21. Offline


    Serious Issue,
    All though this does not show on my console or any where else
    I can't seem to be able to chat from one world to another,
    maybe there is a glitch, i have reinstalled the plugin several times, please help.

    Thank you for reading.
  22. the version that I already have released dont block the chat between worlds, can you try it whit none plugins to see if this plugin is the cause?
  23. Offline


    Thank you ferrybig! ;) You deserve some [cake]
    The problem was Dynmap Herochat, Dynmap in itself works with this plugin
    However Herochat will not, this may be some intererence even though all worlds have been added,
    Now the only problem is LiveMaps don't work :p
  24. Offline


    i was able to make a new world but unfortantly, the map for this new world was the same map as my world from before, it did not make a new map for this new world, why is that

    how do i get a map for the new world? when ever i look at the map, its the map of my other world and i want a new one. Can you please tell me how to do fix this and get a new map?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  25. craft 1?
  26. Offline


    Hello. I am currently using MultiWorld and have created a new world. It works GREAT! But how do I make a portal so if you jump in it teleports you to that world? Please respond ASAP. Thanks. ;)
  27. Offline


    i try tthat, and it uses my map from the other world, i dont get a new map for the new world, only the map from old world, i mean when i look at the map, i see the land of the old world, not the new one
  28. Offline


    Is there a way I could add my old worlds to the world list? There is no config file and I don't know if creating one works.
  29. you try to craft a feww maps, if you raft your first map in nether, and you got an map from creative inv before, it use the map at the normal world

    /mw create <old world name>

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  30. Offline


    Ah! Thank you! :D Great plugin it's really useful!
  31. Offline


    Hi, I cannot link the worlds with portals because it says the function is not enable. I go to the multiworld folder, but it is empty without a config, I have tried restarting the server.

    Also your permissions list uses the world minium twice, instead of what I presume you meant, minimum.

    Another major issue I'm having now, upon restarting the server, the world I created using /mw create disappears and is no longer listed, although the folder still exists on the server.

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